
Sunday, August 17, 2014




People will tell you that the world “changed” on September 11th, 2001. However it seems that those who say this are unaware that they are only half right. The world did change on September 11th, a September 11th, where government had changed without firing a shot or without the trauma of flying planes into buildings. This September 11th was in the year 1990.
The senior Bush speaking on that day declared that the new World order would be established. A New World Order that would start with bloody wars and purging the earth of what could only be described as undesirable cannon fodder to bring about dread and to keep America in a mode of “mob psychosis.” You see human life was diminished on that day and common sense, morality, and compassion was thrown out for the guilty pleasures of prejudice. This was our new world Order and we would be the benefactors of such blood lust.
We need to remember that the New World Order is a buzz word for criticism because it is usually associated with crank conspiracy theory. However we must give credit where credit is due to the various government officials who have used this term as their edict to change the world through a series of traumatic wars and attacks. There has been a long standing attempt at a bloody Coup d’état that would certainly shock the world if it were revealed as such.
However since it is organized and highly supported by the shadow government and other world planners we give it the marketing title made famous by George Herbert Walker Bush.
The New World Order declaration set the backdrop for continued war and the need for changes in the laws that govern fair play in conducting war. The reason this had to be done was because war plans were constantly stifled by popular resistance. The plans had to change in order to persuade the population that these wars were required for “freedom.” The population had to be frightened to get them to back a war, to give up their lives for the cause. It’s traditional for rulers to create pretexts for war.
We have discussed the open air assassinations, the theories by John Shelby Downard of the King Kill 33 and we all know that the trauma based attack on the World Trade Center and the emotional investment that was made by the American people led to victimization and vengeance.
It was the impetus and pretext for a war that we will never stop fighting.
The Blood Cement has laid the foundation for the New World Order or the Anglo American World Empire.
The philosophy of the New World Order is not new. Historians are very much aware of what the term means and where it originates. The purpose is to turn people into a slave labor force for government.
Throughout history the elite have created and groomed charismatic leaders to lead people into following their whims. They also control these leaders, provide them with assistance and in some cases kill them off in order to bring about trauma based control of the people. There have been many instances of King killing rituals in history from Jesus Christ to John F. Kennedy.
After the trauma of the assassination on Kennedy we were hearing about the foundations of the New World Order. Johnson had “The New Deal” and “The Great Society.” They were just other names given to disguise the intent of the elite to create the Anglo American World Empire or the New World Order. This was just the beginning of NWO agents in power pushing the agenda of global empire.
Richard Nixon was a protégé of the powerful Father of the Bush dynasty. Prescott Bush unsuccessfully attempted to overthrow the administration of Franklin Roosevelt by using Wall Street and business men who were Nazi sympathizers to bankrupt the country and create a National Socialist Order. Nixon lost his bid for the Presidency against Kennedy in 1960. Nixon was elected president in 1972.
When Nixon resigned from his presidential post he was replaced by Gerald Ford. Ford, a member of the Warren Commission, the group that investigated the Kennedy assassination appointed George Herbert Walker Bush as CIA Director. This was at the crucial time the House Select Committee on Assassinations was investigating CIA-FBI links to the murders of John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. This was also the time that countless witnesses were murdered right before their scheduled appearances to testify under oath before the House Assassination Committee. There were two assassination attempts on President Ford in 1975.
The attempts were carried out by victims of mind control. Lynette Squeaky Fromme who was a follower of CIA mind controlled murderer Charles Manson attempted to shoot Ford and 17 days later a mind controlled FBI Informant Sarah Jane Moore attempted to kill the President. Moore was a childhood acquaintance of Manson when they grew up together in West Virginia.
Someone with a motive for the new world order obviously programmed these assassins so that they could bring about change. Both were part of the CIA MK Ultra Program. Mind control techniques were mastered by the Nazis and their secrets were brought over to the U.S. during operation Paper Clip. All well funded by American politicians and business men that were secretly Nazi “New World Order” pundits. The well known Nazi sympathizers in America were The Bush’s, the Ford’s, the Harriman’s and even Joseph Kennedy Sr.
