
Sunday, September 14, 2014


The transhumanist scrapbook took another step in major expansion, as The Washington Post has reported on a plan of the Obama Administration to implant soldiers, sailors, and airmen with medical telemetry computer chips:
New Obama plan calls for implanted computer chips to help U.S. troops heal
Of course, this is all being promoted as a lovely fluffy bit of concern about enabling people to use and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes via such technologies, and of course, all of this is a project from the utterly benign and always to be trusted Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency (DARPA):
When President Obama on Tuesday highlighted 19 executive actions he says he is taking to improve the mental health of U.S. troops and veterans, one of them centered on a particularly novel effort: The development of new computer chips designed to modulate the nervous system to help with everything from arthritis to post-traumatic stress.
The project is headed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a Pentagon agency that develops a variety of high-tech equipment for the U.S. military. It’s known as the Electrical Prescriptions program, or ElectRx (pronounced “electrics”). Program officials say the goal is to develop a technology that could help people heal more quickly through the use of biosensors and electromagnetic devices that control human organs.
“Instead of relying only on medication, we envision a closed-loop system that would work in concept like a tiny, intelligent pacemaker,” said Doug Weber, the program’s manager. “It would continually assess conditions and provide stimulus patterns tailored to help maintain healthy organ function, helping patients get healthy and stay healthy using their body’s own systems.”
Now don’t get me wrong: not for a moment do I disbelieve that the government would be concerned with the promotion of healing of its military personnel, especially those who are or have been in harm’s way.
But you know me… I’m prone to that “high octane speculation” stuff, and I suspect that behind the fluff about healing and such, there’s another agenda entirely. The military, I suspect, and many confirm, has been chipping its personnel for a long time. Recall in this respect only that accused and convicted Oklahoma City Bombing conspirator Timothy McVeigh claimed to have been chipped in his buttocks with a small GPS transmission device. Many at the time – this author included – thought it not only extremely suspicious that he went barreling north on interstate 35 in a car with no license plate after allegedly just having bombed the Murrah Building in downtown Oklahoma City, but more importantly, thought it very suspicious of how quickly he was apprehended. Then the story about his chipping appeared; mystery solved….and enhanced, for if that’s the case, then someone knew he was there to begin with. And of course, that raises all sorts of murky possibilities about that strange little story that no one seems to remember.
So all that medical telemetry and technology and the cover “sell story” has another agenda: tracking, which in itself can be a selling point: “Suppose you were caught and fell into enemy hands… this way we’d know exactly where to find you to rescue you…”  But it’s also a handy way of keeping track of ex-military personnel and where they are, and if they might be meeting with other ex-military personnel. And a switch that can be turned to enhance healing, could easily become a switch to enhance disease, or one that might be turned off altogether. There are, of course, other possibilities, and I leave them to your imagination. Doubtless, you see them already.

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