
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) as Cryptocracy Allegory

Invasion of the "space flowers."
Invasion of the “space flowers.”
By: Jay  //
I was tempted to write this as a joke analysis under the name “VibrantCitizen,” but I’ll refrain, since the competition likes to “borrow” ideas without returning them.  Directed by Philip Kaufman, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) is a sci fi classic, but how many classics feature a beta-turned-alpha Donald Sutherland pulling his afro game on a brunette? Very few.  Some readers will balk at my attempt to take this film too seriously, but I intend to make a weighty case for it.  Gather round dear younglings, padawans and gelflings, and let me show you the deep arcana of my patented, cookie-cutter style of esoteric film analysis.
We are all familiar with They Live! as a classic of conspiriana, but as of yet, Invasion of the Body Snatchers has not had its deserved treatment.  An online search of Invasion reveals the standard wacko forum fare with little insight to be gained.  Undoubtedly, are some subtle ideas to explore here, as the successful 1978 remake has elements the original film does not.  As proposed at JaysAnalysis long ago, the usage of “aliens” in most significant esoteric films is symbolic of the cryptocracy, the occult, technocractic and financial elite that rule our present world order.  From the vantage of the highly functioning psychopath or radical eugenicist/bio-ethicist, the loss of emotion and free will, and its replacement with calculated, quantitatively-obsessed robot logic is the only rational and inevitable course for our technocracy-bound world.  The alien invaders in the film who desire fully brainwashed and standardized massed are therefore an accurate representation of these so-called elite.  The endgame of the aliens and the cryptocracy are thus strangely parallel.
In the storyline, San Fancisco Health Department worker Elizabeth Driscoll discovers that her normal, boring boyfriend suddenly loses his (very thin) personality, becoming some kind of puffy tie-wearing Republican drone.  Her boss, Matthew Bennell (played by Donald Sutherland), is eventually convinced that some strange phenomenon is causing people to lose all sense of emotion and rational, individual thought, as more and more acquaintances become overnight drones.  San Francisco rapidly and appropriately succumbs to the trendy collectivist takeover  by the alien biological attack, wherein the alien life-form grows into a pod, and somehow lulls unwary pod bystanders to sleep, replicating the sleeper into a new, hive-mind clone.  As Elizabeth puts the pieces together, she declares several times, “It’s a conspiracy.  It’s a conspiracy.”
Monsanto brand Hobos.
Monsanto brand Hobos.
For a film like Invasion, I think it’s sufficient to hit the highlights: One of the more ridiculous being a vagabond banjo player with a pet dog who passes out near a pod.  The result of the slumber produces a Monsanto brand genetically-modified hobo, cross-species engineered into a dog-man.  The relevance being not only are the “aliens” drugging the populace, placing them into an induced comatose state, mind controlling and cloning them, but the invaders are also creating genetic hybrids.  Meanwhile, the literary and intelligentsia society circles of Elizabeth and Matthew, a psychiatrist Dr. David Kibner (Leonard Nimoy) and author Jack Bellicec (Jeff Goldblum), are intent on fervently explaining away any notion of conspiracy as absurd.  Every possible theory is accepted as more rational than what is actually happening – an insight even more relevant in our own day, as the so-called intelligentsia and academia of our day in their self-willed cognitive dissonance cannot fathom the thesis that an analogue of Invasion of the Body Snatchers is actually happening!  How often have we heard from friends and family that the development of eugenics into bio-engineering and genetic manipulation is not a problem?  How often have we seen Monsanto and the promotion of GMO as “harmless”?  So-called intelligentsia member Neil deGrasse Tyson even recently defended GMOs as harmless, saying critics need to “chill,” just like Dr. Kibner in the film.
Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision."
Velikovsky’s “Worlds in Collision.”
As the invasion’s bio-attack spreads, our lead characters oddly meet up in a mud bath, where they spot their first in-process, slime-coated clone.  Nancy Bellicec (Veronica Cartwright), Jack’s wife, who runs the mud bath, and has a crucial, brief dialogue with a soon-to-be cloned patron about two important books that are a key to understanding the esoteric underpinning of the film: Worlds in Collision, by Immanuel Velikovsky, and Star Maker, by Olaf Stapledon.  These two books are clues – while on the surface, this is a standard-fare sci fi/horror film, yet underlying the cheese is a profoundly occult message.  Jewish psychoanalyst Immanuel Velikovsky is famous for his alternative theory of cosmology and cosmogony, known as “catastrophism,” where ancient mythology and its representational assigning of the gods to specific planets actually plays a role in reconstructing primal history and human origins.

