
Friday, October 24, 2014

TransEvolution: The Age of Human Deconstruction ~ hehe these trans kooks never ,fucking EVER factor in ...evil  ...til 'their' monster starts chas~in 'their' ass's  ALL over the N pole ?  Oops


top secret
 Daniel Estulin is an award winning investigative journalist and best selling author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, published in 64 countries and translated into 41 languages. In August 2010 he was invited by Fidel Castro for a personal meeting in Havana after Castro read his book. In October 2010 Mr Estulin became the first journalist to give a speech to the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Venezuelan armed forces on global financial structures and the Bilderberg Group – an annual invitation-only conference of the elites in the fields of business, finance, media, military and politics.
Mr Estulin has authored 12 books, five of them international bestsellers, including The Invisible Empire, Conspiracy Octopus, Deconstructing Wikileaks, and The Lords of Shadows.
His latest book, TransEvolution: The Age of Human Deconstruction, suggests that the depth of progress and technological development is such that people in the very near future may no longer be fully human. He asks: Is humanity in danger because of this domination of science and technology?
In the following interview with New Dawn magazine, Mr Estulin discusses the rise of transhumanism, the ‘Age of Transition’, post-humanity, synthetic biology, cybernetic immortality, new technologies of control, and the reasons why the global elite are interested in population control.
NEW DAWN (ND):  Most New Dawn readers are acquainted with your best selling book The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, in which you expose the secretive global elite planning group that meets annually. You reported that at this year’s Bilderberg meeting they expressed grave concern about the rise of Iran, Russia and China. And of course the volatile situation in Ukraine. Before we discuss your latest book, “TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction,” could you elaborate on your approach to understanding world events?
DANIEL ESTULIN (DE):  We are witnessing first hand the destruction of the world’s economy and the work of supranational forces. When one speaks of policy we often mean foreign or national executed by national governments. But we have to understand that Presidents and Prime Ministers are messengers of those who rule the world from behind the scenes. Which is why to understand what is happening in the world we have to frame issues in terms of global policy decisions. These decisions are not made at the White House or Downing Street but rather in the back rooms of the supranational elite. What is taking place in the Ukraine, the revolts in Venezuela, the utter destruction of the American economy (read Detroit), drug wars in Colombia and beyond, Kosovo, Yugoslavia in the 1990s, Syria, Colour Revolutions, etc, etc. – these are not isolated events but rather part of the continuum to change the very paradigm of modern society and take us to hell through deindustrialisation, zero growth, demand destruction, perpetual wars, etc.
ND:  Your book warns about the imminent “transhumanist” revolution which seeks to integrate human with machine. What exactly is transhumanism and how is it connected directly to the global elites you’ve written extensively on in the past?
DE:  Transhumanism is an ultra high tech dream of computer scientists, philosophers, neural scientists and many others. It seeks to use radical advances in technology to augment the human body, mind and ultimately the entire human experience. To most people this sounds like something from a science fiction film. Few are aware of constant breakthroughs in technology, which makes the transhumanist vision a very real possibility for the near future.
For example, neurochip interfaces, computer chips that connect directly to the brain, are being developed right now. The ultimate goal of a brain chip would be to increase intelligence thousands of time over – basically turning the human brain into a super computer. Lifelong emotional well-being is also a key concept within transhumanism. This can be achieved through a recalibration of the pleasure centres in the brain. Pharmaceutical mood renderers have been suggested, which will be cleaner and safer than mind-altering drugs. This is Aldous Huxley’s 21st century scientific dictatorship without tears.
Transhumanism was born out of humanism, which is yet another clever disguise of “scientism,” created specifically so that global eugenics operations could be carried out without being noticed.
ND:  At the start of TransEvolution you make a link between the 2005 Bilderberg Group meeting and the 2006 British government document ‘Strategic Trends Report 2007-2036’. Was the discovery of this link one of the reasons you wrote the book?
DE:  Exactly. At the end of the 2005 Bilderberg Conference in Germany, I was given a first draft of what later turned into a UK government report, ‘Strategic Trends Report 2007-2036’, a secret source document on the future of humanity. This 91-page report is a blueprint for the UK’s future strategic national requirements through the analysis of key risks and future shocks to the world’s financial, economic, political, demographic and technological areas and markets.
