
Wednesday, August 13, 2014


aaaa day


I know that today we find most Americans still stuck in what can be called the fairy land of perpetually immaculate American Politics. As I have warned and as I have said that this notion is dangerous and if you look back into history we realize that no matter what political party you choose to identify with there is always a conspiracy or historic evidence that conspiracies exist and are also a part of American politics.
There really is no political party that can safely claim that they have been on the right or correct side of history.
When you open your mind to conspiracy history and mystical histories you will find that there are many patterns that always show up. These patterns can be identified by name association, numerological synchronicity, timing and execution and finally what is the outcome and who benefits from the planning of said conspiracy.
In the manuscript ‘King Kill 33‘ by James Shelby Downard and Michael A. Hoffman it is explained that a King Kill ritual took place in Dallas, Texas when Kennedy was shot and his death televised for all of the world to see. It was similar to the crucifixion of Christ as an entire nation watched, he was labeled a Martyr, the prince of Camelot, a Christ like figure whose assailant died later similar to Judas.
The kill was made exactly on the 33rd degree north parallel and that the number 33 is significant to secret societal mayhem and bloodshed. Shelby was an occultist and specifically theorized that using numerology, 3+3+3 equals 9, the number of satanic completion.
It is also related in a way to something known as Mystical Toponymy. Mystical Toponymy is the notion that there are powerful and sacred places on the earth. There is a theory based on coincidence that many events on earth, those events that result in mass death, societal upheaval or change happen at the 33rd NORTH parallel.
Many occult scholars have created the notion that in the realm of dark forces, a bloody sacrificial ritual performed at the 33rd parallel has more power than rituals performed elsewhere. Throughout history, the 33rd degree parallel has been the place for what can be called “sacrifices” of human life.
The Atom Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima Japan. It is situated very close to the intersection of 33°30′E longitude and 33°30′N latitude. Nagasaki is near the 33°30′N, as is the White Sands Testing Range New Mexico, where the atom bomb was first tested and detonated.
The Waco compound where the Branch Davidians were murdered was near the 33rd parallel. David Koresh died at age 33 on that site. The space shuttle Columbia broke up over the 33rd parallel.
Downard says in his essay that “The entire left wing-right wing scenario is a chess game where various pawns are motivated by emotions to follow the orders of “Kings and Queens” whose allegiance is to psychological control objectives and propaganda is one of the ways that psychological control is established.”
They control us through imagery and information and they are not above conducting ritual in order to send a message to the masses. It is also not beyond the possibility that government’s use astrology and other chaos magic techniques in order to ensure that whatever it is that they do can affect critical mass deep into their core belief system.
Each time the chess pieces are moved closer to their goal. Doing the same things countless times, trapped in a bubble and doomed to shed innocent blood in order to feed the beast.
This may explain why a 33 year old doctor inflicted with Ebola was the first patient to be flown from Africa to the United States and was treated at Emory University on the 33rd North parallel in Atlanta Georgia.
It was a milestone event and will eventually grow into something much larger. The 33rd north parallel has been the area of several strange occurrences and the 333 numbers are precursory numbers to a final recourse. It is the triune or trident force that is the mockery of the divine trinity.
It was announced that on August 4th, 2014 that James Brady who was the former assistant and press secretary for Ronald Reagan had died.
Brady was shot in the head during the 1981 assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr. of President Ronald Reagan. Brady lived through hours of surgery and further operations over the years, but he never regained normal use of his limbs.
District of Columbia police reported that the medical examiner stated that the cause of Brady’s death was the gunshot wound to the head he suffered 33 years ago.
However, bringing new charges against the 59-year-old Hinckley in Brady’s death seemed unlikely.
Hinckley already has been tried for the shooting; the double jeopardy Claus stops him from being retried. There is also “the year and a day” ruling that also applies here.
At common law, a murder charge required that “the death transpired within a year and a day after the injury” and this apparently remains the federal rule. Many states have apparently have rejected this rule, given the changes in modern medicine that make it much easier to decide whether an old injury helped cause a death.
So there is a question as to why the medical examiner decided to make this decision 33 years after the shooting. It only adds speculation as to whether or not it is a ploy for the gin control lobbyists. It also fuels the conspiracy that has always existed about the assassination attempt on Ronald Regan and how the conspirators are still controlling the information on the case and are putting their King Kill 33 signature on it.
Coincidentally James Brady’s death happened 33-years after the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan. It is highly peculiar that the shots rang out at 2:27 PM eastern time on March 30th 1981. Now we can analyze the time when it happened and say that 2:27 in the afternoon is also 33 minutes before 3 PM. The date of March 30th, 1981 digitally is 3/30 or the European inverted order 30/3.
The numeric sum of 3+30 is 33 or 30+3 =33.
It is also coincidental that Ronald Reagan was previously the 33rd Governor of California before becoming President. There are a few other number signatures that can be linked to this event and the number 33 and the more you dig into the case it begins to flourish into a classic conspiracy against President Reagan.
