
Friday, October 10, 2014

LIBS CLAIM USING THE TERM “OBOLA” IS RACIST    ~ Lol fuck u's lib rat fucking~bas~terd's  ...fucking pussy's Lol cry~baby fucks   Oops :o   hey did i mention ..go fuck yer~selves   Lol  boo hoo boooooo hooo

Term labeled “xenophobic banner to rally around”

Libs Claim Using the Term "Obola" is Racist
Liberal journalists are now claiming that Americans who use the term #Obola are racist and xenophobic, continuing the trend whereby any criticism of President Obama is hastily characterized as a racial slur.

In an article for the Verge entitled Ebola panic is getting pretty racist, feminist journalist Arielle Duhaime-Ross blames Dinesh D’Souza and Michael Savage for popularizing the hashtag #Obola as a “racist xenophobic….banner to rally around,” despite the fact that the meme patently represents a witty encapsulation of what many see as the federal government’s botched response to the Ebola outbreak and the failure to block flights from West Africa in the name of political correctness.
Duhaime-Ross argues that “white privilege….is floating to the surface” in the aftermath of the Ebola outbreak, a theme mimicked by Rev. Jesse Jackson who this week blamed “white privilege” for Ebola victim Thomas Duncan not getting the treatment he needed.
Vox’s Dylan Matthews also accuses Dinesh D’Souza of taking on a “conspiratorial, hyperbolic tone” after the conservative activist asked his Twitter followers, “Which is worse: EBOLA, the disease; or OBOLA, the dream from his father?”
Meanwhile, ties together a grand Ebola conspiracy, alleging that the right is forging a “plan to sweep the midterms” by fanning the flames of racist fears over Ebola, ISIS and the porous southern border. The fact that it was National Border Patrol Council spokesman Chris Cabrera who earlier this week sounded the alarm over hundreds of illegal aliens from Ebola hot zones like Liberia crossing the border is not mentioned in the piece.
The attempt to diffuse any criticism of Obama by playing the race card is by no means a new phenomenon, and has been utilized innumerable times over the years to demonize opposing voices.
MSNBC host Carlos Watson went further, wondering aloud whether the word “socialist” was “becoming a code word, whether or not socialist is becoming the new n-word for some angry upset birthers and others.”
Duhaime-Ross and her ilk will presumably be nonplussed by a new line of Infowars t-shirts which feature the Obama campaign logo embedded inside the word ‘Ebola’.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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