But it wasn’t the only report. In my investigation I came across two additional very important reports published over a decade ago by the British government and the US government. One is called ‘The Age of Transition’ which dealt with nanotechnologies, biology, information technology and cognitive technology. The other is ‘Russia 2045 Global Future’.
It was the hope of three conferences, ‘The Age of Transitions’, the ‘Global Future 2045 International Congress’ and the ‘NBIC’ conference, to integrate humanity with nature to save Planet Earth from mankind. Visions laid out included robotics, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, life extension, brain enhancement, brain-to-brain interaction, virtual reality, genetic engineering, teleportation, human-machine interfaces, neuromorphic engineering and enhanced human capabilities for defence purposes.
Once you break down the Orwellian speak, you realise that we, the people, are the enemy of the elite and through technological advancement and enhancement they will be able to control the future of humanity.
ND:  The controversial Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, who has been dubbed “Putin’s brain” by the globalist CFR journal Foreign Affairs, warns in regard to the transhumanist agenda: “There will be some black magic yet, and certain things that will outright petrify. I think genetic engineering – we’re only now seeing the last people; we haven’t yet seen the first post-people, which are very soon to come. These should be mutants, clones, and they aren’t just fantasies or science fiction.” What do you think will happen?
DE:  Our children are the last truly human generation of human beings on the planet. We will have transhuman children – post human, man-machine, cyborgs who are not totally human as a result of synthetic biology.
Now, in one of the biggest breakthroughs in recent history, scientists have created a synthetic genome that can self-replicate. They have taken a cell and modified the genes of a cell by inserting DNA from another organism. And the bacteria replicated itself thus creating a second generation of the synthetic DNA. The organism will do exactly what the scientist intended: a living thing, but under the control of Man.
If the 19th century was all about the revolution of harnessing energy from fossil fuels, and the 20th century was about exploiting the power of data, this century will be about controlling biology.
What’s amazing is that the cell was assembled and sparked into life in a laboratory. This technology takes mankind across a threshold. A turning point that marked a coming of age of a new science called synthetic biology, founded on the ambition that one day it will be possible to design and manufacture a human being.
In other words, you can get DNA of anything here on Earth and create organisms that never before existed entirely from non-living materials. Scientists are creating new life forms that the human immune system and the world have never so far experienced. As such, it will revitalise perennial questions about the significance of life – what it is, why it is important and what role humans should have in its future.
ND:  Most people seem oblivious to what is just around the corner in terms of technology and its impact on human life. You say in your book that transhumanism is “steered by the elite” and that “we, the people, have not been invited.” What are some of the visible strategies being employed by the elites to dumb down the population so they sleepwalk into this so-called transhumanist “utopia”?
DE:  Media, social media in all of its manifestations, and especially Hollywood – GIJoe 2, Prototype, Transcendence, Gatacca, I am Legend, Moon, Minority Report, AVATAR. Video games like ‘Deus Ex’. These are films, but the reality is far more dangerous.
Once they see some of these same gadgets employed in real life, people think they are still watching a ‘cool’ Hollywood ‘flick’. For example, in Minority Report Tom Cruise’s character John Anderton has a radical surgery to replace his eyes so that he can get past security systems that scan his retina to identify him. As he’s lying in a tub recovering from his black-market procedure, tiny robots sneak into the room and scan his eyes in an attempt to track down the fugitive Future Crime officer. The ability to scan retinas to identify people is straight out of a sci-fi film but, outside of the use of spider-like drone bots, this is very much present and near future. In fact, soon your eyes may not even need to be in close proximity to the scanner to be identified.
Engineers at Southern Methodist University are working closely with the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency to develop a new type of eye scanner that could identify a room full of people without their knowledge. The new image sensors, called Panoptes, could locate and scan a person’s iris regardless of distance, and even if they’re not looking directly at the camera. The system, dubbed Smart-Iris, is impervious to problems like poor lighting, glare, eye-lashes, or movement. And, with the help of a new algorithm, it can function with only a partial scan.
One of the most talked about areas of research is something called the “Active Denial System,” ADS. ADS is a by-product of a larger ongoing research effort looking for technology that could delete and then replace a person’s memories via the use of electromagnetic radiation.
