
Friday, October 17, 2014

Doctor: U.S. Army Rejected Successful Ebola Drug 2 Weeks Before Outbreak

Exclusive: Former flight surgeon had been working with Ft. Detrick to develop treatment


A doctor claims that he developed a successful drug to combat Ebola with the U.S. Army at Ft. Detrick Maryland but that the research was inexplicably shut down two weeks before the first outbreak of the virus in West Africa.
Richard C. Davis, M.D., a former flight surgeon with the U.S. Navy, told Infowars that he was leading a project to develop a drug called RC-2Beta, which according to Davis works, “at the core of our cells to enhance mitochondrial efficiency and promote gene signaling to stimulate cellular self-repair and pathogen destruction.”
In the fall of 2013, Davis’ company began collaborating with the US Army at their Level 4 bioweapons facility at Ft. Detrick, Maryland to develop the drug, with astounding success.
According to Davis, the drug “Killed four of the world’s deadliest viruses in a dose-dependent fashion. The Army also noted that uninfected cells in the same cultures were untouched by the drug (i.e., it was non-toxic).”
“Everyone was very excited about these results since there has never been a broad-spectrum anti-viral drug that killed so many different viruses without affecting normal (uninfected) cells in this way,” writes Davis.
However, after the Army initially indicated to Davis and his team that they were ready to move ahead quickly with further testing, communication completely ceased.
Army research data shows effectiveness of RC-2Beta in fighting the Ebola virus.
“Our once close communications and cordial relationship with the Ft. Detrick team went totally and inexplicably silent. Our phone calls went unanswered and emails unreturned,” writes Davis, adding he was “stunned” when the first reports of Ebola emerged in Africa just two weeks later.
The doctor also desperately contacted mainstream media outlets in an effort to get the story out, including CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times and others. After making initial contact and agreeing to provide documents, Davis was subsequently stonewalled and every outlet dropped the story.
Davis then turned to Florida Congressman David Jolly in an effort to reopen lines of communication with Ft. Detrick, a process that is ongoing.
While health authorities and the media aggressively promoted ZMapp and other less successful drugs and vaccines to fight Ebola, Davis set about anxiously contacting the World Health Organization, which in June announced that experimental treatments for Ebola would be fast tracked.
“Out of concern and frustration, I made it my personal priority to obtain the two necessary documents (Humanitarian Use Exemption and Export Certificate) needed to ship our drug to the medical teams working desperately in Africa,” writes Davis. “So I began calling, and writing and faxing everyone who might be able to help. Since May, I have reached out over 200 times to every head of every organization in the world involved with this crisis. This includes the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, the various teams at the FDA, the National Institutes of Health, DARPA, multiple private relief and aid organizations (like Doctors Without Borders), and dozens just like them. The response was always the same… Silence…”
The doctor also slammed the Obama administration’s response to the Ebola outbreak.
“The response of the American government has been patently absurd,” writes Davis. “Every protocol that has been put in place to prevent the spread of the disease has been ignored. Our borders remain open, infected patients are being brought into our hospitals, and no truly effective countermeasures have been erected to stem the tide of infectious risk.”
Davis’ conclusion on the government’s handling of the Ebola crisis and the fact that a potentially successful cure for the virus was shut down by Ft. Detrick immediately before the outbreak in West Africa left him to draw a sobering conclusion.
“I am left to conclude that America’s leadership is either guilty of gross misconduct, dereliction of duty, criminal negligence or worse – treason,” writes Davis, warning that the “crisis will undoubtedly spiral out of control” if the advice of incompetent public health authorities, the government and the media continues to be followed unquestionably.
Davis boasts an impressive Curriculum Vitae, having authored over 400 patents and trademarks while also being awarded commendations from the Chief of Naval Operations.
“The inescapable conclusions of negligence or corruption or both cannot be simply swept aside for the sake of political correctness when the lives of every one of us are at stake,” writes Davis, adding, “Ebola is real. It is here, now. There is no more time to waste.”
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

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