
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Who Really Killed Ambassador Stevens and What It Has to Do With the U.N. Takeover of the U.S.

The Benghazi scandal will eventually find the light of day. It is the story that will not die because some very powerful people are determined that the truth be brought out in order to promote regime change related to the Obama administration.

Cries for Help Ignored

Three times Ambassador Chris Stevens begged for more military protection and three times, then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, denied Stevens cries for help. Clinton did not respond to requests for help by saying no, she responded by not responding to the pleas through official channels.
Stevens had long been a CIA asset who had run guns to al-Qaeda for the purposes of gaining assistance for the CIA inspired led regime changes in Libya and then in Syria. This is nothing new and has been widely reported.
It is not a secret that the CIA’s propensity to use rogue forces to accomplish a foreign policy objective  (i.e., regime change) is not new. The fact that the CIA engages in drug trafficking to fund such an operation is also not new as the American public was introduced to the existence of Air America, Iran-Contra and the nefarious actions of Lt. Colonel Oliver North in televised congressional hearings during the Reagan administration.
What was not known at the time of Iran-Contra, was that the CIA was convicted, through its paramilitary assets and civilian contractor liaisons (e.g. Blackwater, DynCorp, Wachovia Wells Fargo and Halliburton), not only with drug trafficking but sex trafficking to raise the money to  arm al-Qaeda in the attack upon Libya and then Syria. Part Three will stunningly reveal that every major bank is involved all the way up to the Federal Reserve. This article deals solely with why the military leadership would like to promote regime change.

Iran Contra, Same Song, Different Verse

On May 1, 2014, Tosh Plumlee told Alex Jones and his audience that he has firsthand knowledge of US gun running and ancillary drug running to support Black Ops operations in the Middle East. This is the same exact pattern which was utilized to fuel the Iran-Contra Affair in which the Russian backed Sandinistas would be opposed by the Contra using funds derived from CIA basked drug operations which led to the rise of drug-related street gangs in South Central LA in which cocaine became the main commodity. The implication is that the same thing was going on at the time of Ambassador Stevens death in that Stevens was running guns to al-Qaeda. However, there was one more key element of CIA funding which would be used to fund the of proxy forces for the purpose or regime change and that would be child sex trafficking.

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Was the First Notable to Expose These Crimes of the Century

Former Representative Cynthia McKinney was told in 2006 by then Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, that it was not President Bush’s policy of the Bush administration to award companies, with a track record of human trafficking with government contracts. Yet, the practice continues, government contracts are still awarded even as innocent children are sex trafficked and are sold into a life of slavery at the behest of Halliburton, DynCorp, Wachovia Wells Fargo and other multinational corporations with close ties to the political and corporate elite.
In 2006, McKinney grilled the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, with the following question: “Well how do you explain the fact that DynCorp and its successor companies have received and continue to receive government contracts?” This question was posed to Rumsfeld AFTER McKinney had pointed out that several multinational corporations, with close ties to the elite, had already been busted for selling innocent children into a life of child sex slavery. The heated exchange takes place here.
Drug running and child sex trafficking are big business. As the reader will discover, later in this article, the money is skimmed, laundered and used to promote regime change through the use of proxy forces such as al-Qaeda. If one can be made to understand this process, then one can understand the power of the shadow government and how it effectively operates as the supreme fourth branch of government.

