
Sunday, September 21, 2014




In the Dickens story a Tale of two cities we remember the words “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The entire first paragraph of the story explains the paradox that exists when men left to their own whimsical ideas spin towards the drain and people become all too aware of what we can call the great unraveling.
Some can say that what Dickens was describing was what we now call cognitive dissonance.
It never fails. In the midst of a major crisis that seems to be by design there are always those who will cynically tell you that it is time to roll our eyes and make light of those who say the sky is falling.
There are people that want to hear that everything is falling apart even when it isn’t and there was a tome where over-warning and alarmist thinking became tiresome and it weakened the morale of people.
Over time the effort of crying wolf can be blamed on the mainstream media and their various agendas which place us at death’s doorstep every other week. Now it seems that it is every other day and one bogey man replaces the other in a politically tuned world.
Well, now it seems that the crying of wolf has actually done its damage and soon I worry that there are still many people who that will not be heeding the warnings they are given now.
It is the heart and the gut that are speaking to each other, and without real statistical data to back up any claims, it can be assumed that the way the world is behaving there are people, including the cynics that are actually seeing the sky fall, and have resolved to say that there is nothing more that can be done.
Reality is a lot more complex than we think and things can change in a New York minute. When you wake up you never say to yourself this is my last day on earth, however the prospect looms and there are many people in power that will bet against your survival because of actions they have employed.
We all have lived and learned as we say when we come close to dying. After a near miss or near hit on a plane, you always say that you’ll never fly again, when the phone rings in the middle of the night it is always a death call or someone is in jail, and when you kiss and make up you always say you won’t see yourself in a position to break up again.
But all of these things are about life, getting it right and hoping that if everyone was to try and make things work or pay a good deed forward the world would mend itself and the out of control unraveling will stop and we call get back to normal.
As it says in the Book of Proverbs and in the words of Rudyard Kipling “The Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire and the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the Fire.”
For more than two hundred years America has enjoyed the illusion of unlimited progress an illusion based in part on the availability of a huge, almost untouched continent. But we have largely exhausted that continent, and with it our dreams of freedom and equality. A few hundred years of free movement, free speech, science, personal security, prosperity — all that is winding down. Greed rules unchecked. Corruption is the norm and people still follow the psychopaths.
It is important to note that cycles have produced revelations, and apocalyptic dread for better or for worse. Great unraveling’s have always taken place. World War I cost millions of lives. Twelve million were exterminated by the Nazis. One hundred thousand Japanese were killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Millions upon millions more were killed in World War II. Wars and massive injustice have proliferated around the world since.
We were promised or we assumed that we would learn from all of the death and destruction, and when Eisenhower warned us of the expansion of the Military Industrial complex that was supposed to be heeded and the reversal would have placed us in a working peace.
There was no profit in peace and therefore dragons had to be created and had to be killed in order to give our leaders the appearance of caring for us, when in reality the death tolls and the toll that was had psychologically cannot be measured.
It can only be quantified with what happened after World War II. The Korean War, Vietnam, Agent Orange we are still living the nightmare as the last of these generations die off and the new generations are seeing wars and criminality taking place in their own back yards.
The 13 year observance of 9/11 came and went and we learned from the footage that was shown again that the event still upsets America. The only problem is that America cannot agree on what upsets them most about the event.
Nearly 3000 people perished on that day and with all of the 9/11 truth movements and people who will believe the conspiracy theory provided by the government, we can say that those who died in that ritual murder have been victimized many time afterwards.
In the name of the victims of 9/11 our government eradicated civil liberties, created the surveillance apparatus, started two wars in the Middle East where now we realize that terrorism and bad foreign policy breeds blowback and by design a more brutal force exists to carry on the jihadist version of the inquisition. We were always quick to say that if you weren’t for the policy of constitutional decimation then you were with the terrorists. Such a statement now sounds so hollow and vapid that it cannot even be spoken with straight face. None of these draconian provisions set into play by our government have prevented the onslaught of those crashing our borders, meant to bring us harm.
None of the suspending of due process has stopped the encroachment of ISIS or any other terror group that we are told is breeding in the shadows waiting to pounce on American infrastructure.
This suspending of American values has demonstrated that perhaps the terrorists are winning and that there are many of them lurking within a darker command that exists and that calls the shots above and below any cryptocracy that we can see in the light.
The wounds of 9/11 have not healed. Our savior and messianic dynamo Barack Obama has learned that he cannot heal a nation and so he traded in his psy-op halo for horns and as he spoke on 9/11 we once again are told that war is on the horizon and that Syria and Iraq are once again in the crosshairs.
It is not safe in the United States. The Bush and Obama administrations have made it their policy to rule through terror and threat and every war hawk gets face time on all the networks cheering the blood bath because none of them will face selective service and when the war becomes worse, young people will realize what a draft is and how their number can be drawn and how they can wind up in a desert somewhere shooting at goats and shadows.
Propaganda has done its job, and PSYWAR programming has led us into a sophisticated satanic operation that allows for the United States to destroy homes and property, displace populations, destabilize countries, and allow thousands upon thousands to be injured or killed.
This is how a great nation unravels.
We allow ourselves to believe that we can be let off the moral hook because we are always told that what we do is for the benefit of all mankind, that our actions are justified and that the killing and bloodletting sends a message.
We obviously forget that it is the same message that ISIS is sending. We seem to be a country that goes into hysterics if we are slapped back and told that what we are doing is wrong.
Our foreign policy is a simple thing to figure out. We ally with potential devils, thugs and villains, we equip them with weapons and we know they will use them against us. It keeps the war profits up and the people of the United States are willing to forget this and praise their leaders for their decisive action. There is no one warning that the deals with the devil will backfire.
Those who do are alarmists or chicken littles that say the sky is falling. No one knows how foreign affairs are carried out in the real world. In the entertained culture that is the United States we basically act as if our wars are like football games and we cheer and jeer on the war hawks and the soldiers from the comfort of our living rooms.
What we are doing is fortifying the lunacy.
In previous unraveling’s we can point out that Saddam Hussein was a friend to the US when Iran was our enemy. Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahedeen were called freedom fighters by Ronald Regan and helped us in bringing down the Soviet empire.
Stalin had as much blood on his hands as did Hitler, but the US needed him to beat the Nazis. If there had been someone worse than Hitler, the US would have allied with him had it served their interests.
No one will benefit from this new war trying to right the wrongs committed by administrations prior to that of Barack Obama. The only benefit will be to the wallets of the creators and sellers of weapons and war material. Human beings will be the collateral damage of the Great Unraveling for decades to come.
Oh yes there will be more, and what we are experiencing now will only be pretext for other frightening events that will transpire.
I guess the best solution if there is one to be had is to look in a mirror, and see what exactly we as a country are contributing to the well being of the world. Perhaps it is time to determine whether it’s better to keep our weapons and our culture safely locked up here at home, while other countries determine their own futures themselves.

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