Synchromysticsm may not be something you believe in, however there are really some pretty sketchy numeric coincidences and other treachery that reaches far beyond dime store numerology in this case.
The standard account is that John Hinckley Jr was an unstable soul who randomly shot the president in another reenactment of the lone nut theory which was supposed to explain the murder of John F. Kennedy the original subject of Downard’s King Kill 33 theory. As evidence of prior insanity, John Hinckley Jr. was a known stalker of Jodie Foster.
Even though Hinckley’s communications with Foster had been forwarded to appropriate authorities all the way to the FBI, no restraint or surveillance was applied to him. He just happened to be in right place at the right time and was also able to fire six shots at the president and his entourage.
In Reagan’s first months in office, the insiders and political clique did not feel comfortable with him in the White House.
This is why theorists agree that Reagan was the target of a shadow Government hit. The assassination attempt was botched in order to send a message to Reagan that he either participates in bringing about the New World Order or dies.
It was no secret that at first Reagan had no love for secret organizations within Government. He was well aware of groups like the Trilateral Commission, and those with what can be called in conspiracy circles ties to the Illuminati.
According to Kitty Kelly’s biography on Nancy Reagan.
“It is safe to say that Nancy Reagan hated Vice President George Bush–the ambitious CIA spy and former CIA director who seized the presidency without an election. This hatred was certainly a motivation as effective as any truth serum. (Former CIA director Richard Helms, one of twenty Reagan/Bush White House officials convicted in the Iran-Contra cocaine-for-guns/NATO-stockpiles-for-cash scandal, testified to Congress the CIA successfully completed over 60,000 assassinations. Mind-controlled assassins (MK-ULTRA torture/psychology program) were just one of the CIA’s many underhanded specialties. Reagan and Bush’s Costa Rican embassy staff–including the U.S. ambassador-was expelled from that nation for the crime of importing cocaine into the USA. As head of the CIA, Bush was certainly one of America’s more ruthless government employees.)”
The question is how then did George H.W. Bush weasel his way into the Vice presidency?
Reagan had stated publicly that he would never take Bush as his vice-presidential running mate. It has been rumored that Reagan was invited to a meeting with the Rockefellers in New York City where he was allegedly told
“If you do not take my head of the Trilateral Commission’” (George H.W. Bush) “‘as your running mate, the only way you’ll see the inside of the White House is as a tourist.”
Many people saw trouble in the Reagan Whitehouse with the arrival of the ex CIA head.
After his assassination attempt in March of 1981 there has been the ever-present rumor that the Whitehouse was taken over and that Reagan became the puppet of George Herbert Walker Bush.
Tucked somewhere in the memory holes of most Americans is the news report that was given by NBC News correspondent John Chancellor.
NBC news reported that the brother of the man who tried to kill the president was acquainted with the son of the man who would have become president if the bullet had killed Ronald Reagan.
Chancellor reported that Scott Hinckley the brother of John Hinckley, Reagan’s assailant and Neil Bush had been scheduled to have dinner together the night after the attack.
Neil Bush, a land man for Amoco Oil, told Denver reporters he had met Scott Hinckley at a surprise party at the Bush home January 23, 1981, which was approximately three weeks after the U.S. Department of Energy had begun what was termed a “routine audit” of the books of the Vanderbilt Energy Corporation, the Hinckley oil company.
In an incredible coincidence, on the morning of March 30, three representatives of the U.S. Department of Energy told Scott Hinckley, Vanderbilt’s vice president of operations, that auditors had uncovered evidence of pricing violations on crude oil sold by the company from 1977 through 1980. The auditors announced that the federal government was considering a penalty of two million dollars. Scott Hinckley reportedly requested “several hours to come up with an explanation” of the serious overcharges. The meeting ended a little more than an hour before John Hinckley Jr. shot President Reagan.
Although John Hinckley Sr. was characterized repeatedly by the national news media as “a strong supporter of President Reagan,” no record has been found of contributions to Reagan.
To the contrary, in addition to money given to Bush, a fellow Texas oilman, as far back as 1970, the senior Hinckley raised funds for Bush’s unsuccessful campaign to wrest the nomination from Reagan.
Furthermore, he and Scott Hinckley separately contributed to John Connally (Secretary of the Navy under President John F. Kennedy and shooting victim in Dallas) in late 1979 when Connally was leading the campaign to stop Reagan from gaining the 1980 presidential nomination. The Bush and Hinckley families, of course, would do better under a Bush presidency than it would under President Reagan.
It is not known how many newspapers chose to print this AP dispatch; it would appear that the Washington Post for one did not do so. The electronic media also do not appear to have devoted much attention to this story. It was reported and later ignored.
Once the cabinet had decided that there had been no conspiracy, all such facts were irrelevant anyway. There is no record of Neil Bush, George W. Bush, or Vice President George H.W. Bush ever having been questioned by the FBI in regard to the contacts described.
