
Friday, July 18, 2014




This morning my phone rang early. It was a call from a colleague that told me that a Malaysian flight from Amsterdam was shot down over the Ukraine. I could not believe what I was hearing, the shock moved slowly as I rubbed my eyes and pretended to be alert.
In some haphazard brain phase I started to think that what I was hearing was that the missing Malaysian jet MH370, the plane that the media spent almost a month reporting about how came from some concealed locale in the twilight zone and wound up being targeted in the Ukraine.
Eventually I was slowly coming out of my sleep state and the reality of the tragedy became a creepy part of my morning routine. I realized that it was one of those days where something so real seemed so unreal all at the same time at that every paranormal coincidence that I reported prior to this moment seemed to be duplicating exponentially.
It wasn’t until my first gulp of coffee and a search of numbers dates and synchronicity I realized that something peculiar was a foot and that it all needed to be addressed. I want everyone to know that while coincidence and synchronicities happen around tragedies, this does not mean that what I am trying to do is paint the event with a conspiracy brush.
I know that for some people bringing up high weirdness surrounding tragedies is seen as an attempt to prove a false flag or some other conspiracy yarn, however there is something to be said about patterns of chaos in a world where it seems the trickster is making his mark and the symbolism and numerical randomness does not appear as being that random.
Ground Zero has reported since the Superbowl of different symbols that were shown and that the words “prepare to strike” were flashed on the screen during the performance of Bruno Mars and those similar words were uttered by a young girl during an aired Maserati commercial. The known symbol that represents the Maserati is the trident or spear of Neptune.
Neptune is the Roman Equivalent of Greek the god of the waters Poseidon.
The three-pronged pitchfork is the trident of Poseidon, the Greek god of water. It is also considered the symbol of Neptune, both are the gods of water and eventually both Poseidon and Neptune have been associated or have eventually evolved into the Christian devil that lives in depths of the earth.
Neptune also has a relationship with the great Dragon or Leviathan of prophecy that rises from the sea in the final days before judgment. Neptune and Poseidon have been called the Quinotaur— both associated with destroying earth, both called the Kings of terror or wrath. The triple pronged spear is also the weapon of Shiva the Hindu god of destruction.
In Numerology Neptune resonates with the moon nodes and is represented by the dragon Ketu or kethu. The dragon and tail Leviathan and Ouroboros and Neptune in circumference of completion also resonates and vibrates to the Number 7.
The Trident, Neptune and the symbolism all resonate and vibrate with number 7. 7 vibrates to the planet Neptune. It represents spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy, and mystery. 7 is the number of illusion and delusion, sometimes deception.
Today is July 17, 2014. July is the 7th month of the year 2014. Reduce down 2014 by adding 2+0+1+4 and you get the sum of 7. The 17th day 10+7 of the 7th month of 2014 reduced down to 7, all resonating with the trident and all resonating and vibrating with Neptune. The triplicate 7 or 777 is known as the Trident of Pisces. 777 also represent the Flaming sword according to the kabala. Aleister Crowley even wrote of the Trident of Pisces as Liber 777 the symbol of human mortality over divinity
In the bible 777 is associated with the 7th seal, 7th trump and the 7th vial. It is then that Christ returns.
777 is a trigger triple number, meaning that it is a number that triggers events, actions, wealth, poverty, tragedy and happiness. 777 represent the threefold perfection of the trinity. The antithesis of 777 is the triquetra (Satanic trinity) number 666.
On July 17, 2014, at 10:00 am EDT, Malaysia Airlines Flight Number 17, a Boeing 777 passenger plane from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over eastern Ukraine.
The plane used for MH17 had its first flight 17 years ago on July 17, 1997, and now is apparently shot down on July 17, 2014.
Is it synchronicity at how all the numbers have been used up in the report of the tragedy of Malaysian flight 17 over the Ukraine. This is uncanny.
It is also uncanny that for 3 days Ukraine has been hosting a joint war exercise with the United States and other NATO countries called Rapid Trident.
Rapid Trident is the only military exercise the United States is participating this year, according to U.S. Army spokesperson Col. Steven Warren, since the U.S. cancelled upcoming Atlas Vision bi-lateral U.S.-Russia military exercises in response to Russia’s actions in regard to Crimea. Atlas Vision had been scheduled to begin in the same month in the northeastern Russian city of Chelyabinsk.
Rapid Trident will be led by the U.S., who will send the majority of the participating troops–the number has not been disclosed by the U.S. government. Units from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Poland, Romania, UK and host Ukraine will also participate.