US Military Leadership Is In Survival Mode

As Ambassador Chris Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, AFRICOM commander, General Hamm, had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a CIA safe house, which was in charge of facilitating an arms transfer between the CIA and its proxy representatives (e.g. Chris Stevens) was under attack.
The military does not give a damn about drug running and child sex trafficking. However, they do care about their careers and the preservation of the military as an independent and viable entity. The firing of 260+ senior command officers by Obama, serves to threaten this viability. The presence of UN vehicles and troops also threaten the viability of the US military.
From the perspective of the military, the Obama administration is the mortal enemy of the viability and independence of the American military.
According to the same sources who accurately told me that Admiral Gayoutte and General Hamm were launching a rescue mission designed to save Chris Stevens when they were arrested by CIA personnel serving in their ranks, these men wanted to save Stevens to expose Obama’s betrayal of this country and its ideals, namely, to bring to light drug running, child sex trafficking in order to fund the purchase of arms to be used by proxy forces in promoting regime change.. This was an old-fashioned coup attempt. By saving Stevens, Hamm could have leveraged this information to obtain an American regime change based on these explosive revelations. We know that much of the former military leadership in this country favors a regime change which would remove Obama from power.
If one cares to do the research, I was reporting on these facts that Obama had survived a coup attempt at this time. A few months later, people like Glenn Beck decided they would publish similar information after criticizing me a few months earlier for printing what they would eventually publish. These same insider sources are telling me that child sex trafficking was helping to support the arming of the rebels in Libya and Syria. Yes, I am saying that General Hamm was part of plot which would have brought down Obama and Clinton in one fell swoop. This was an attempted military coup just as I had previously reported.
When General Ham received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to commit mutiny and go ahead with the rescue of Stevens. And as he did, he was arrested within minutes of contravening the order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gayouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.”
The positions held by Hamm and Gayouette are so powerful and so sensitive, their replacements required approval from the Senate. Also, at that time, the Middle East was considered to be a war zone in which it was believed that the US was trying to provoke Syria and/or Iran into attacking the US so we could have the pretext for invasion. Therefore, this should be considered to be an event of epic proportions.
There are key questions about the mutiny on Benghazi which need to be answered:
1. Did Hamm and Gayouette commit mutiny in a war zone?
Answer: Without question!
2. Where did Hamm and Gayouette fit into the power structure of the military?
Answer: In a war zone, these two men represented two of the top four commanders in the region. Hamm would have overseen any military incursion into Syria or Iran. When Obama fired the two leaders, he effectively gutted his military command structure in the region.
3. Did Hamm and Gayouette’s conspiracy to commit mutiny in the face standing presidential orders occur in isolation?
Answer:  Only a person with absolutely no knowledge of military command structure would be so naive to believe this assertion. The military builds in redundant chains of command which overlap. There is no way that Hamm and Gayouette’s mutiny was occurring without the knowledge of their superiors as well as the NSA, which explains how the Obama administration learned of this betrayal and moved to arrest both men before any rescue effort could have been launched.
4. Why were key leaders in the military willing to risk their careers in this mutiny?
Answer: Because every senior command military officer was being faced with the continual acquisition and control of our military by outside forces and this threatened the upward mobility of the more aggressive commanders and it threatened the very viability of the military itself.

Hillary Clinton

When Hillary “What does it matter?” Clinton was unable to contain the fall out, and subsequent cover up from Ambassador Stevens death, she was out as Secretary of State and John “Ketchup” Kerry was in. The appointment of Kerry was a brilliant move by an otherwise bumbling set of attempts to cover up the murder of Stevens.
During the Reagan administration, Kerry led a congressional investigation which ultimately led to the conviction and exposure of Air America and the nefarious Iran-Contra Affair which was led by the CIA in violation against the laws of this nation. Kerry’s appointment to the Secretary of State position would ease the fears of a cover up because he had previously blown the lid off of a similar Benghazi operation over 25 years ago. On the surface, Kerry was the perfect choice if the administration wanted to avoid allegations of any further allegations of a Benghazi cover up. Unfortunately, for the Obama administration, the seemingly brilliant appointment of Kerry did not throw the investigative dogs off of the Benghazi trail and it is this scandal, along with the IRS scandal, that will just not go away. This undying attention on this story happened thanks to tips provided to journalists such as myself by disenfranchised and former US military.
If there is ever a revolution in this country involving elements of the US  military vs. the blue helmeted foreign (i.e. Russian, Chinese, et al.) assets, these disenfranchised elements of the military, will need the popular support of the people to win. Hence, the elite behind Obama need to be exposed.


There are two more important questions to ask:
1. Why did Stevens have to die?
Answer: The administration discovered that the military was providing back-channel information to journalists in order to expose that this administration was doing business with al-Qaeda for the purposes of regime change. Steven was killed less than two months before the election of Obama to a second term. Can one only imagine what the public backlash would have been if Stevens had been rescued, stayed angry and told all in retaliation?
2. Ultimately, why would the military want to save a CIA drug runner and sex trafficker?
Answer: Stevens could have been leveraged to bring down the present administration which poses such a dire threat to the careers of the military’s leadership. FOR THE MILITARY, THE LAST STRAW CONSISTS OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION RELEASING MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS AS PRETEXT TO THE UN GAINING POLICE POWERS WITHIN THE US UNDER THE GUISE OF PROVIDING HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE. 
In Part Three, I will expose the irrefutable and publicly available proof that Stevens was sex-trafficking for the CIA in order to promote regime change.
The sources supporting the allegations of drug-running and child sex trafficking in order to raise and launder the money associated with promoting regime change continue to be former representative, Cynthia McKinney, a quiet but damning Senate Subcommittee Report, a senior banking official from one of the major banks and your common sense.
If you want one more reason as to why there are so many dead banksters, you may get your wish in Part Three.
Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.

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