
Friday, October 3, 2014




There is an old saying that comes from Shakespeare that basically states that even the most docile of creatures when bothered will move or react. That saying is the worm has turned.
It mostly describes a reversal of attitude, or change of heart or quite possibly a change so drastic that we no longer recognize what we first knew.
When I was a teenager I once had a terrible dream about Mr. Rogers of Mr. Rogers’s neighborhood. I often wondered what it would take to get Mr. Rogers to yell at you, or what would cause a man so passive to become a killer or a person who could harm people?
Everyone has a breaking point and everyone has a moment when they change.
It was about year ago that President Barack Obama announced he would bomb the Syrian government, only to change his mind at the last minute.
Here we are now a year later and we are bombing Syria weeks after the president made his speech to the American people once again changing his mind and telling us that an even greater monster exists in the region that has to be annihilated.
When Obama announced his strategy to fight ISIS, he stealthily put in a plan to further invest in the Syrian rebels, whom politicians claimed would be used against ISIS. But these rebels are rebelling against the Syrian government, not ISIS. In fact some of them are now joining ISIS and are creating an even bigger problem for the United States.
During the speech he gave on the eve of September 11th, 2014 I remember there was something that was not right about how the President looked.
I glanced up and saw Barack Obama and to me it did not look like him. He could not of aged that much, and I noticed that his hair has been turning gray. This time he looked ghoulish and demonic, enough for me to comment.
I then received a message from a reliable source that told me that the President was not speaking at the Whitehouse. I was told that what was being seen was either a Hologram or a green screen effect.
When Obama entered the room there was a technical difficulty where the president for the moment was rendered invisible. There was also an image of Obama leaving the podium and as he leaves the light and shadows he cast seemed to be going in the wrong direction and just before he ducked out of the room it looked as if his ear had pixilated out of the image.
There are many people on the internet that believe that Obama’s speech about the bombing of Syria was made in another location and not at the Whitehouse.
After the speculation I was speaking to a friend about how just a week prior to his speech someone found an ISIS flag hanging at the Whitehouse, fueling my fear that perhaps President Obama is being targeted and yet no one is saying anything about the safety of the president.
There have been at least two Hollywood movies that have been released in theaters dealing with what can be called a decapitation exercise. Olympus has Fallen and Whitehouse down are two works of fiction that demonstrated what could happen if terrorists were to attempt to take over the Whitehouse.
Since the days of the Cold War, the United States has had a plan in place to continue the operation of the government following a catastrophic attack on the nation’s capital. Because of its sensitive nature, details from the classified “Continuity of Government Plan” have been kept secret.
Buried deep within the 98-page National Continuity Plan is the strategy for the mass evacuation and relocation of every federal government agency including The White House and the military in response to an exceptional catastrophic event within the National Capital Region. Each agency is required to have a detailed Continuity of Operations Plan in place.
The operational authority for the Continuity of Government was shifted from the civilian Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to the White House Military Office in early 2009, giving the White House full control over this important national security program.
In the most recent news we have been hearing about security breaches with regard to President’s safety.
President Barack Obama rode in an elevator with an armed, convicted felon during a September 16th trip to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Three days later an intruder scaled a White House fence and made it into the mansion.
The media is calling these security breaches “embarrassments” for the secret service, but are they really embarrassments?
The elevator incident exposed a serious breakdown in the Secret Service’s safety protocols. In close quarters or small events, when the president is on the road, all of the people who could have access to him must be checked in advance for weapons and any criminal history.
Under a security program called the Arm’s Reach Program, Secret Service advance staff run potential staff, contractors, hotel employees, invited guests and volunteers through several databases, including a national criminal information registry, and records kept by the CIA, NSA and Department of Defense, among others. Anyone who is found to have a criminal history, mental illness, or other indications of risk is barred from entry.
We live in times where trauma events, provided by organized terrorists could cripple us in a way that could send the entire country into a worse panic than what we experienced during the 9/11 attacks.
We all know that The Constitution makes the Vice President the successor if the President dies or is incapacitated, but it establishes no order of succession beyond that. Federal law, most recently the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, establishes further details.
If the Vice President dies or cannot serve, then the speaker of the House of Representatives becomes President. After him in the line of succession come the president pro tempore of the Senate, typically the longest-serving member of the majority party and then the members of the Cabinet, in the order in which their posts were created—starting with the Secretary of State and moving to the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, and so on.
The frightening scenario of a decapitation exercise is such a horrific thing for America that no one would know what to do. It most certainly would give officials a reason to declare martial law, but under whose authority and would the American people cooperate or would they rebel?
