
Saturday, October 4, 2014




On the afternoon of October 23, the New Moon passes in front of the Sun and blocks up to 81 percent of it from view. This will be seen on the west Coast and those who live in Oregon will be able to witness the Sun in a way that will appear like a crescent. Most of North America will see a partial eclipse at least.
At the time of a solar eclipse, for instance, something totally different takes place in the part of the earth affected from what is happening when there is no eclipse. When we know that on the one hand the rays of the sun penetrate down to the earth and on the other hand the forces or rays of will stream out to meet the sun. At an eclipse, these forces radiate into the darkness, and there ensues a period of time, short though it may be, in which all that is of the nature of will upon the earth flows out into universal space in an abnormal way. It is different altogether from what takes place when there is no eclipse. Ordinarily, the physical sunlight unites with the radiations of will streaming towards it.
When there is an eclipse, it is believed that for a time the forces of evil will flow unhindered into cosmic space.
The old initiates knew these things. They saw that at such a moment all the unbridled impulses and instincts of humanity surge out into the cosmos. And they gave their pupils the following explanation. They said: Under normal conditions the evil impulses of will which are sent out into the cosmos by human beings are, as it were, burned up and consumed by the rays of the sun, so that they can injure only man himself, but can do no universal harm. When, however, there is an eclipse of the sun, opportunity is given for the evil which is willed on earth to spread.
There have been many prophecies from Nostradamus to Aleister Crowley, to the occultist theosophist Madame Blavatsky regarding the advent of eclipses of the sun and how they will trigger wars and armies of the darkest orders will rise up and begin their terror campaigns, in the final days before the Golden Dawn. The Darkened star has also been known as time where Ahriman, the Zoroastrian demon has the ability to rise up from the Underworld and incarnate into the body of a human. Some say the spirit of Ahriman will enter into a great general or leader who has great power and is universally accepted as one who is a shepherd, he then becomes the Antichrist of the Dark Star Rising. Blavatsky wrote in her book ‘Isis Unveiled‘that Darkened Suns or Black Suns are harbingers.
Rudolf Steiner also gave us hints as to how to come to terms with the so called ‘Evil’ that is unleashed during an eclipse. He reveals that during the advent of the black sun or the Advent of Ahriman, The gods themselves call their opponents into being. Lucifer is an Archangel which has been left behind and Ahriman is a left-behind member of the Archai.
On September 21st, 2014 there was a satanic black mass in Oklahoma. The leaders of this black mass were given the opportunity to conjure or raise from the Underworld Ahriman and Angra Mainyu.
It was done just before the autumnal equinox. A time where the sun darkens earlier before the solstice. It was no accident that this ritual was performed at that time. There is an initiate oration given at an equinox ritual for both the spring and fall sun and moon rituals that is read to raise the demonic soul of Ahriman so that he may take control of his Dark command:
“Stand in the porch of Man’s life-entrance,
Read thereon the World’s writ sentence.
Dwell in the soul of Man within,
Feel, in its pulsing, Worlds begin.
Think upon Man’s earthly ending,
Find therein the Spirit’s wending.”
Immeasurable space has always existed, with its two hemispheres of light and darkness; each with its particular spirit: the one, that of light or life, and the other that of darkness or death—the spirits, in short, of good and of evil. These so called Satanic masses bring the space inward and pushes the darkness in to cover the light much like the eclipse of the sun or what is called the dark night of the soul.
When Ahriman Is summoned he brings with him harmful and unclean rabid animals. He also brings plague. Mostly unknown or rare incurable diseases, He can also command an army of evil Djinn, In order to destroy the whole good creation.
After the Satanic ritual was held in Oklahoma there was a rare virus that was spreading all over the United States, It was called the Enterovirus D68. While the ailment was considered a rare respiratory disease, after the Satanic mass the disease changed and those who were infected became paralyzed, some of them permanently. The Enterovirus 68 was mimicking a virus that we thought we conquered, that virus was Polio. Doctors are saying that Enterovirus 68 is in the same family as Polio.
