
Friday, November 7, 2014


spelled correctly



It is always refreshing to do a follow up story, especially when new developments unfold that are compelling and that are capable of taking or minds off the mainstream narrative and their various ways of spinning climate change, ISIS, and Ebola.
Unfortunately we have at least two space disasters that have taken place and a whole new batch of conspiracy theories that may or may not be complete disinformation. The tragedy of Virgin’s Galactic Spaceship 2 crash has set the space tourism program back many years and whoever is dominating outer space now will be able to continue their ‘work’ unabated. We also watched helplessly as the Antares rocket exploded as it took off into space. In a fiery nighttime explosion, the rocket carrying supplies to the International Space Station exploded six seconds after launch.
With all the conspiracy theories about Russian espionage and alien attack set aside, there have been some circumstantial events surrounding these tragic events that need to be observed. In order to get to the bottom of what has happened we need to go back to June of this year.
On June 20th KABC Channel 7 News in California filed a story about strange lights seen over Malibu and connected it with a story that was actually first reported by Jimmy Church of the “Fade to Black” radio show.
The Huffington Post reported a few weeks earlier about the possibility of a hidden alien structure below the ocean 6 miles of the coast of Point Dume in Malibu, California. It is an unusual looking structure that sits on the seabed floor.
It appears to be an the oval-shaped object that has a huge flat top and what appear to be pillars or columns that seem to reveal the entrance to a darker, inner place.
The anomaly is approximately 2,000 feet below the surface of the water, measuring nearly 3 miles wide.
Jimmy Church the host of “Fade To Black” on Art Bell’s former Dark Matter Radio Network, reported that one of his listeners someone named Maxwell contacted him last month with a Google Earth image showing something odd, underwater off the coast of Malibu. Church then asked graphic designer Dale Romero to capture as many angled images of the anomaly as he could.
The anomaly can be found by using Google Earth coordinates 34° 1’23.31″N 118° 59’45.64″W.
Geologists of course are not calling it a UFO base and of course there isn’t a sign hanging off of it that declares that it is. Only that in 2009 the anomaly did catch the attention of Geologists and they called it the Sycamore Knoll. Geologists believe that it is a thrust fault and while it is 2000 feet below the surface they aren’t about to go down and prove that it is either a natural phenomenon or artificial.
However the pillars and the entrance below is a compelling geological anomaly that can’t easily be not explained nor can he UFO activity that has been happening near Santa Barbara and strange lights over Venice Beach.
The UFO activity may just be a coincidence and there have been many fireballs that are seen that are mistaken for UFOs.
Recently there has been a discussion regarding a number of anomalous short band radio broadcasts that were detected and recorded at the 10 to 12 meter band at intervals at 54 KC. The presumed location for these broadcasts was an area just outside of Port Dume in the Pacific Ocean.
The 12-meter band is frequented during the day, but during the busier parts of the solar cycle, long distance communications can be achieved at night as well.
The broadcasts at first sound like data dumps or telemetry, however the more data that is broadcast the less that the sounds and electronic wines appear to be from planet earth. The sounds do not match with regular shortwave number stations or data.
The sounds were sent to Robert Stanley of Unicus Magazine by a Ham radio operator named Emmet who used the 12-meter band frequently to contact friends in New Zealand. The strange signals would show up every 54 kilocycles. Emmett asked several of his colleagues from Catalina island to Oxnard if they heard the sound, he was surprised to hear that they didn’t.
Emmet says that his home is located right near the so-called submarine underwater UFO base near the Sycamore Knoll at Point Dume.
When I first heard the signals it reminded me of the scene in The Empire Strikes Back when Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are scouting the icy planet, Hoth. A number of meteorites were hitting the planet and they needed to investigate. The rebel base on Hoth heard what sounded like a strange alien broadcast on their channels. Soon they realized it was an Imperial probe droid. Chewbacca first encountered it and when he fired on it, it exploded. It was determined that the probe had a self destruct and it was sending information to the Empire as to where the rebel base was.
There is also the sound that was heard in the movie Independence Day where a signal is picked up at a radio telescope that sounds unearthly. It is a huge scarping noise that startles the young scientist. It was a message that was sent waiting for a response. If there is no response or authenticator code the alien ships would attack.
The transmissions near the so-called Point Dume UFO base are compelling especially the timing of the release of these transmissions.
On November 2nd, 2014 a moon sized UFO appeared near the sun in film footage captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory recording solar activity in a video uploaded to Youtube on November 2.

UFO Near The Sun, Twisting Solar Eruption , Oct 28, 2014

The UFO has an unusual geometry comprising right angles that leads to the conclusion that it is of alien origin. The UFO appears to have a trail of solar particles behind it in the film footage of large solar flare activity originally recorded on October 28.
If the UFO is of alien origin, it would be a dramatic example of a Type II extraterrestrial civilization able to harness solar energy according to the Kardashev scale of a civilization’s technological advancement.
The November 2 video shows large solar flare activity in the form of coronal loops occurring near the sun on October 28 as recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
The UFO’s appearance is not very dramatic as it flashes above a huge solar storm or wave that rises up from the surface.
Meanwhile the Sentinels have returned. On October 31st, Halloween night there were many reports of the three bright UFOs hovering over Colorado, Utah, Texas, and California.
These three UFOs have been the subject of much speculation as of late and now it seems that they have not left the skies.
On October 3rd, 2014 a video was shot of one of the sentinels over Crestone Colorado. It was one of the best recorded shots of the anomaly. The video was shot by well known meteorologist Scott Stevens.

2014 1003 Crestone UFO

It is important that you understand that there have been some anomalous developments taking place in space, developments that the western media has not reported thoroughly.
In fact they have ignored these major developments for fear that it might panic that populace. It is important that we report these stories to you in order to demonstrate that we are most certainly preparing for the alien intrusion and that there are military personnel and others that are no longer keeping quiet.
Each year, over 300 objects intersect Earth’s orbital trajectory. They range in size from a soccer ball, to the size of Manhattan.
It is only a matter of time, before we arrive at the wrong place at the wrong time. We are also tracking a wave of extra-terrestrial anomalies from alleged wormholes, vortices, lights and spaceships that no one has seen before. The sun is also very active and solar flares and CMEs have also been determined to be grave threats to our way of life.
We have all sorts anomalies now that are not easily explained ad the weird part is no one is saying anything about weather balloons, swamp gas or even Venus.
We simply are not getting a straight answer, while in the meantime it seems that the frequencies and the skies are very active with unknown objects and signals that are waiting for the authenticator code.

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