
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses

sandy-hook-elementaryClose to nineteen months have passed since the event known as the Sandy Hook Massacre transpired. Amazingly, there has still been no conclusive evidence put forth by any of the families affected or the investigators involved to dispel the many ‘conspiracy theories’ that have evolved from the event. In fact, new mysteries seem to expose themselves even more as time passes by.

From Douglas Cottle, who died Sept 29, 2012, at age 62 to Michael Bellmore, who died May 3, 2014 at age 27, more questions than answers seem to arise. The Connecticut State Police Commander, the Connecticut State Police Commissioner, the Western Connecticut State Police Commander as well as the Connecticut State Medical Examiner have all been eliminated from the story either by retiring or death. What better way to cover up any possibility of ever disclosing the truth ? What better way to perpetuate conspiracy theories?

Perhaps the death of Douglas Cottle was an unfortunate incident compounding the grief of Alissa Parker when she lost her daughter Emilie in the Sandy Hook tragedy. He was her father and the Grandfather of Emilie. He was a 62 year old dentist from Ogden,, Utah who sustained serious injuries while participating in his ninth LOTOJA 206 mile bicycle race on Sept 9, 2012. According to his daughter, she thinks another racer may have clipped his tire, throwing him off the bike where he crash landed on his face. His face suffered over 30 fractures ! Perhaps if repeatedly beaten with a tire iron, one could sustain 30 fractures. I find it highly improbable that a fall from a bicycle could inflict such injuries.(1)
Nevertheless, Mr. Cottle was sent to an ‘elderly care’ facility after being released from the hospital, apparently because the VA hospital was full. Mr Cottle was reportedly combative at times at the center as he repeatedly tried to rip out his feeding tube, despite their attempts to restrain him. He was uncooperative and reportedly tried to stand on his own, against the advice of his physician, which led to his falling down and sustaining yet another head injury. This time his injuries proved fatal and he died on Sept 29.

Was this a case of a terrible accident (there hadn’t been a fatal accident in LOTOJA’S 30 years of racing), compounded by a lack of critical care rendered to an apparently healthy individual (prior to the race), or was it the apparent removal of a person who may have had foreknowledge and was unwilling to participate in such an endeavor as the Sandy Hook Hoax? From all of the nice things said about him in his obituaries, I truly believe this was a good man. His may have been the first of the many Memorial Funds yet to come to the participants from Ogden, Utah. You can still donate:

At least in the case of Mr. Cottle, there is somewhat of an explanation as to the events and injuries that led to his demise. More recently, the death of William Podgorski, the CT State Police Western District Commander, who was also a Lead Investigator in the Sandy Hook incident remains unexplained. He died after a ‘brief, undisclosed illness’ followed by surgery on Monday, June 16 at Yale-New Haven Hospital at the age of 49. According to a friend of mine who had seen Bill Podgorski just a short time before his death, he appeared in perfect health. No further information has been released regarding this sudden death.(2)
This Yale-New Haven Hospital was also the place where Reporter Michael Bellmore breathed his last breath on May 3, 2014 after being relieved of his duties as a New Haven Register journalist and reduced to a consultant to the Town of New Hamden. Judging from the credits on his obituary, this kid was a talented, aspiring journalist, who would never leave such an admirable job at the Register to become a ‘consultant’.
Perhaps he was asked to leave. He was involved in the earliest reporting on the Sandy Hook shooting and was there on Dec 14, according to his Twitter Feed. He was also present when both Governor Malloy and President Obama addressed the city of Newtown in the aftermath. How does a 27 year old die so suddenly and inexplicably, and, again, in the care of Yale-New Haven Hospital ?(3) Did he stumble into something he shouldn’t have ?
Some of the mysterious deaths occurring in the past 18 months are not as obviously connected to the Sandy Hook incident. Take for example JoAnn June Egletes, the secretary of Irving Pinsky, who was the attorney who initiated a lawsuit against the State of Connecticut for $100,000,000 on behalf of a 6 yr old child that was traumatized by the incident. Despite his acting on behalf of an affected child, he was immediately vilified, chastised and threatened. He even had gunshots fired through his office. He withdrew the lawsuit citing the need for further investigation. I wonder who would have the motive and the means (guns) to enact such an act of terror on his office.(4)
His secretary JoAnn June Egletes, died Sept 21, 2013, at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Again, I have yet to find an explanation as to the death of this 53 year old woman. It would sure be an effective way to intimidate Mr Pinsky from reconsidering that lawsuit.(5)
It sure seems odd that the deaths of Egletes, Podgorski, and Bellmore all occurred at Yale-New Haven Hospital as well.
These deaths supplement the other few mysteries surrounding Sandy Hook, such as the death of Scott Getzinger, who was the props manager for the Batman Dark Knight Rises movie (in which the map showing ‘Sandy Hook was shown). He died after sustaining non-life threatening injuries in a car crash on April 7, 2012. The investigation of his death still has not been completed.(6)
There is also the case of Robert Hoagland, who went missing July 28, 2013 and has not been seen since! (7) He went missing when his wife was in Turkey for a 17 day excursion. With all of the mysterious $0 real estate transactions that have occurred and the odd number of homes owned by individual families and corporations, it is certainly relevant that Robert Hoagland was a Real Estate agent in Newtown. Despite various criticisms levied against Vision Government Solutions and their explanation that the zero dollar amounts assigned to various transactions was some sort of a ‘glitch’, they have since revitalized all of their data, and yet the zero dollar amounts remain!
I’m not sure why Robert Hoagland’s wife was in Turkey when he disappeared, but it is quite curious when you compare that fact to the case of Phillip Marshall, the 911 Truther who mysteriously killed his 2 children before killing himself while his wife was reportedly traveling abroad in – yes- you guessed it – Turkey! (8)
The untimely deaths of some of these involved parties is accented by the removal of other key players who have removed themselves by retiring from their positions making them unavailable to be held accountable for the roles that they played. Wayne Carver is perhaps the most notorious of these participants. After threatening in 2011 to resign from his position, he abruptly changed his mind and agreed to stay on. After lobbying against the passage of Bill 1054 (the Bill to prevent the release of pediatric autopsies), he suddenly had a change of heart there as well and supported it’s passage. As the awkward and sometimes imbecilic spokesman to the press, he will always be remembered for that famous quote- “ I just hope that the people of Newtown don’t have it come crashing down on their heads later.”
Wayne Carver retired May 1, 2014, but has stayed on to help his successor and to complete his cases. He claims he also wants to stay on in a part time capacity. Seems like he’s retiring without retiring completely.(9)
Next we have the State Police Commissioner Reuben F Bradford who shocked everyone by announcing his retirement prior to the release of the CT State Police Report on the Sandy Hook School Shooting. He was not very popular amongst the CT State Police as he and Danny Stebbins (the CSP Commander) were the first to receive a vote of ‘No Confidence’ from other State Troopers for the first time in it’s 109 year existence in June of 2012!(10) Commissioner Bradford also headed up the States Emergency Services and was quoted as saying “The horror and unspeakable sadness of that day and the lives that were lost will never be forgotten,” in a letter that accompanied the release of the long awaited ‘Official Police Report’.(11)
Danny Stebbins, who was vilified for releasing information about the Sandy Hook incident at a conference in New Orleans that was apparently meant to be kept confidential, also announced his retirement. He will be gone at the end of June, 2014.(12) Gov. Dannel P. Malloy credited outgoing State Police Col. Danny Stebbins with guiding the agency through the “unimaginable” and difficult period following the Sandy Hook shooting.(13)
Both Stebbins and Bradford were Appointees of Gov. Malloy and were directly responsible for signing off on the release of critical evidence and information in the Sandy Hook Shooting!(14) Now that they are gone will they still be held accountable if it is shown that some of this information was incorrect ?
Lt. George Sinko, who was working a side job directing traffic at a construction site on Dec. 14 and failed to report to Sandy Hook School until 2 hours after he was informed of the shooting, retired at age 49 in May of this year. He was reprimanded by Police Chief Michael Kehoe for his delayed response in 2012, but not severely enough according to his peers. When he was placed on administrative leave after an accident in April, he decided not to return to the Newtown Police force. Kehoe stated that he was “Not surprised” by Sinko’s decision. Another one bites the dust.(15)