It was Nostradamus who spoke in his epistles those future generations that witness the
planned culling of humans, birds, fish and animals. The culling would happen as the result of rare plagues and war. It was at this time that mankind would have to prepare for the advent of Ahriman and the incarnation of the third and final antichrist.
In 1558, Nostradamus wrote in his ‘Epistle’ to Henry II.
“The Antichrist will be the infernal prince again for the third and last time so many
evils shall be committed by the means of Satan, the infernal Prince that almost
the entire world shall be found undone and desolate. Before these events happen,
many rare birds will cry in the air, “Now! Now”! And sometime later will vanish.”
While Nostradamus’ prophecies can be brought out of the cobwebs for effect, sometimes
 there are things all around us that indicate that the world is on a collision
 course with destiny.
I have told you there is a pattern that is, once again, showing itself with all of the familiar symbols, sigils and philosophies. In my research I have found that there seems to actually be some satanic mysticism that is used to traumatize people.
In Old Testament writings, it was common to read about how those who refused to listen
 to their spiritual nature would have a curse brought upon them. In Deuteronomy, the
 curse upon the people would be fewer children born, a bad harvest and the death of the 
farm animals.
The idea of angels being anointed or appointed for the purpose of a “culling” does not sound like it would come from a loving and merciful god, but from an Archon that crosses the light and brings with it a “dark night” of the soul.
In ancient Persia armies, who were said to be under the command of men possessed with the soul of Ahriman were known to ride into villages at night and decapitate their chosen victims. They would ride with severed heads on staves to terrify those that would wish to attack them.
It was also said that the armies had at their control evil Djinn that would also torment and behead their victims.
Just before the Satanic Black mass in Oklahoma, the F.B.I announced that they were about to name the identity of the masked murderer “John the Beatle” that allegedly beheaded James Foley, Steven Sotloff and David Haines.
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a British rapper who called himself “L Jinny” or “The Djinn” was named as a person of interest. Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary ho recently tweeted a photo of himself holding up a severed head and it was reported that his father was an Egyptian Militant awaiting trial in Manhattan for a pair of 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.
Three days after the satanic black mass in Oklahoma where the conjuring of Ahriman and Angra Mainyu was taking place, Alton Nolen was fired from an Oklahoma food processing plant. In his anger and rage he entered into another area of the plant, stabbed and beheaded a female coworker with a knife and was attacking another worker when he was shot and wounded by a company official.
This raises the question of whether or not the satanic black mass was successful and is the evil spirit of Ahriman attempting to incarnate before the Solar eclipse? What is even more interesting is that a dark triad has formed and point by point there are connections that form the trident of evil in the case of Nolen.
Suhaib Webb, an Imam with ties to former Al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki, had also previously been the leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which had been attended by Alton Nolen., Breitbart News reported that. Webb now serves as Imam of the sister organization of the mosque attended by Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
According to the Jewish encyclopedia the dark command of Ahriman has been trying to form and reign with wrath an terror for 3000 years. His appearance and his attempts tincarnate happen in cycles of 30 years.
Ahriman, according to the testimony of the Mazdian religion in its earliest epoch, is surrounded by an army of evil beings like-minded with himself. These evil beings bring with them their terrifying acts of war, pestilence and disease.
During the secret meetings and séances that were performed in the early 20th century by Madame Blavatsky and others the spirit of Ahriman is supposed to incarnate during a solar eclipse in the second decade of the 21st century, It is supposed to happen during a great war in the middle east.
As I have said October 23rd, is coming and there already has been an attempt to raise his spirit from the underworld.
When times become hopeless and the tragedies pile up and the morgues are full to capacity the American people will understand that perhaps within the esoteric matrix an ancient evil has been summoned.
You may believe in the Devil, but do you know who he really is? He is depicted as a horned monster that for some reason did something to really make God Mad… But what we are seeing now in the 21st century is something very peculiar.
Everything we have put our faith in is beginning to show that it is corrupt and vile. It seems like it is permitted, and will be useful in some way to further the mission of the New World Order.
It seems that 21st century thinking tends to revert to 12th century superstition when things demonstrate their propensity for blight.

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