
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Controlled Order Out of Chaos Comes Home

The Siege film poster.
The Siege film poster.
By: Jay
Another week, another contrived crisis.  Never let a good one of those go to waste.  No, it’s not Kony hijacking a Malaysian Plane for Bowe Bergdahl, this week’s psy op is “race riots” in Nowhere, MO, where choosing the correct side of a polarized media dialectic only feeds the soon-to-be-forgotten pseudo-hysteria of Trayvon, the Sequel.  In Trayvon 2, it’s the Empire Strikes Back, as the Washington establishment ramps up its disaster and COG (continuity of government) test runs.  While talking heads yammer on about everything but what is relevant, this week’s circus is reminiscent of the Katrina scenario, where martial law was enacted due to a huge natural disaster resulted in gun confiscations and martial law.
It is important to keep fresh in one’s mind the mainstream media’s number one job as psy ops central – keep everyone in fear.  Unrest, disintegration and controlled chaos is essentially the only purpose of mass media, with the result being brief temporal passing interest in some inane story, utterly unconnected to 99.9999% of the population.  To sum it all up, the same programs of psy ops, destabilization, controlled chaos and subversion/inversion that we have seen the establishment concoct in the Middle East and Ukraine of late are now becoming the game plan on the home front.
Those of us in alternative media who actually know what planet we’re on have been pointing to documents like the 2007 British Ministry of Defense’s projection of civil unrest, flash mobs and technological slavery for several years now.  The report was detailed in the Guardian as follows:  “Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx’s proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe’s drops as fertility falls. “Flashmobs” – groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.”
The report continues, speculating about a rise in “Marxism” and inequality:

