
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ferguson Media and citizen's Focus, should not be racial. Police getting away with murder and an 'Above the Law' complex. Swat teams Private Corps

Months ago I started an article about the police in this nation.  How they have gotten away with murder, assault and all other crimes against the citizens.  They are above the law.  The law does not apply to them when they are in uniform.

The people of Ferguson want justice and they are bringing to light how the police are getting away with murder and it has to stop.  The media is making it a racial issue, instead of talking about what it really is about.

They have murdered innocent people across this nation of all races.  In fact from a statistical chart, if accurate shows they have murdered more unarmed whites than blacks.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Did you know that Swat teams are not regular law enforcement?  Swat teams are private corporations mercenaries.  In other words, Blackwater type hired killers are those that raid our homes and businesses when the government wants them to.

This 11 eye opening facts about the militarizing of the police and how they have murdered innocent children and citizens without ever being held accountable, is a must read,

Here is my article I had started 2 months ago:

I have noticed a trend around the U.S..  The police murder innocent people constantly.  People who did not have a weapon or were a threat.  They are doing this to animals besides people.  Police have become very gun happy.  They assault citizens constantly due to their power trips and they are not held to be accountable for their actions on a whole.

 It is only for those cases that a citizen recorded or photographed a police person assaulting or murdering an individual, opposite from their 'account' of what happened, they may be fired.  But even in those cases they are 'forgiven' and are still on the job, terrorizing people constantly.

I want to state, I have not been against the police previously.  In fact as my daughter was growing up she would approach police officers constantly asking for a junior badge.  I taught her to respect police officers.  Now I have told her never to approach an officer or even call the police for any reason what so ever.  The police have shot homeowners who have called them for one emergency or another.

The police are on a rampant killing murdering spree of the population and they do it because they can get away with it.  They set people up with they do traffic stops.  If they want to search your car they will bring in a drug dog and make the drug dog act like it got a hit on drugs in your vehicle just to trap you.  If you stand up for your rights they do everything in their power to entrap you.

The police in reality are able to get by with murder and assault because of their badge.  If they get caught (which is rarely) they are maybe fired and that is very rare.  Even if they outright murder someone they may be put on leave (with pay) and an investigation done.  In those cases many of the police are put back on the street after it has been found the police acted in a justified way, due to their 'fear' of the citizen they murdered.

We are being terrorized by police who have become militarized police.  The federal government has given the police MRAP vehicles and  military equipment to use against the citizens of the country.  The police have gone from the friendly cop that is a neighbor to the attitude of all of us being guilty and terrorist before being innocent.

Today, the media and government has limited our scope regarding Ferguson murder.  They have made it a racial issue as always, instead of the real issue of cops being out of control.

We have militarized cops who are not held accountable and they falsify reports against citizens all the time.  They only time they are caught is when people have recorded them and show the truth compared to the lie they tell.

I don't believe every cop is bad, but I believe there are many with an above the law complex and they get away with it.

It is time our police force around the nation stop being bullies and start being who they are suppose to be.  Doing their job to 'serve and protect' the people.  It is time to hold all police accountable for what they do.

Darren Wilson needs to be put on trial for murdering Michael Brown.  There was no reason to use a gun, no matter what the excuse.  If he felt threatened, he should have used a taser.

The police squads through out the country need to be trained in being there for the people not against the people.

Ferguson Focus should not be racial but Police getting away with murder. Swat private corps

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