
Monday, September 15, 2014

NYC Watches WTC Building #7 Controlled Demolition Again This 9/11/14

Michael Thomas
September 11th, 2014
Updated 09/13/2014

ReThink911 Digital Billboard NYC

Massive 45-Foot Building 7 Video-Billboard Installed In Times Square By 9/11 TRUTH Movement

Times Square in New York City is now the site of the largest 9/11 video presentation since 2001. It is hosting a 45-foot Building #7 video-billboard created by the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 TRUTH until October 5th.
The billboard has been installed at the corner of 42nd Street and 8th Avenue in Times Square, Manhattan. This 9/11 TRUTH video-billboard has been quite strategically located within very close proximity to the New York Times Building. In fact many Times employees will be able to view the video as they walk by it on their way to and from work.
What is particularly significant is that the NYT has persisted in ignoring the facts surrounding the 9/11 event. The Grey Lady and national newspaper of record, as it is universally known, has all but refused to cover with any credibility the greatest terrorist attack in US history; one that occurred in its own backyard?!
The video shown below will repeat the following statements and the 15-second spot will air every two minutes for four straight weeks.

“5:20 PM on 9/11, WTC7 came down in a classic controlled demolition. The government says fire brought it down, but anyone who watches the video can see otherwise”

9/11 Truth Goes Prime Time

ReThink911 September 2014 Times Square Digital Billboard

“An estimated 105,000 people a day will see the video. The same group ran a similar ad earlier this year in Toronto’s subway system.
Some 2,250 architects and engineers have now signed a petition (here) that calls for a new investigation into the destruction of all three World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001.
Oddly, the building’s collapse was never mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.
Polls have shown that a third of New Yorkers and half of all Americans are still unaware that WTC building 7, aka the Salomon Brothers Building, was even destroyed on 9/11.[1]
Building #7 Controlled Demolition: The Real Achilles Heal of the 9/11 Commission Report
It is only the American public that seems to be unaware of the seriousness of the planned and purposeful takedown of World Trade Center Building #7. That’s all about to change as the worldwide 9/11 TRUTH Movement gears up the greatest 9/11 truth campaign since the false flag operation was executed on September 11, 2001.
There was one other quite extraordinary occurrence on that fateful day which occurred on a BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) broadcast.  The news announcer actually reported the collapse of Building #7 BEFORE it actually occurred in New York City.  As follows:
“Of those who are aware of its destruction, many are still wondering how BBC News correspondent Jane Standley was magically able to report live on the WTC7ss collapse a full 15 minutes before it actually happened in real life while the building was clearly still standing behind her, as seen below.”[1]
Here’s an incontestable video documenting what is perhaps the most ‘mysterious’ (read incriminating) journalistic event of the new millennium.

BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Before It Fell

It seems that there is now a HUGE problem for the real perpetrators of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on NYC and DC. Let’s see how they attempt to wiggle out of this one — when there is absolutely no wiggle room … and no where for them to go.
Michael Thomas
September 11, 2014

[1]  Activist Post: Giant Video Billboard of WTC7′s Destruction Placed in Times Square for 9/11 Anniversary by Melissa Melton
45 Foot Building 7 Video-Billboard To Be Installed In Times Square For 9/11 Truth
How was Building 7 implosion a perfectly controlled demolition on 9/11?
Over 2200 Architects And Engineers Demolish The ‘Official’ 9/11 Commission Report

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