
Wednesday, August 6, 2014




This morning I set out to meet with a colleague of mine, Dave Paull for breakfast at a local eating establishment. I arrived a bit early, and he told me to order my food and he would join me later. He arrived about 20 minutes after I did. During breakfast we were talking shop, meaning that we were talking about the radio business since he is considered a radio news veteran in the Portland Oregon market.
Paull is well known for his award winning investigation into the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh case. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a cult leader from India, gathered 2,000 followers at a remote Eastern Oregon ranch.
He later became a political and social force that collided with traditional values of the area. His conflict later led to attempted murder, domestic terrorism, global manhunts and later prison time.
When Dave and I are together, it is obvious that we both have radio voices and usually there is at least one person that approaches us to say hello, someone that remembers the stellar work that Dave has done in past or a Ground Zero Listener that wants to say hello.
Today was no exception except that the man that approached us was neither a Ground Zero listener nor an old radio enthusiast. The man that approached us was troubled and wanted to speak to anyone in the media that wanted to listen.
His story was a disjointed account of the murder of his girlfriend. The man was describing what had happened and as he was speaking I realized that his girlfriend’s murder case was a high profile case in the Portland area.
As he was speaking it was as if I was reliving the news reports, however his story was less watered down and began to take a more paranormal turn.
The man asked me “What does it mean when someone says that they are trying to get away from those that live in the darkness?” He played for me a conversation that his girlfriend had that was recorded where she stated that she had seen those who are part of the darker realms walking along side of her.
That she could see beyond their disguise and that she needed help to combat her addiction problems because she was noticing that there were some people around her that appeared to be from a darker realm.
His girlfriend believed that those entities from the darker path were using psychological warfare to break her will and they would eventually move in and kill her. The man shared with me e-mails she sent to him, letters she wrote apologizing to him for being addicted to drugs and alcohol and that she was being bothered by what she called Psychic vampires.
The man told Dave and I that when he presented these strange e-mails and messages to the police, they were not interested in them. He then played for me his girlfriends last words to him on the phone. It was a woman in trouble whispering “help me I really need you.”
He said that he did not get the message in time because 10 hours later she was found shot, her body was left in a local park.
His story reminded me of the Susan Reed story that I read and presented on the television show “Conspiracy theory” with Jesse Ventura.
The Conspiracy theory producers had asked me to comment on the real life account of Susan Reed, a woman who claimed that she had married a shape shifter. Reed alleges that she became romantically involved with a man she called “Brian.” Brian is a reptilian host who assigned two inter-dimensional reptilians to spy on Susan and report her activities back to Brian. One of the inter-dimensional reptilians who called itself “Ettish,” decided to break free from Brian’s control and reveal aspects of the reptilian agenda to Susan. The book is full of observations about Brian and how reptilians can change their looks.
She also was able to describe that one of the aids that can help them shift is Crystal Meth. She claimed that methamphetamine was used on several occasions to transfer a reptilian consciousness into a human being. She also observed that many Black Magick rituals can also be utilized to transfer a non-human consciousness into a human being. The human is the host and in times of rage or when the host is on “Crank” they manifest the parasitic entity. The entity can be seen by looking into the eyes. There is a definite change in the eyes that is beyond that of a normal reaction to the use of crystal meth.
Much like vampires that reptilian human hybrid can attract many people to their presence. Usually there is a sexual attraction to the hybrid, even if the host isn’t necessarily attractive. One reptilian /hybrid entity named Ettish told Susan that eventually all humans will be have a reptilian essence attached to them.
That there will be more and more of the possessed among humans and that there will be more and more of the hybrid entities in places of power. Susan wrote a book called the Body Snatchers trying to reveal that the Reptilian power is attaching itself to many people and the excessive use of drugs are what opens the door to ritualism, occult necromancy and the summoning of these dark eyed beings.
Susan only wrote the book because she felt that her life was threatened and she thought that by publishing the book, she would provide herself a modicum of
She was wrong. Susan Reed was found drowned near her home in Nassau Bahamas.
While the police say it was accidental, there were others that believed she was killed. She always said that she felt that the hybrids would kill her for speaking out about what she knew and now we see it as a mystery to investigate.
There is an old biblical verse that says for now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. It can be found in the new testament and the verse has always had special meaning to me mainly because I find myself in situations where I receive information that I sometimes don’t want, and yet the information confirms my suspicions about a darker order or force that exists alongside those powers we consider to be from lighter realms.
I am sure there are many among us that wish that they could have a peek inside the anxieties and conversations taking place amongst the streams of humanity whizzing by. Perhaps if we had that power we would find that everybody’s experience on this planet is unique and that some experiences on this planet are paranormal and peculiar.
