
Sunday, August 10, 2014

More and more Americans think Michelle Obama is a man

The whispers began on the blogosphere several years ago.
That led me, finally, to post about it on March 14, with the hypothetical non-committal title of “Michelle Obama is a transexual?,” wherein I simply laid out the speculations and evidence.
Then all hell broke loose on July 3, when comedienne Joan Rivers said to a reporter: “We already have [the first gay president] with Obama, so let’s just calm down. You know Michelle is a tranny… a transgender. We all know.“ (See also “‘We all know’ Obama is gay and Michelle is a tranny“.)
Judging by the readers’ comments to a brief AP article and photo of FLPOS Mooch and former First Lady Laura Bush at the US-Africa Summit on Aug. 6, 2014, the cat is REALLY out of the bag.
Below is the AP news photo and article, followed by a sample of readers’ comments.
Michael Obama & Laura Bush, Aug. 6, 2014
Susan Walsh reports for the AP, Aug. 6, 2014:
First lady Michelle Obama, left, points out her hairstyle as she sits with former first lady Laura Bush as they participate in the “Investing in Our Future” a discussion at the Kennedy Center in Washington, Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014, as part of the US Africa Summit. Michelle Obama and Laura Bush, first ladies of different generations and opposing political parties, are uniting for the second time in just over a year to promote U.S. relations with Africa. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
Here is another image of Michael Obama at the same “Investing in Our Future” discussion. Look at those massive shoulders and muscular arms! s_shocked-16
Michael O at US-Africa Summit 2014
And here are some of the readers’ comments (you can read them for yourself bygoing here), beginning with reader Eatmyshorts, whose comment was lifted straight from my “Michelle Obama is a transexual?” post, but without attribution:
Eatmyshorts: “Bafflingly, even the text of the speech on says the same thing: ‘Secretary Panetta, thank you for your introduction and for your extraordinary leadership. Members of Congress, Vice President Biden, members of the Joint Chiefs, service secretaries, distinguished guests, and men and women of the finest military in the world. Most of all, Admiral Mullen, Deborah, Michael and I also want to also acknowledge your son Jack, who’s deployed today. All of you have performed extraordinary service to our country.’ Admiral Mullen’s first name is Michael. However, throughout his speech, Obama referred to Mullen as ‘Mike,’ not Michael.”
Mr. UN-PC: “Obama is referring to ‘Michelle’, who is rumored to be ‘Michael’, a tranny. Obama is gay and the daughters are adopted. What an incredible hoax, perpetrated on the American people!!!”
420d: “Michelle has the grace of a Neanderthal.”
Paul: “Michelle Obama’s body language is telling me she is a man. Look at the shoulders on it, and how it slumps them forward to appear smaller. Look at the face! It towers over Barry like an Amazon.”
Lee Goodwine: “OK, I don’t have anything against gays, but I was not aware that Yahoo was so gay-friendly. Here’s a picture of a man in a dress pointing to his head with this rather sizable right hand, and holding a wiener in his left hand. I don’t get what’s going on here. He’s pointing to his head, as if to say, ‘Empty’ and is holding a phallus-like ape-aratus in his other hand, as if to say, ‘I have one of these.’ Well at any rate, it’s good to see that Magic Johnson is still alive and well. I guess his Johnson really is magic…”
joe_the_plumber: “What an angry, ugly, man the U.S. has to represent us at world events.”
Gnu: “Did you ever wonder why there are zero pictures of Michelle Obama while pregnant and also zero images of either of the Obamas holding either of their infant daughters? I wonder whose kids they really are?”
Ahna Capri: “Mrs. Bush is really scraping the bottom of the barrel by beeing seen with Moochell aka Michael. With all the debasing the Odumr’s have done against her husband I wouldn’t be seen within a mile of this pile of trailer trash.”
Sniper: “On the right, you have grace, class, and elegance. On the left, you have Bernie Mac in drag.”
David: “Michael Obama should not be wearing dresses in public.”
CS: “Actually, MO does look like a man.”
Rich: “Transgender Michelle (or should it be Michael?) couldn’t make a good pimple on Laura’s behind!”
TonyZ: “Obama will never be half the man his wife is.”
Michael: “Laura is a classy lady and Michelle is an angry transvestite.”
MackieS: “The First Dominatrix looks like an Oakland Raider fullback after a botched sex change procedure.”
David: “Look at the shoulders and overall muscle tone on Michelle O. I don’t believe she is a woman. The main reason to believe she is a man is because it’s so rediculous to believe the other option. Tranvestite. No joke.”
MOOK: “Michelle looks like a man wearing a sleeveless casual summer dress… He really is classless..”
Joe Schmo: “Incidentally, look at the shoulders and size of the hands on the present first “lady”. Look at the huge feet. Now, tell me you really believe that’s a “lady”.”
Dooki Fried: “And who is the Tr/\nny sitting next to First Lady Bush?”
Lori: “Is that a Chicago Bull in drag?”
Commenter: “Michelle… or is it Mike ? It’s looking more and more like it’s Mike, history will tell…”
Two Wings Downs: “don’t look now BUT I think ‘she’ is actually a HE.”
Glut: “Well one is a man and one is a woman, mrs ovomit is a tranny. i think thats a self evident truth.”
Michael Obama, your gig is up.    

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