
Wednesday, November 12, 2014




I watch a lot of science fiction movies and there are those that are utterly fantasy like Star Wars, and others that are really over the top that include a sentient tree and what appears to be a psychopathic raccoon fighting aliens with a green alien hottie and some guy who nick names himself Star Lord. While those movies are fun and non thinking films, there are others like Elysium and Gravity that attempt to pull you into what appear to be real science involving many areas including cultural anthropology.
I recently attended a showing of Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, and while it may not be entirely accurate, it’s fantastic that it’s getting people curious about the real theories behind it.
I know that when a film is first in theaters it is hard to spark a discussion of the film without giving any spoilers. The discussion it will spark about the relationship between time and space and the survival of humanity is worth the money in itself to see it now. There are so many ideas and possibilities in Interstellar but the apocalyptic vision and the breakaway civilization themes harkens back to the theories of Alternative 3 and how we as a civilization will have to deal with leaving Earth in order to maintain our kind.
We have been told countless times by scientists that the planet in a lot of respects is doomed to possible climate disruption, environmental toxicity, and the lack of resources. We are also vulnerable with regard to possible radioactive contamination due to disasters that have happened like in the case of Fukushima disaster in Japan or possible Mutually assured destruction due war.
We have new diseases to combat in the future and other possible disasters looming as well. Is this all part of something that is soon to become an extreme extinction level event and are there protocols in place to protect at least some of the inhabitants of earth?
With the passing of Comet “Siding Spring” over Mars a few weeks ago NASA kept most of what happened buried under the crises that were more down to earth.
With all of the taxpayer money used to watch the comet pass dangerously close to Mars we did not get many pictures, nor many answers from NASA. The best picture was released by an astronomer that used a telescope to capture dramatic footage of the Martian atmosphere exploding as the comet passes overhead some 87,000 miles up.
The event was caught by Dr. Fritz Helmut Hemmerich, who recorded the action with a video telescope from his perch on Mount Teide, more than two miles above Tenerife, in the Canary Islands.
Watching the atmosphere explode into a huge ball of fire was impressive and frightening at the same time. The fusion of the comet and the explosion made for one hell of a dynamic astronomical event.
Dynamic astronomical events occur on a large scale. Astrophysics is a rapidly changing science, new cataclysmic process are discovered regularly. It is possible that there is a presently unknown mechanism that would cause a planet wide nuclear based detonation if triggered by Plutonium based nuclear explosions. You can be certain that an astronomical scale dynamic event like that would remove all life from the Earth.
Once again we could see an event like this happen on earth if by some horrible cosmic bad luck a miscalculation happened at the CERN supercollider caused an unbelievable explosion that would rip a whole in space time or if the reactors at the Fukushima Nuclear plant became hotter than a neutron star causing a chain reaction that could bring about a dynamic astronomical or extinction level event.
We have been also worried about the sun and the astronomical event that could create a geomagnetic disaster from a coronal mass ejection. This would cause satellite shutdown, massive fires and in an extreme case ignite the atmosphere.
All of these events are possible, many scientists will say they are improbable, however astro-dynamics are tricky things and what is labeled as hypothetical science can change rapidly or as they say in the holy book in the twinkling of an eye.
“Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
In other words things happen more rapidly that if you blink you mill miss the miracles that will happen as we pass through the astro-dynamic wormhole.
The film Interstellar hints at the apocalypse that we are all too familiar with. An apocalypse that has had the blessing of NASA, some scientists and others. Climate disruption and environmental catastrophe is the invisible phantom that in reality has not prompted a study into possible evacuation of the planet. At least a study that we know of in the mainstream.
Many times we have discussed the possibility of plans that the government have discussed privately like Alternative 3. Speculative science about a possible evacuation of planet earth dates back to before the official space program was created by NASA.
During the Apollo missions there has been information spread by Richard Hoagland and Timothy Good that when Armstrong landed on the moon there were communications that purport that there were saucer craft lined up to greet the astronauts in 1969 and that one of the purposes of the landing was to do a ritual on the moon in order to communicate with these beings. This was a very important meeting because it started the negotiations with Russia about a joint space program to learn more about these beings.
According to Leslie Watkins, David Ambrose and Jim Keith, this was all part of a plan called “Alternative 3” where even before we heard of things like global warming it was already theorized that the earth was on a collision course with doom. Whether it was from an ecological catastrophe, overpopulation or spent resources the aliens were colluding with American military intelligence to provide an escape plan or an evacuation protocol.
The story wound up being presented as a documentary on a British program named “Science Report” and later as a book detailing the plans for a “cosmic Noah’s ark” that would be loaded with human beings for possible colonization on the moon or Mars.
While the documentary was a hoax, and aired on April Fool’s Day, Jim Keith called it clever disinformation where the truth was buried in the lie and deserved further investigation.
Another possibility is far darker and clandestine and includes a secret society of scientists called “the JASON Society.” This secret group was first spoken of my William Cooper author of the book Behold a Pale Horse. In the book Cooper reports that President Eisenhower put together the Jason Scholars to investigate all things cosmic including extra-terrestrials, UFO’s and the so called breakaway group that would have to evacuate the planet to start civilization elsewhere. There were many proposals for stations on the moon, mars and a more complex project called “The Lucifer Project.”
The theories of Richard Hoagland, and the rumors of William Cooper are taken to their frightening extreme in this dark tale of conspiracy, cover-up and the horrible aftermath of disaster.
The Lucifer Project seems improbable and has been said to be impossible However if you look back at space history and how secret societies have had agendas to create a binary star or sun system in our cosmic neighborhood you may want to prepare for a shove into the “new Saturnalian age.”