David Fein, the State’s Top Prosecutor and Presidential Appointee also saw the aftermath of Sandy Hook as the perfect time to move on. Fein was involved with Eric Holder and Governor Malloy in implementing Project Longevity (a program designed to combat gun violence). He was also heavily involved in the investigation and pursued anyone who stood to capitalize on the deaths of those children (except, of course, the parents).(16)
Fein stepped up to the plate when a woman posing as the aunt of Noah Pozner was arrested for trying to solicit funds in his memory. “This arrest should serve as a warning to anyone who attempts to profit from this tragedy by contriving fraudulent schemes that exploit the victims, their families and individuals who sincerely want to help,” said U.S. Attorney David Fein. (17)
Despite denying any wrongdoing and saying she was ‘set up’, Nouel Alba was sentenced to 8 months in prison and 2 years probation.(17) She had only collected $240 and reportedly returned the money. U.S. attorney Jonathan Francis argued for prison time, saying Alba’s actions had caused emotional harm to the community and created a chilling effect on charitable giving.(18)
“It’s a callous, calculating attempt to profit off the murder of children,” he said. I guess the millions of dollars donated to the United Way and the Sandy Hook Promise are viewed in a different light.
Obviously, David Fein was serious!
So, as key role players in the Sandy Hook School Shooting continue to disappear, we are left to wonder exactly who, if anyone will be left to answer questions that remain unaddressed. Stephen Sedensky, the ‘Lead Investigator’ and J Paul Vance, the CT State Police Spokesman are two of the few that remain as the number of involved parties continues to dwindle.
If there is an attempt to conceal information from the Public, one of the most effective ways to accomplish that would be to remove the involved parties that have access to key information. Those that refuse to cooperate by retiring or resigning may be coerced or silenced in different ways. Here I have been able to cite only those parties whose stories have made it into the newspapers and local media. Who knows what other stories remain undisclosed to the public?
Another effective method of concealing evidence is to discourage anyone from asking questions in the first place. Remember that J Paul Vance, the CT State Police Spokesman said early on that anyone sharing ‘misinformation’ on Social Media would be prosecuted (19). What better way to control a situation than to make it illegal to disseminate information unless it comes from an ‘Official Source’. This, despite the fact that all of the early information from Mainstream Media came from “un-named or anonymous” sources!
As time has passed, we have seen examples of the persecution of, if not the prosecution of, people that do question the Official Story. One of the most intriguing cases is that of YouTube videographer Scotty Walker (AKA Jonathan Reich). Jonathan was arrested in May of 2013 for allegedly making ‘threatening’ phone calls to the Coroner’s Office as well as to certain families affected by the Sandy Hook Tragedy.(20) You can listen to his phone call to Wayne Carver’s office here:
It seems to me that Jonathan has some pretty legitimate questions that should have been asked by any responsible journalist in regards to the Coroner’s role in the passing of Bill 1054, which made it possible for the State to deny access to pediatric autopsy reports and is probably the most compelling evidence of pre-planning involved with the Sandy Hook Hoax. Dr Carver has never answered any questions regarding this, primarily because Jonathan was the only person with enough courage to ask him.
Dr Carver refused to even get on the phone with him, although he was obviously in the room with his assistant when the call was received. Jon also had contacted the Allison Wyatt Memorial Fund to ask them why they had mistakenly used the picture of Lily Gaubert to promote their fund raising efforts. Didn’t anyone realize that they were using the wrong child’s photo for nearly 2 weeks? Surely the parents had some involvement with their own child’s memorial fund-didn’t they ?
Jonathan was then harassed by the local New York Police (where he lives) and told that he would be arrested and held on $250,000 bond unless he drove himself to Connecticut and turned himself in to be held on a lesser $50,000 bond. Because he was so afraid and didn’t want to jeopardize his family, he complied. He has since spent nearly $50,000 on attorneys fees due to the fact that his hearing has been scheduled and then postponed at the last minute a total of 9 times so far. This sure seems a bit extreme for what is considered as a Class C Misdemeanor (the lowest of crimes) in Connecticut. (21)
More recently it has been revealed that a person could face detainment and even further punishment just for simply speaking about the possibility that all is not as it seems regarding the Sandy Hook story.
A school teacher from Pound Ridge, NY was recently accosted by police, taken to the hospital and involuntarily detained for over a week of ‘psychological evaluations’ where it was then determined that he somehow presented a risk to the community.(22) These allegations all came about as a result of his alleged online communications with an acquaintance on a Words With Friends App.
Whether or not this acquaintance reported directly to the FBI or whether his communication was somehow monitored remains to be revealed. Despite the subsequent findings that he is mentally competent, the Bedford School District terminated his employment on May 12, 2014. He has since initiated a lawsuit to get his job back.(23) Hopefully his lawsuit will lead to some legal discussion and a better understanding of the events surrounding Sandy Hook and the lack of disclosure.
History is being created before our very eyes. I encourage the reader to take the time to read the Wikipedia account of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting. There you will find a collection of nonsensical information that is presented as fact.(24) When we realize that laws are being written and society is being manipulated as a result of what happened on that fateful day, it becomes obvious that we have a responsibility to become informed of what actually transpired at Sandy Hook. After 18 months of research, the only thing that I am convinced of is that I do not know the Truth.
You can find all of the notes and sources for this article at the Memory Hole Blog. Tony Mead is co-administrator of the popular Sandy Hook Hoax Facebook page.
Courtesy of Activist Post.

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