Velikovsky was lambasted by both modern science and his contemporaries, but whatever his flaws, my suspicion is that he was rejected for three reasons: He utilized the Bible as a document that reported actual historical events, was critical of carbon dating, and held to an electromagnetic view of the universe, as opposed to Newtonian atomistic ideas.  The slightest hint of any of those three ideas is enough to be rejected wholesale by modern “science,” which makes Velikovsky all the more interesting and worth considering, in my estimation. The Velikovsky archive can be found here.  This is not a full endorsement on my part, but that the ideas are worth examination, due to the incoherence of modern dogmatic materialism.
Resistance is futile.
Resistance is futile.
The other book is Stapledon’s Star Maker, which scientistic illuminist Arthur C. Clarke considered one of the most important works of science fiction.  Star Maker was written in 1937 and actually utilizes the theme of genetic engineering far ahead of its time, while Stapledon’s works would go on to influence other top British technocrats, such as H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell.  This confirms my thesis thesis that Invasion is specifically referencing genetic engineering and cross-species manipulation with the bizarre “dog-man” scene, as the books were obviously chosen as specific clues as to elucidate this point.  Like Star Maker, Velikovsky too was interested in the idea of other lifeforms seeding our planet, a close adaptation of the theory others have called “panspermia.”  While Invasion is not dealing with panspermia specifically, the allusions to it in the film and  in the authors suggest an emergent, time-bound deus ex machina “creation,” in the least.  In other words, all three are proffering the cryptocracy’s relatively recently-constructed mythology of man’s creation, manipulation and/or guidance by “space brothers.”
Like the space jockey of Ridley Scott’s Alien and Prometheus, the gnostic reconstruction of ancient mythology and science is a likely scenario for uniting the world under a global faux religion.  In fact, panspermia has been promoted by top scientific luminaries, such Stephen Hawking, Sir Fred Hoyle and  Francis Crick.  There have been numerous hints at just this scenario, but here I am only speculating.  Ironically, whether one accepts the existence of aliens or not, the actual outworking of the cryptocracy’s worldview, like the aliens in Invasion, looks strangely similar to the biblical description of the demonic.  In Scripture, the demons seek to enslave man through mind control (possession), and the inducement to idolatry and self-destruction. Deuteronomy 32:16-18 reads:
“They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger. They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.  Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.”
And St. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Spock becomes Dr. Benjamin Spock.
Spock becomes Dr. Benjamin Spock.
What are we seeing in our day with the rise of the technocracy?  The progress and utopia promised by the Fabians and Wells?  On the contrary, the rise of the mass surveillance mind control pharmaceutical state, wherein the mind can be erased with new vaccines and pills, and new memories implanted.  But it doesn’t stop there – there are now clones and genetically bred cross-species mutations, from spider goats, to pigs with human organs, to DARPA’s supersoldiers, cross-species engineering is now a reality.  Sold to the masses in the same way the aliens convince San Francisco of their benevolent intentions, these advances, as well as cloning, are all the product of militarized warfare applications from giant black budget funding, not for the purpose of truly aiding the masses.  The very fact they are developed through war research alone should be enough to demonstrate the usage of bio weapons, GMOs, etc., has nothing to do with kindly big brother growing you a replacement arm or downloading your mind into a thumb drive.  In fact, the whole purpose of MKULTRA, ultimately, was how to use the techniques on the entire population.  The endgame of all this is the destruction of humanity, and the mindset of the dark force behind the technocracy is total enslavement, death and destruction.  In this regard, Invasion of the Body Snatchers is more revealing of the cryptocracy’s actual plans than most films.  The shadow establishment really does want to snatch your body, harness your energy, and wipe your mind.
See also:

First Look: Prometheus II Paradise

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