When we see the world through the glass darkly, we are seeing what can be called the riddle or the enigma, it is the great mystery of life that keeps us asking questions. While many people seek answers come are just as satisfied with the unanswered questions and love to remain seeing life through the glass darkly.
When Paul mentioned this in the bible he was merely saying that our knowledge of the divine is incomplete. Only part of the divine is seen, and the other parts are shrouded in mystery. It is in that mystery that we learn many of things we think we know are only perceptions given to us through years of programming.
The real world is far more complex and if it is analyzed correctly we could receive the revelation necessary to combat what we call the greater evil that plagues mankind.
Many of us are aware of evil only because we have been given cartoon parameters that shape what we perceive as evil. We figure that evil is something that is done with wicked or cruel intent. There are really not many Americans who may see evil as something that is carried out without malice or even wicked intent.
In fact cultural milieus indicate that today evil is being carried out as a matter of duty, as a matter of compulsion, just like eating is carried out in order to gain sustenance.
Evil is business as usually now and winds up becoming less peculiar and more common. The result is confusion and the inability for moist human beings to deal with such a notion.
The banality of evil becomes part of “future shock” and little by little it eats away at the culture.
German-American philosopher Hannah Arendt gave the world the phrase, “the banality of evil”. In 1963, she published the book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, her account of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi military officer and one of the key figures of the Holocaust. Eichmann was hanged to death for war crimes. Arendt’s fundamental thesis is that ghastly crimes like the Holocaust are not necessarily committed by psychopaths and sadists, but, often, by normal, sane and ordinary human beings who perform their tasks with a bureaucratic diligence.
With the prevailing eschatology and the predictions of the world apocalypse, I can now see that a critical mass of individuals are giving up or becoming hostile because all they hear about is how their future is going to be an apocalyptic cataclysm. We are seeing that people who used to love life begin to lose their zest for life. We begin to see children thinking about suicide or even killing playmates.
We see viral trends on You Tube where young people play deadly games of strangling their friends and self immolation. These trends are beginning to show how evil becomes less peculiar and more of a natural occurrence in the course of evolution.
There is a cynical view of monsters that has become a prevailing truth in the zeitgeist and that is most monsters are merely people who have decided that there is no need to pretend anymore and that the cause of good is really not worth the pain and suffering of being a victim of those monsters that walk among us.
We hear from people that the battle is always about good versus evil, when now we are becoming more aware of evil becoming territorial and that living monsters are now ready to take what they believe is their entitlement.
These monsters and fiends now look at things like land, food, water and even people as their stock and trade and are now in the process of trafficking such items and being paid highly for what they provide.
Look around you and understand that the monsters are engaging in a very complex psychological war. You may think it sounds like some science fiction fairy tale but it is similar to what we have read in most science fiction novels.
Think of some of the stories we have read that teach us about how easy it is to surrender your humanity for some alien cause, some evil war, or perhaps an ideology that eventually traps you into thinking that what you are doing so for the greater good.
Jack Finney illustrated this world with his book “The Body Snatchers.” His book illustrates through a fiction the psychological terror of feeling as though the earth has been invaded by an unseen alien force, Adding to the terror is that you try and warn people and no one believes you. Later it seems that everyone around you becomes the enemy.
Think of the moments in your life where you have taken a moral stand on an issue only to be told that your morality is not welcome and that whatever is happening is God’s will. Monsters always use the crutch of “god’s will” to somehow lessen the responsibility of those who commit their acts of evil in the name of said god.
The usage of God and his power in vain is what has been warned to be a grievous sin. The great lie is that the third commandment is broken when we use some trivial usage of the word god when speaking.
That is most certainly not what this is about.
The commandment is broken when God is used in order to give empty promises, or to make outrageous political claims that somehow god favors us politically. It is broken when monsters kill and claim that God favors the slaughter in order to gain more supporters of their brutality.
Fear worldwide has never been greater. Wars and genocide’s, the threat of nuclear holocaust, broken families and economic hardships, unexplainable weather patterns and natural disasters all seem to be on the increase. And in the midst of all this unrest, the prosperity brokers are fervently peddling their watered down message that God has chosen us to carry out vengeance that they disguise as righteous justice on behalf of their dark and plotting god.
The god they conjure is the beast of the abyss, and it moves stealthily through congregations and synagogues finding people who are willing to push the agenda of death and the profiteering from the collective method of capitalizing on the good nature of the followers.
The old axiom is that there is ‘nothing new under the sun,’ when it comes to the heart and mind of man. We are not nearly as original as we imagine ourselves to be and we tend to devolve from being shaved apes to being out of control monsters when things seem to fall apart.
We are now being bombarded by messages that are meant to be used as psychological warfare.
Whether they are coming from manmade sources or supernatural forces has not yet been determined, however it seems that there are some people that are tuned right in and are willing to commit acts of murder and mayhem with what appears to be diligence and obedience to some outside controller.

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