If you are thinking Men in Black Hollywood science fiction, you are absolutely right. Except the technology, called “Amnesia Beam,” is here, ready to be used at a moment’s notice. What’s more, a team of neuroscientists has actually developed a brain scan based on finding hints about what a subject is intending to do. This is a nightmare version of Minority Report made reality.
Scientists claim that the seeds of criminal and anti-social behaviour can be found in children as young as three. More researchers believe that violent tendencies have a biological basis, and that tests and brain imaging can pick them up in children. By predicting which children have the potential to be trouble, treatments could be introduced to keep them on the straight and narrow. If the tests are accurate enough, then a form of screening could be introduced in the same way we test for some diseases. The theories were put forward by two leading criminologists at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington.
Please understand, these are not publicly funded projects for the betterment of humanity, but they are mostly secret experiments sanctioned in the name of defence, which when put on its head is crime prevention. Extrapolated into the future it’s tailor-made to put down any rebellion by the 99% of the world’s population destined to live in abject poverty in crime infested Mega-Cities of the future.
Let me give you another example. Last year FOX showed a TV series called Almost Human where one of the main characters is a cyborg cop interacting with humans in society. Almost Human is about neuroscience, a key element of the elite’s control. Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system. With advances in chemistry, computer science, engineering, medicine and other disciplines, neuroscience now also includes the study of the molecular, cellular, developmental, structural, functional, evolutionary, computational, and medical aspects of the nervous system. From molecular and cellular studies of individual nerve cells to imaging of sensory and motor tasks in the brain, neuroscience has crossed the threshold of science and has become a key element of national security apparatus the world over.
The development of sophisticated neuro-weapons will create a perpetual state of uncertainty with the promise and peril of the development of neuro-warfare and its effects. Emotional detection systems will pervade public areas as global surveillance networks seek out terrorists and criminals.
These technologies are not being developed to stop the terrorists but rather to stop you! The laws to justify these technologies are not written on a whim. They are specifically designed to give the government carte blanche authority over the people during the chaos and confusion of the ‘Age of Transitions’. Transition to a planetary civilisation.
You see, the future Bin Ladens and Qadhafis are not the enemy. In fact, they never were. You are the enemy. Whether at airports, border crossings or on the street corner, from now on we will be mind-probed by amazing new technology developed by the Human Factors Division of the Department of Homeland Security’s Science & Technology directorate [this is an actual division of US Homeland Security].
ND:  You write that: “Transhumanism fills people’s hopes and minds with dreams of becoming superhuman, but the fact of the matter is that the true goal is the removal of that pesky, human free will itself.” Do you believe the elites are planning this coming age of machine and robots (which are very sophisticated and will replace many human jobs) as a way to eventually eliminate the excess of humanity, the “useless eaters” as they’ve been termed?
DE:  There is an effort by the mainstream press to focus on the work issue and completely miss the bigger picture. First, let’s look at the technology. Brain machine interfaces would allow the control of machinery with the brain itself. Implantable brain chips would also be able to store information and enhance cognitive function. The ultimate human machine symbiosis would be to download the actual copy of a person’s brain into a super computer.
I repeat, this would allow someone to effectively live forever in a computer-generated virtual simulation. And, of course, the military implications of convergence are quite obvious. A cybernetic enhancement of human performance is inevitable. Achieving these visions requires the decoding and understanding of complex systems. The most important complex system being the human brain. After all, it is the driving force behind human performance.
Augmentation can be a huge business for these corporations. We have been integrating ourselves with technology for decades now, replacing damaged limbs with mechanical limbs, implanting data chips into our bodies which give away huge amounts of information to governments and corporations all across the world. Has it come to the point when we will be actively encouraged to exchange our perfectly functional body parts for upgraded applications?
But it comes at a price. You will have to take the drugs for the rest of your lives to make sure the augmentation works. These drugs are both dangerous and addictive and expensive. If you don’t, your body will reject your augmentation. The elite will have their technology in you. They have the power to turn off your limbs, the potential to turn off your eyes, send messages to your brain and control your thoughts as if they have the power of God.
The technology doesn’t end there: Intel is working on implantable sensors in the brain that will be able to directly control computers and cell phones. By the year 2020 you won’t need a keyboard and mouse to control your computer. Instead, users will open documents and surf the web using nothing more than their brain waves.