They never appeared before a grand jury or a Congressional investigating committee. No special prosecutor was ever appointed.
Which is another way of saying that by March, 1981, the United States government had degenerated into total lawlessness, with special exemptions for the now ruling Bush family. Government by laws had dissolved. The silent coup had arrived and Reagan was held captive. He could speak up and die, or cooperate.
How did the story of Neil Bush meeting with Scott Hinckley get lost in the annals of history?
It was a matter of a diversion tactic.
The cameras were moved to a soap opera in the situation room when Secretary of State Alexander Haig on national television declared that “he was in control of the Whitehouse.”
“Constitutionally, gentlemen, you have the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary of State, in that order, and should the President decide that he wants to transfer the helm he will do so. He has not done that. As of now, I am in control here, in the White House, pending the return of the Vice President and in close touch with him. If something came up, I would check with him, of course.”
—Alexander Haig
Haig made a hasty blunder and soon it was all over the news.
Vice president Bush was in the air over Texas at the time of the shooting.
John Hinckley Jr. allegedly fired the shots at Reagan. The bullet that entered Reagan’s body came within fractions of an inch of hitting President Reagan’s heart.
George Herbert Walker Bush was literally a heartbeat away from becoming the President of the United States. The relationship between George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan was never the same after that day and it seemed that the plans for the New World order were being implemented.
Reagan’s health deteriorated and it was believed that major decisions were made by George Herbert Walker Bush.
Now it doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to see that the relationship between the Hinckley’s and the Bush families were suspect. Jack Hinckley, John Hinckley’s father had contributed heavily to George H.W. Bush’s 1980 political campaign. Both Jack Hinckley and George H.W. Bush were Texas oil men. On the day of the assassination John Hinckley’s Older brother was scheduled to meet with Neil Bush.
George H.W. Bush would have benefited greatly if Ronald Regan was killed .
George H.W. Bush’s ties with the CIA and was the director throughout the 1970’s however we can trace his activities all the way back to the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. Most Conspiracy history indicates that George Herbert Walker Bush, in addition to working for Zapata Offshore, may also have been a participant in certain covert operations of the US intelligence community.
Such participation would certainly be coherent with George’s role in the Prescott Bush, Skull and Bones, and Brown Brothers, Harriman networks. During the twentieth century, the Skull and Bones/Harriman circles have always maintained a sizable and often decisive presence inside the intelligence organizations of the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Office of Strategic Services, and the Central Intelligence Agency.
A body of leads has been assembled which suggests that George Bush may have been associated with the CIA at some time before the autumn of 1963.
By the time of the Kennedy assassination, the first King Kill 33, official FBI documents surfaced where J Edgar Hoover was investigating a “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency,” and despite official disclaimers there is every reason to think that it was the same man who was Vice president during the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan.
George Bush’s role in both Watergate and the October surprise/Iran-contra complex should also be investigated. In the Watergate scandal Richard Nixon a Protégé of Prescott Bush was afraid that the documents would reveal the killers of John F. Kennedy.
The Iran Contra scandal was secret arrangement allegedly made by Bush in the 1980s to provide funds to the Nicaraguan contra rebels from profits gained by selling arms to Iran. The very activity that some conspiracy theorists believe allowed for the release of the Iranian hostages just before Ronald Reagan became president.
George Bush is demonstrably one of the most important protagonists of the Watergate scandal, and was the overall director of Iran-contra. Was he also a key figure in organizing an attempted coup against President Reagan?
Forty-four days after the attempted assassination of Reagan, there was an attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II during a general audience in St. Peter’s Square in Rome.
During those forty- four days the man in charge of the United States was George Herbert Walker Bush. The man who fired the shot at the pontiff was Mehmet Ali Agca. Agca was trained by CIA operative Frank Terpil. Terpil of course is an old associate of George Herbert Walker Bush and knew Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin accused of killing Kennedy.
How is it that Ronald Reagan’s biggest opponent becomes his partner in the presidency?
Though he didn’t succeed, John Hinckley Jr.’s attempt on Ronald Reagan’s life has all the crucial elements of a modern political assassination: a lone nut with a cheap gun, an obsessive love, conflicting eyewitness reports, impossible trajectories, a mysterious doppelganger and lots of numeric “coincidences.”
Remember, Ronald Reagan was elected during a 1980 a “zero year” and the “Zero Factor” was also a curiosity as every U.S. president since 1860 who was elected during a year ending with a zero had either been assassinated or had died in office before his term was up. Every single one, dead. One way or another.
President Reagan was the first president beat the Zero Factor, when he survived John Hinckley, Jr.’s assassination attempt in 1981.
But James Brady certainly did not escape the 33 factor in the theory of the King Kill and now we have the medical examiner’s decision which appears to be part of some vendetta against gun owners.
All with the help of some plausible deniability which will add to the list of this classic conspiracy theory.

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