“The middle classes could become a revolutionary class, taking the role envisaged for the proletariat by Marx,” says the report. The thesis is based on a growing gap between the middle classes and the super-rich on one hand and an urban under-class threatening social order: “The world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest”. Marxism could also be revived, it says, because of global inequality. An increased trend towards moral relativism and pragmatic values will encourage people to seek the “sanctuary provided by more rigid belief systems, including religious orthodoxy and doctrinaire political ideologies, such as popularism and Marxism.”
In other words, the system’s plan is to fund more bogus Marxism, socialism and phony equalism to cause unrest so the system can offer the solution of increased bureaucracy and technological slavery.  Order out of chaos is always the game plan and it never changes.  You can always look at the establishment’s modus operandi and accurately predict what will come because the plays never change.  And the plays never change because fallen human nature prefers to feed its animal side to its rational side.
Similar to the MOD plan from 2007, the Rand Corporation has also outlined strategies of tension and controlled chaos with the intent of fomenting justifications for increased technocratic and militaristic operations through local law enforcement, known as a Stability Police Force. The SPF would operate through local Marshals to handle riot situations, disasters, etc., and it becomes obvious that such planning need a reason for its funding.  William Grigg of Lew Rockwell reported in 2009:
“The RAND study, which was conducted for the U.S. Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, recommended using the Marshals Service rather than the US Army’s Military Police  as host for the SPFOR in order to avoid conflicts with the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids (albeit in principle more than in practice) the domestic use of the military as a law enforcement body.
“The USMS hybrid option … provides an important nondeployed mission for the force: augmenting state and local agencies, many of which currently suffer from severe personnel shortages,” states the report without explaining how the SPFOR could at once “augment” those under-manned agencies while at the same time being “augmented” by them if necessary.”
If that wasn’t wild enough, throw on top of that the Army’s Small Wars Journal piece, “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland,” predicting a Tea Party uprising in 2016 leading to civil war and social disintegration and race war:
“The Scenario (2016) 
The Great Recession of the early twenty-first century lasts far longer than anyone anticipated.  After a change in control of the White House and Congress in 2012, the governing party cuts off all funding that had been dedicated to boosting the economy or toward relief.  The United States economy has flatlined, much like Japan’s in the 1990s, for the better part of a decade.  By 2016, the economy shows signs of reawakening, but the middle and lower-middle classes have yet to experience much in the way of job growth or pay raises.  Unemployment continues to hover perilously close to double digits, small businesses cannot meet bankers’ terms to borrow money, and taxes on the middle class remain relatively high.  A high-profile and vocal minority has directed the public’s fear and frustration at nonwhites and immigrants.  After almost ten years of race-baiting and immigrant-bashing by right-wing demagogues, nearly one in five Americans reports being vehemently opposed to immigration, legal or illegal, and even U.S.-born nonwhites have become occasional targets for mobs of angry whites.”
At this point, I can only think of the perceptive words of my friend Mark Hackard, who opined in his excellent “Pleasure Dome Police State:”  “This regime is the culmination of liberalism’s logic; it is what U.S. forces patrolling the Hindu Kush and all other corners of the earth defend. We fight them over there to invite them over here, for peace and unity in our world must first be enforced through universal war….To question this sublime experiment or (even worse) to oppose it would be an unpardonable sin against democracy, the creed of our greatness. And what is the secret of democracy, this gospel to liberate and empower all mankind?
Masochistic masses cry out, “Give us more slavery! More pain! More war!”
It is the political expression of our modern faith, self-worship. Just below the rationalistic assertion of rights and equality is the abyss of desire, the wish to ultimately recognize no authority higher than one’s own will made divine. Faith, ethnos and culture must be annihilated by egalitarianism and market forces, thereby giving rise to the New Man. From spiritual disorder springs social anarchy. In the contemporary West, a nation is no longer itself, but a mass of atoms, sovereign in their frenzied quest for profit and pleasure, mere demographic material for the plutocrats’ global Babylon. As surely as the laws of nature, chaos will then necessitate further manipulation and control from above.”
Consider the logic in our actions, since that seems to be the least of concerns.  As “freedom” increased globally with the purported expansion of Amerikan democracy, the tyranny increases at home.  The only freedom is the choice of which slavery one desires more.  More drugs, bobbles or worthless tech gadgets?  Which brand?  Who’s your favorite team?  The exportation of so-called freedom seems to exponentially increase the homeland servitude.  All the while, the masses cry out for more equalism, more socialism and more “revolution,” all perfectly engineered by the psy op social planners and foundation operatives that fund “democratic” ideals.
The harsh reality is, the society has gone insane.  The mantra is often repeated that only 3% of the population won the Revolutionary War, but what happens when 50% of the population become drugged out zombies of the PharmaCisTransgenderMediaHollywoodMonsantoGovernment Complex?  The revolutionaries of yore were undoubtedly dupes of the larger foreign economic power blocs of their day, but today’s scientific revolutionaries run the show.  And this is precisely why Bertrand Russell’s final revolution is so crucial, for it is the revolution against man himself, in his very being, identity, gender and nature.
Icon of Stockholm Syndrome, Patty Hearst, in the phony Symbionese Liberation Army, all of which was staged.
Icon of Stockholm Syndrome, Patty Hearst, in the phony Symbionese Liberation Army, all of which was staged.
And this why Hackard was perfectly accurate when he stated as follows:
“When the democratic principle is exalted beyond the suitable level of local institutions, it flattens all qualitative distinctions between individuals and peoples, leaving destruction, mediocrity and token tasteless amusements in its wake. As the modern West pursues the ideals of liberty and equality to their final outcomes, it draws ever nearer to a nightmarish despotism and dissolution. Immanent universal brotherhood can only be diagnosed as the fever-dream of a diseased imagination, which in its turn is seduced by a malicious deceiving spirit. In Fedor Dostoevsky’s The Possessed, the revolutionary theoretician Shigalev cursorily explains the dialectic of liberation:
Setting out from limitless freedom, I bring about an unlimited despotism.
Tyranny is not democracy’s tragic demise, but the logical consummation of its progress. Only by returning to an organic conception of man and the state, with humility and a record of lessons learned, can we gather strength for renewal and reaction. Life in this fallen world is struggle–toward Transcendence and eternity. Accordingly, politics must be conducted in fidelity to the moral law, whose Author is supra-natural. All power derives from God, and to Him shall it be consecrated.”
In the not very good 1998 film The Siege, directed by Robert Zwick, a predictive pre-9/11 scenario forms the plot: In the wake of staged terror, a militarized police state is erected in New York under martial law.  General Bruce Willis seizes upon the opportunity to grant himself rulership of New York under a tightly controlled military dictatorship.  Much like a CIA-installed dictator in some African or Latin American hell hole, Willis engages in all manner of brutality, imprisoning anyone who questions him in internment camps set up in sports stadiums.  An ominous foreshadowing of future Amerika, The Siege was telling viewers what post-9/11 democracy would be like.  What it would be like is what all democracies end up being, which are oligarchical mob-ocracies, run by billionaires and trillionaires steering the herd by holding out every base passion on the end of a stick.  In short, the rise of helter skelter race war tensions are yet another example of the mass Stockholm Emasculation Syndrome that is democracy.

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