The potential ‘benefits’ of such technology are almost beyond imagination. An article on the website of the Science Channel put it this way: “If you could pump data directly into your gray matter at, say, 50 mb per sec – you’d be able to read a 500-page book in just under two-tenths of a second. How would the world change if you could download a lifetime of learning directly into your brain in a matter of weeks?”
The possibilities are endless. But so is the potential for abuse. Through interaction, implantable microchips can ‘talk’ directly to the brain, bypassing sensory receptors. This would give a tyrannical government an ultimate form of control. If you could download thoughts and feelings directly into the brains of your citizens, you could achieve total control and never have to worry about them turning on you.
We haven’t even scratched the surface. Called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), this technology is already in use in the USA, UK, Spain, Sweden, Germany and France. It allows them to see through your eyes, hear your thoughts, and upload photos and scents into your brain as real as if you saw or smelled it in the natural environment.
Needless to say, the perpetrators can hear what you hear because you become a unit of the mainframe. They can change your behaviour, affect memory functions and emotions. This is not a plotline of a dystopian novel. This is real and it is being implemented today, every day by the governments who profess to protect us from evil.
In fact, you could potentially program these chips to make your citizens feel good all the time: The ultimate goal of Huxley’s scientific dictatorship without tears – soma personified. The future is now.
Instead of drugs like cocaine and marijuana giving you a natural high, you could have these chips produce a ‘natural high’ that never ends. Drug dependency replaced by a fully government sanctioned chip dependency. The way of the future.
Post-humanity will be a new human, genetically engineered and brain-chipped for total control. Part man and part machine, the new man will no longer have a need of the sexual reproductive function. If the elite’s plan is to reduce the world’s population, can you think of a better way to do that?
ND:  What’s the connection between elite control of the world’s food supply and the depopulation agenda?
DE:  There is no better or cheaper way to reduce population than through starvation. And in order to starve a people to death you must take control of their food production away from independent farmers and put it into the hands of giant corporations subservient to the interests of World Company Inc.
Ten to twelve pivotal companies, assisted by another three dozen, run the world’s food supply. This cartel has complete domination over world cereals and grains supplies, from wheat to corn and oats, from barley to sorghum and rye. But it also controls meat, dairy, edible oils and fats, fruits and vegetables, sugar, and all forms of spices.
While these firms maintain the legal fiction of being different corporate organisations, in reality this is one interlocking syndicate with a common purpose and multiple overlapping boards of directors.
Please understand, this interlocked self-perpetuating syndicate decides who eats and who doesn’t, who lives and who dies. It is a virtual spider web of financial, political, economic and industry interests with the Venetian ultramontane fondi model at the centre. These people own and manage the affairs of an interlocking corporate apparatus that dominates choke points within the global economy, especially finance, insurance, raw materials, transportation, and consumer goods.
But it does not end there. The control of food supplies is a matter of national security. The US Department of Agriculture is one of the key elements in a national security edifice attempting to control the world food market.
Food is power. When it is used to cull the population, it becomes a weapon of mass destruction. You may not realise it, but the elite certainly do.
ND:  In light of these alarming behind-the-scenes developments, can you elaborate on the global elite’s long-term plan?
DE:  There are currently seven billion people on Planet Earth, a small blue orb meandering through space with limited natural resources and an ever-expanding population. Food and water are becoming scarcer. The elite understand this: a larger population equals fewer natural resources and more food and water supply shortages. Therefore, from the point of view of an oligarchical elite, if they want to completely control a planet, they must reduce the population to a more ‘manageable’ number. Remember, seven billion people and growing is a lot of mouths to feed. For the elite to eat, you and I have to die. How is that for a solution?
ND:  How can aware people resist this diabolical ‘TransEvolution’?
DE:  We have to understand that all of us have a place in the universe. Immortality, the way I understand it, is assuring the survival of the human species. Human beings are the most divine element of the known Universe. Nothing compares to our divine spark of reason. Technology and progress must be used to increase Man’s power in the Universe, not to destroy humanity.
Readers are encouraged to obtain a copy of Daniel Estulin’s book TransEvolution: The Age of Human Deconstruction, in which he lays out the full evidence for the points covered in this interview (and much more). The book can be purchased from all good bookstores or Signed editions of his books are available from his online store

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