What if a dirty bomb was triggered somewhere near the White house and it killed both the President and the Vice President, and maybe the speaker of the House, too? Who would run the country if it was too hard to track down the next living person in line under the Succession Act?
What civilian leader could immediately give U.S. military commanders the orders to respond to an attack, and how would that leader communicate with the military?
I know that these scenarios are very hard to discuss, but there seems to be a lapse in security that I believe needs to be addressed with regard to the White house and the safety of our nation’s capital.
During the 9/11 attacks you may recall that Dick Cheney was able to participate , or take advantage of the extra-constitutional continuity-of-government exercises. Operating from the underground shelter beneath the White House, called the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, Cheney told Bush to delay a planned flight back from Florida to Washington. It is also been debated as to who was giving orders to the military about how to handle Flight 93 as it was allegedly heading for the White house.
At the Pentagon, Rumsfeld instructed a reluctant Paul Wolfowitz to get out of town to the safety of one of the underground bunkers, which had been built to survive nuclear attack. Cheney also ordered House Speaker Dennis Hastert, other congressional leaders, and several Cabinet members evacuated to one of these secure facilities away from the capital.
Cheney has always insisted that he was and is still exempt from the presidential orders requiring government wide procedures to safeguard classified national security information. His logic being that when he served as Vice President, he was not an “entity within the executive branch.”
It is reported that Cheney along with several other men with former positions ion government still are part of the “Shadow Government” that is activated in case of a national emergency.
Back on January 29th, 2014 Ground zero reported that a nonspecific manufactured action by the government would trigger social unrest and a tension filled environment where many applications of police state activity would be imposed and used in the United States.
Battlefield scenarios were already laid out and destabilization processes were being tested outside of the United States. Many of these destabilization exercises could be seen as attempted Coups either in Europe or eventually in the United States to disrupt the ability for government to continue business as usual. These coups would be used to bring down various governments in order to have waiting in the wings another shadow government or a government that would guarantee continuity if there was a decapitation exercise.
It all sounds good on paper, however there is no guarantee that in case of a national emergency there wouldn’t be a power grab, or some other unplanned incident that would thwart the plan of continuity that would leave us vulnerable to our enemies.
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 52, authorizing the mass detention of 400,000 people in the event of “civil unrest” protesting a U.S. invasion of Central America. It was part of a plot, code-named Rex-84 Alpha, created by the National Security Council under the direction of Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North. It called for suspending the Constitution, placing the nation under martial law and canceling the 1984 election.
Rex 84, is short for “Readiness Exercise 1984.” It was originally a classified plan by the United States federal government to accommodate the detention of large numbers of American citizens in case of massive civil unrest or national emergency.
FEMA, in association with 34 other federal civil departments and agencies, conducted civil readiness exercises in April of 1984. It was conducted in coordination and simultaneously with a Joint Chiefs exercise, Night Train 84, and Garden Plot a worldwide military command post exercise including Continental U.S. Forces or CONUS.
The drills and operations were based on multi-emergency scenarios operating both abroad and at home. In the combined exercise, Rex-84 Bravo, FEMA and DOD led the other federal agencies and departments, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secret Service, the Treasury, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Veterans Administration through a gaming exercise to test military assistance in civil defense.
The exercise anticipated civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes that would affect continuity of government and or resource mobilization. To fight subversive activities, there was authorization for the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the overturning of the Posse Comitatus Act, an action which makes the military a police force.
For now, the secret service of course is being chastised for the recent breach of security at the Whitehouse. I must admit I do find it very suspicious that we have been seeing this much lack of security, especially after the incident where Miriam Carey a dental hygienist from Stamford, Connecticut, accidentally drove through a White House security checkpoint and in a panic tried to evade security was shot five times execution style while her baby daughter was in the car with her. The American people were told that the killing of the young mother was justified and yet the jumper Omar Gonzalez who broke into the Whitehouse compound and made it to the mansion did not meet the same fate. After he was arrested, he told a Secret Service agent that “he was concerned the atmosphere was collapsing and needed to get the information to the President of the United States so he could get the word out to the people.
He also was armed with a knife, Miriam Carey was unarmed.
The Secret Service has struggled in recent years to strike the appropriate balance between ensuring the first family’s security and preserving the public’s access to the White House grounds. Once open to vehicles, the stretch of Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House was confined to pedestrians after the Oklahoma City bombing, but officials have been reluctant to restrict access to the area further.
However the question remains, now that the worm has turned, is the President’s life in danger?
If anything that is the equivalent of a decapitation exercise where to happen, I really don’t think we could ever be completely prepared for the psychological impact it would have on the country.  ~ i think that the American Peoplewill SHOCK the World ...we've been waiting 4 a GOOD Fight !!!

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