
Friday, September 19, 2014


Posted by George Freund on September 8, 2014

There are gifts God graces us with. Mine is an unusual ability to see shadows commonly referred to as the twilight language. What appear to be random sets of letters and numbers are not so random. They may very well be shadows from a higher plane cast into our dimension from one above. Applied to a search engine algorithm they acquire new meaning and sometimes great significance. It is like that here. I went to see A Most Wanted Man with Agent 99. I saw many shadows. I still sit in awe at the deep significance. I marvel that the Lord could bless me so. The nuances have stopped me in my tracks.

From the moment lead actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died, I felt something was amiss. The circumstances surrounding his death seemed quite over the top implying a 'HIT' at least to me. He was found with a syringe in his arm and 50 bags of heroin strewn about. He wasn't tested for all the drugs found in the apartment. He was reported wandering in a state described as 'out of it.' He may very well have been using drugs. That is quite a thing among the entertainment community. However, he may have had a little help getting high from persons who were not in any way, shape or form his friends. If that was the case, then we must ask what did he know?

Working on the twilight language I have seen many possibilities. The film is about a Chechen man accused of being a terrorist being trailed through Hamburg in a manner akin to Mohamed Atta in the lead up to 9/11. The authorities were all over him, but somehow he escaped. That implies our clues are going to be related to another terror event to be blamed on Islamic extremists while most likely under the direction of a western intelligence agency.

The first intuition I had followed the close ups on various patterns of numbers and letters. It is a pattern used before in the movie Knowing which foretold the Gulf oil disaster and the Japanese earthquake resulting in the tsunami. Dare we include the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings. This is nothing to be taken lightly. Close ups are reserved for the top stars. They are a method that is the source of great envy. When a license plate or a piece of paper are so honored, it is pretty much assured it was planned that way. The movie or book release can be a great way to instruct many without establishing a link to source of a large scale operational plan. If you know which film and which message, mission impossible becomes possible.

Hoffman plays Günther Bachmann a German contract intelligence agent working outside of the German constitution. He is to surveil Issa Karpov a purported Chechen terrorist. Günther breaks all the 'rules' but is really a good spy deep down in heart. He drives an older Mercedes, and that was my first clear clue. The marker plate was HHA 5056. The 11 was included in a 9/11 film. I put the observation into the search engine and stopped in my tracks. It revealed an Airbus A320 and a route flown by that type of aircraft. In light of the fact great circumstance is being generated by Islamic terrorists acquiring several A320 aircraft from the Tripoli Airport, the blood pressure rises. You see one of the primary search returns was Iberian Airlines flight IB 5056 from Mallorca to Orly Airport near Paris. EC-HHA is an Airbus A320-214 flown by Vueling Airlines. It is a chilling shadow for a mere coincidence.

There is a white van in the movie as well with a marker number of HH KL 2253. An image search of this combination HH KL2253 was as equally chilling. There were only eight returns. Most came from a Danish website. It implied the Islamic terror angle. We have a composite of a man in various styles a clear threat. Another fantastic coincidence.


The action includes a chase scene where actors board a train car 805-2. An image return comes back as a large billiard cue case. At the bank where Issa's father had an account a safety deposit box number was specified. It was 3148. EA-3148 is VX nerve gas. It does keep one's attention focused to say the least. On his wall board Günther had the numbers 357 22 10 displayed. Besides a plethora of different guns, the numbers are similar to a Cypriot Bank with 357 being the country code and 22 an area code. Is it the route of the money supporting an operation? That will remain to be seen. There seemed to be a P.O. Box MI5. Is that the hint western intelligence agencies are behind the operation watching every move of the principles but standing down again for this new 9/11 like they have in the past?

The FBI and DHS are putting out an alert for September 9 stateside. It could be a diversion because the real action seems to imply Europe. Time will tell. We read the tea leaves to change timelines and destinies. It's what we come to expect. The movie I had intended to see with Agent 99 changed. We chose another. Perhaps we parted a Red Sea as the return on another marker plate HH EE684 implied. The twilight language sees through the here and now to the future timelines. Reading it is an acquired skill for those with an inquiring mind. In retrospect Philip Hoffman was the most wanted man. For that they killed him.

Categories: New World Order

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