
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

“Covert Narratives”, Media Storylines and the Ebola Pandemic

“Build it and they will come. Build a false narrative and people will come in droves.” The Underground, Jon Rappoport
When a researcher or an investigator suspects he is looking at an artificial narrative, a storyline that is floated to achieve a hidden agenda, he has to deal with one overriding question:
How deep does he want to go, in order to root out the potential lies and false material?
Into how basic a level of the narrative does he want to cut, to see what leaks out?
Case in point: the current Ebola storyline.
Many lies can be found there. I have written about them. But one statement in the Ebola narrative is almost universally accepted.
It is accepted in the case of Ebola, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, and West Nile.
Most recently, the story began this way: “In three West African countries, there has been an outbreak of Ebola.”
This is the crux: “the Ebola virus is killing people.”
The audience automatically accepts that premise.
Whatever else they may or may not accept, they buy that premise.
So many consequences, official and unofficial, can flow from the basic premise, you would think alert people would probe it—but they don’t.
They go for it hook, line, and sinker.
They don’t know whether it’s true, they don’t have any idea about the reality of the assumption, but they grab it and cling to it.
Then they say, “Since we know the Ebola virus is killing lots and lots of people, what else can we infer?”
Effective narratives work that way: slip in a basic idea, watch people buy it and build on it.
What about the kids in Denver now being reported with “muscle weakness?” Must be a virus, the experts say; just not sure which one. Really? Then how do they know it’s a virus at all? Or any germ?
Why is “the mystery illness that’s sweeping the US” caused by a germ? How do we know it’s one illness? The general symptoms that are always reported in these “outbreaks” could be caused by 6 different germs—or none at all.
I remember when Jim West, a fine independent researcher, correlated a so-called outbreak of West Nile with centers of spewing industrial pollution in the US.
Back in 2003, I discovered that at least a quarter of the cases of SARS in Hong Kong, one of the “epicenter” cities, were coming from the Amoy Gardens apartment complex, where feces were leaking into the internal water supply—a plumbing problem.
And “Swine Flu” was an environmental/corporate problem in La Gloria, Mexico, on a large commercial pig farm, where lagoons of pig feces were baking and festering in the sun—and then, on top of that, outside contractors were called in to spray the area with toxic chemicals, which made the local workers even sicker.
In three or four articles about Ebola, I’ve listed all the endemic, chronic, and long-term horrific conditions in West Africa which have been killing people—and none of those conditions is related to Ebola.
I’ve demonstrated, on many occasions, how the most frequently used tests for diagnosing viral diseases—the antibody and PCR tests—are totally unreliable, deceptive, and useless.
I’ve explained that when it comes to germs, the factor that determines health or illness in a human being is the strength of his immune system—not the germ itself.
Ever since 1988, I’ve been writing about the toxic effects of vaccines, which of course involve direct injection of germs, toxic metals, and chemicals into the body, bypassing channels of immune defense—and causing illness.
In West Africa, as elsewhere, vaccination campaigns have been standard operating procedure for decades.
But no. It has to be Ebola, Ebola, Ebola. That’s the narrative and people buy it.
Just as it has to be HIV, HIV, HIV in Africa. In that case, not only are the widely used diagnostic tests useless, but there are quite serious questions about whether HIV exists at all.
That’s right. At, you can read a long interview, by journalist Christine Johnson, with biophysicist Eleni Papadopulos Eleopulos of The Perth Group: “Does HIV exist?”
It tackles somewhat complex technical questions and makes them understandable for the lay reader. It is one of the best interviews on virus hunting I have ever read—a remarkable achievement.
Selling the “the germ and only the germ causes disease” narrative is one of the great propaganda triumphs of modern medicine. Well, if you had a few billion dollars, an army of compliant media journalists, tens of thousands of doctors, and the federal government at your beck and call, you could sell the idea that tomatoes are the preferred fuel for space travel.
In these narratives, always go back to the beginning. Root out the most basic assumptions, and investigate them.
You’ll be surprised.
And when it comes to medical narratives, remember that horror stories about germs are absolutely necessary in order to sell drugs and vaccines.
Some of the major propagandists on the planet ply their trade in that arena.
They succeed because they maintain that the “tiny terrorists” are invisible—except to the experts.
It would be comparable to asserting that data interception and spying are such technical matters that only the NSA and other official professionals are able to understand it—and therefore the public should never question the particulars.
There are untold thousands of capable people taking apart the NSA narrative these days—but how many are taking apart the statement, “The germ XYZ caused the outbreak?”
Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

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