One of the shadow men behind the scenes at the Kennedy assassination was none other than George H.W. Bush. J Edgar Hoover wanted to speak with him about Castro terrorists and Cuban intelligence and possible connections to the assassination.
History does not place George H.W. Bush in Dallas during the assassination of Kennedy.
In fact when George H.W. Bush is asked where he was when Kennedy was killed he certainly does not recall either.
It is documented that Bush was in Dallas, Texas the morning of the assassination, took a flight to Tyler, Texas afterwards to announce to a group of Kiwanis club members that the President had died and then phoned the FBI to tell them that he had an idea who was responsible for the death of President Kennedy.
This way it could be said that he was in Tyler and not in Dallas that day and still he knew or had some idea who might have killed the President.
However, Bush will tell people that he doesn’t remember where he was on November 22nd, 1963.
When “Poppy” Bush was picked to be director of the CIA in 1976, he testified to Congress that he had never worked for the CIA before. Of course, it did not make much sense to appoint a director who had no such back- ground but Congress had approved him anyway. Now it would seem that Bush committed perjury in his congressional testimony.
George Bush was apparently high enough in the CIA to help plan the Bay of Pigs invasion. It would probably be safe to assume that he even named the operation and its two ships The “Barbra” and the “Houston.” Considering the hatred that the CIA felt toward Kennedy over their failed mission and Bush’s involvement in that same mission, it would be quite interesting to know what Bush’s feelings toward John F. Kennedy really were and what his full role in the assassination investigation was.
Bush became Vice President under Ronald Reagan still holding on to his ties to the CIA. Just 69 days later, there is an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan by gunman John Hinckley Junior.
John Hinckley Jr. is the son of John Hinckley Sr., chairman of the oil company Vanderbilt Energy Corp., one of Vice President George H.W. Bush’s larger political and financial supporters in his 1980 presidential primary campaign against Ronald Reagan. Also, John Hinckley Jr.’s older brother, Vanderbilt vice president Scott Hinckley, and the Vice President’s son Neil Bush, had a dinner appointment scheduled for the day after the assassination attempt took place. Coincidence?
George Herbert Walker Bush eventually became President but was a one term president. He was defeated by Bill Clinton. It wasn’t a total loss, and the New World Order was well on its way to being established, because Clinton has also been involved with the establishment order and the continuity of corruption.
As a college student at Georgetown University, Bill Clinton worked as a driver. One day, he drove Senator Hale Boggs to the airport. Boggs was a member of the Warren Commission and an outspoken critic of the single-shooter magic bullet theory. Boggs tipped his driver, got on the plane, flew to Alaska, he and Nick Begich senior were never seen again. Clinton has had various unreported ties to the CIA and rumored drug scandals with the Bush Family. He also had his education funded through his status as student operative for the CIA. Since Kennedy our leaders seem to have been CIA appointed intelligence operatives.
What you don’t realize is that the Bush family and its power associates in this country have been involved with gaining control of our economic stability and our intelligence operations to profit from war, genocide, corruption and rape of the U.S. Constitution. What they could not do on their own they had highly paid henchmen doing the work for them. What the henchmen couldn’t do on their own was delegated to those who own the media. You see there is a network of thieves and murderers controlling your history and creating predictive programming to get you to become a slave.
Does anyone see the pattern? All the same people are involved with all of the same shadowy activities. They are now in places of leadership. THEY are easily revealed. THEY are hiding in plain sight and they want us to remain stupid in order to continue their thieving and murderous ways.
Who are the hopefuls for the 2016 election?
Jeb Bush for the republican Ticket and Hillary Clinton for the democratic ticket.
I am sure you can see that we seem to be used to the same controllers and are more than happy to tap them to be our leaders as they answer to the cryptocracy that has held on to its power hold in this country.