The Lucifer project has been jeered as a load of pseudo science because the mission’s alleged goal is to detonate a huge nuclear explosion on Jupiter or Saturn in order to re ignite the gas giants into suns in order to create Goldilocks conditions with their many moons and outlying planets within their respective systems.
These moons and planets would then become inhabitable and warmer in order to sustain life, life that would be comfortable and sustaining with a new sun with the right amount of distance to provide adequate warmth.
The Lucifer Project had been conceptualized by the JASON scholars and was later made popular by writer Arthur C. Clarke in the book 2010 as well.
There have been many skeptics that have said that in order for this to happen there would have to be an overwhelming nuclear fission explosion more powerful than we could possibly create in order to convert a gas giant into a sun. Moreover the nuclear reaction would have to be inside the planet and not on the surface of the planet.
The potential for a runaway nuclear fusion process that would ignite Saturn as a new sun, Lucifer, appears to be a genuine concern. Based on several accounts, the Lucifer Project is an exo-political topic that if real will impact every life on planet earth.
In 2000, a body of work dating back the late 1950’s was released from a library at Kirtland Air Force Base, It was titled, “A Study of Lunar Research Flights.” The reports revealed that the United States of America had been interested in setting off a nuclear detonation on the dark side of the moon. This was known as Project A119.
Leonard Reiffel, the physicist who fronted the project, produced eight reports on the plan’s feasibility between May 1958 and January 1959. According to the reports, the motivation for such a project was threefold: scientific, military, and political.
The scientific purpose of the project dealt with the environmental impact of a nuclear explosion on the moon’s surface. The military was interested in placing arms in space, and the political goal was to send a message of threat by example to our Soviet counterparts.
The project leaders needed to ascertain the likely extent of the environmental disturbances, such as biological or radiological contamination, that might occur if a bomb were detonated on the surface of the moon. The major obstacle in their path was public opinion. The public was not to know about the project until the political climate could be properly manipulated. But, eventually, the project was scrapped when they could not come up with a way to either obtain public approval or carry the test out in secret.
The reports revealed in 2000 had theorized, however, that while the impact of the test would be very low, it would definitely put a blemish on the face of the man in the moon.
After Galileo had finished its mission, NASA decided it was time to plunge the probe into Jupiter. This raised the concern of those who knew of what the Jason Scholars wanted to do with project Lucifer. On September 21st, 2003 the probe slammed into Jupiter carrying with it a nuclear payload. Nothing was said about what the result was until October of 2003 when it was reported that there was a enormous black smudge on the planet’s surface. The spot was 7,900 miles wide, roughly the size of planet earth. It was speculated that when Galileo exploded above Jupiter, its plutonium payload ignited the hydrogen filled atmosphere and caused a chain reaction.
The explosion was 2,800 times the size of the largest atomic bomb that had ever been detonated on planet earth. That bomb was the largest ever made at 50 megatons. When it was detonated on earth it caused a fireball that was about 2.8 miles in diameter.
Now keep in mind that William Cooper claimed that the JASON Society have been working together and conducting experiments using nuclear fusion to somehow ignite gas giants like Jupiter or Saturn in order to create a distant sun capable of sustaining life on the moons of both Saturn and Jupiter and other outlying planetoids.
However it seemed that the JASON-like experiments were continuing in order to explore the possibility of water on the moon. Water that could be used for interstellar missions, and other missions to Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
On June 18th, 2009 The LCROSS mission was designed to search for water on the moon by sending a rocket crashing into the moon, causing a massive explosion on the lunar surface.
This explosion released materials from the lunar surface that were analyzed for the presence of hydrated minerals to tell researchers if water is there or not. The two main components of the LCROSS mission were the Shepherding Spacecraft and the Centaur upper stage rocket.
The Shepherding Spacecraft guided the rocket to a site selected on the moon with a high probability of containing water.
They had only one chance with this mission in finding water, the researchers had to be very precise where they programmed the Shepherding Spacecraft to guide the rocket.
The result was a huge explosion that could be seen from earth.
In December of 2012 when doomsday prognosticators were looking to the skies for clues to our demise, it was shown that many of the planets in the solar system were going through some major upheavals. The planets Jupiter and Saturn were showing signs of pole shifting and Jupiter, it was reported became magnetically inverted.
The Cassini spacecraft passed very close to Saturn and sent back pictures of a horrific looking blood red vortex. It was a hurricane near its north pole. Cassini initially spotted the storm in 2004 through its heat-seeking infrared camera, when the North Pole was shrouded in darkness during winter. The spacecraft first caught the storm in visible light in 2009, when NASA controllers altered Cassini’s orbit so that it could view the poles.
The result was an image of a hexagon at the pole. This was a creepy synchronicity because the hexagon and the number 6 have always had a relationship with the god Saturn. Saturn has always been associated with the black sun or the dark twin to our Sun. Saturn is also associated with the golden age a time where there were no seasons. In a time of two suns, the question is whether or not the seasons would change. The hexagon of Saturn is an alchemical symbol for the black sun and it was there that NASA and the so-called JASON scholars had considered aiming the Cassini space probe and having it barrel into the planet and detonate it after it was decommissioned.
NASA decided that the hexagon needed more observance and kept Cassini orbiting the planet.
Now, what William Cooper says is true, and if the JASON Scholars have been busy trying to find planets to inhabit or suns to ignite then their third and final try to ignite Saturn could happen in September of 2017.
Starting in late 2016, the Cassini space probe will zip between Saturn and its innermost ring a total of 22 times in a mission phase now known as the “Cassini Grand Finale,” which will end in September 2017 when the probe intentionally dives into the gas giant’s atmosphere into the hexagon and detonates its nuclear payload inside the planet.
Will the Cassini space probe be used as a nuclear trigger to ignite Saturn and terra-form its moons for human colonization? The answers can be found with time and research.
However time may be running out.

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