The U.S. has already sent 12 warplanes and some 300 troops to Poland. The force was dispatched shortly after the Russian invasion of Crimea, and was intended partly as a reassurance to Poland and America’s Baltic allies that the U.S. was willing to protect them from any aggression similar to that seen in Crimea, according to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, who visited Poland last week. The U.S. also decided to maintain its aircraft carrier, the USS George H.W. Bush, in the Mediterranean Sea “to reassure its allies” after the events in Crimea.
Rapid Trident in an exercise designed to improve interoperability with America’s military partners, such as its NATO partners, Ukraine and others in Europe.
The coat of arms symbol for Ukraine is known as the Tryzub. Literally, the Tryzub is the trident.
The Trident has been known as a symbol of power in Central Ukraine since the 6th century. In Kyivan Rus the Trident was used by the great princes. Some interpret the Trident symbol as the tip of a weapon, others a preying falcon, an arched bow with arrow, or the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost). However, most scholars do agree that the Trident is a symbol of the highest power.
The first image of a trident appeared in the 1st century AD. When Ihor, Prince of Kyivan Rus’ from 912 to 945AD, sent ambassadors to sign a treaty with the Byzantine emperor, they sealed the document with a trident.
As the official emblem of the Kyivan princes, the trident was stamped on coins, seals; it was depicted on porcelain and in frescoes.
It is thought that the trident represented the division of the world into three spheres: the earthly, the celestial, and the spiritual as well as the union of the three natural elements of air, water and earth. The trident was endorsed as the official emblem of Ukraine; the blue and yellow flag as the national flag of Ukraine by the Supreme Rada in 1992.
It is also a coincidence that the Malaysian airlines kite symbol in their logo is a double Trident. The Double trident is emblazoned on the tail, a detail that was provided by the mainstream media back when the world was looking for a missing 777 that also was Malaysian Jet. There was a lot of speculation about that Jet and many compared the situation to what happened 18 years ago on this date, when TWA flight 800 exploded over the Atlantic on July 17th, 1996.
At this time there is speculation that the downing of this jet may be a trigger event for World war III. Well it was 100 years ago this month that Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were gunned down by a Serbian assassin. The tragedy fomented over the last few weeks of July of 1914 and by August World War I began.
According to Reuters, of the nearly 300 people on board, 23 were U.S. citizens. Two separate Dutch travel agencies have said that in total 55 of their clients were on board the flight. Other Dutch sources indicate there were 154 Dutch citizens on board. French officials have identified four of the victims as citizens of France. There were 27 Australians and 23 Malaysians also on the flight.
One passenger, calling himself Cor Pan, from the Netherlands, left an ominous Facebook message just prior to boarding:
The message joked that he was posting a photo of the plane in case it “disappeared,” a reference to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370. Cor Pan was on the flight with his wife.
With all of the glaring synchronicities the question that we have to ask is why this plane was flying into a war zone. It did not fly into Russian airspace and crashed near the border in an area of civil unrest.
Both the Ukrainian government and Russian separatists deny having shot down the plane, however isn’t it a bit of a coincidence that the A Malaysian plane was shot down in a region where a Ukrainian military fighter jet and a military transport plane were both shot down in the past week.
Months ago we warned you that things associated with the Triune, Triquetra and Trident symbolism have suddenly overtaken the zeitgeist.
Mon May 1st 2014 I appeared on the VERITAS radio program with Mel Fabrigas and I mentioned that the Ukraine is appearing to be a geopolitical point of convergence where east meets west. During the program I drew parallels with the original Malaysian MH370 tragedy and the symbolism of the trident. I was saying that there would be a trigger event ( at the time I did not say it was flight 370) that would ignite World War III and drew comparisons with MH370 and the Lusitania being attacked along with Archduke Ferdinand’s 100 year assassination anniversary.
The more things change the more they go full circle and the problems of the past need to be recognized as similar problems today and that warning signs point once again to “experimental times” where our morals will be tested for the so called New dawn of the global order.
The attempt at world oligarchy in 1914 gave us impetus to “wake up” to the same struggle; however, we are now being asked not to fight against the globalist overreach, but accept it as the only solution to the perils that await us in a nebulous and dangerous future.
I know we are all told that we have a choice in our futures, but the new attempt at world Oligarchy is fueling the tragedy of repeating the cycle of 100 years of war.
It is a part of a monstrous synchronistic order that brings all of the chaos into perspective.

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