We tend to see the same groups and names appear in history when nefarious activities occur. Groups like Skull and bones and the CIA. People like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, George Herbert Walker Bush, David Rockefeller, Bill Clinton, and Zbigniew Brzezinski . Also we are always being told about secret meetings being held by the Bilderberg Group, CFR, and the Tri-lateral commission. This small group of people rule the world and their financial power is vast. They have their tentacles in many things and have their grip on many individuals including Barack Obama.
Obama has a pedigree that is connected to the CIA and various organizations that very well have groomed him for his position. Obama is an agent of “social engineering” and may have been trained since childhood to be a world leader with “Special Operative” ambitions. This is not some new allegation. These facts are too creepy for the mainstream to reveal. They also answer a lot of questions about how a nation became emotionally invested in an inexperienced senator from Chicago.
He had the opportunity to defy his controllers, however he is simply an agent for the controllers who felt that they needed a man with an American charisma. He had to be seen as one of the people and not just some old school agent from the so called “Old men network” of the cryptocracy. The Cryptocracy has always wanted an empire or an imperial cult like network in order to create a globalist market place.
The so called New World Order has been the agenda for many years. There have been many called to be the leaders of this order but few are able to appeal to the people and compel them to follow. There are some officials that are agents and always have been agents of a secret cabal that have wanted to see the New World Order succeed.
Even if they have to kill innocent people to do it.
History is changed by those Social engineers who work with murderers and thieves. Those with power and money have at their disposal all kinds of agents that can program you or that can hunt down and destroy you. They can wipe out all of your friends, family and anybody else who may get in the way of their rise to ultimate power. They can create trauma based terror and coerce you into accepting things you wouldn’t dream of tolerating. With power and money you can even control the story of what really happened and control what the history books say about you.
The killers make history. The dead are written about, and the surviving victims are exploited and are left fearful for the next time for those in power decide to kill again. We are all looking for someone to save us from our peril. You can’t be saved in ignorance. You have been programmed to be stupid.
Unfortunately people have learned that it is best to play stupid and criticize those who try to be inquisitive. “Stupid is as stupid does.” “Life is a box of chocolates” if you take a bite out of a couple you can eliminate the caramels form the nuts. That’s the way they want it and most Americans are obliged to follow through and grant it.
It is becoming painfully apparent that America has allowed itself to sleep through history. Rather than awakening to the corruption and literal journey into despotism. Americans need to have their eyes pried open to see reality and even then many people will be content with not getting involved with the process of real change. Many are under the false assumption that a lot of what is going on doesn’t apply to them. That it applies to people who are either poor, uneducated, or in a minority group.
Abraham Lincoln once said that “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
And now we make a Liar out of Lincoln, because we have all been fooled. We can once again go back to asking “what went wrong?” There was no real positive change for the future. Only “chump” change touted as deliverance from “evil.”
It was all part of predictive programming and mass mind control. The country was programmed to accept this without thinking outside of the parameters of their own prejudice and polarization. Ground Zero Lounge warned everyone to avoid participating in handing government a blank check under the hypnotic overtures of programming. However the consensus was led into a trap by the power elite. People thought they were all smarter than this. That they wouldn’t fall for this again. They did. While we can all point the finger at someone calling them stupid for not “voting” we can all see that we will be affected by programmed decisions by those who did. No one will stop it– because most people are programmed to think it is positive “change.” They chose it, they will live with it.
The Social engineers are now using whatever means necessary to convince you that it is useless to resist central, establishment control. For the moment it has posited a counter-cultural alternative to such control which is actually a counterfeit, covertly emanating from the establishment itself. Central establishment control will be the eventual outcome from this Psy-op experiment.
Those in power conclude that the destruction and re-organization of our way of life is as unavoidable as entropy. They use cataclysmic climate models to tell us that extinction of the species is inevitable. They seem to be looking at human reduction as a way for global sustainability.
Those in power will tell you that you are the threat to yourself.
What we truly are is a threat to them.

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