
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lucy (2014) – Esoteric Analysis

Film poster. Wikipedia.
Film poster. Wikipedia. Lucy in the Sky with Freeman.
By: Jay
Luc Besson has that rare, magical quality where his films teeter on the edge of being extremely mediocre and/or somewhat entertaining.  Similar themes run through his work, from La Femme Nikita to The Professional to The Fifth Element to The Messenger, focusing on the feminized goddess archetype rising above all adversity, in ferocious neo-Darwinian fashion.  Lucy is the climax of this goddess myth, wherein Scarlett Johansson plays an inadvertent drug mule, “Lucy,” roped into an international conspiracy that quickly departs into something resembling The Matrix meets Limitless meets 2001: A Space Odyssey.
I suppose it’s difficult to get away from being influenced by the top science fiction films, but at a certain point, audiences can only see so many Matrix-y bullet stopping scenes, and replacing Keanu with a hot chick doesn’t make it any better.  Regardless, the transhumanist plot is really the focus here, as the premise is basically this: Since humans only use a small portion of their latent brainpower, what would happen if a human could use all 100%?  And what if Morgan Freeman, Hollywood’s imagined, soulful voice of God/science, could help facilitate that ascent of (wo)man to godhood?  As I observed this silly plot, I was reminded of Gravity, where references to Darwinian apotheosis also abound, as woman takes humanity to the next level by a punctuated equilibrium jump in the evolutionary spectrum.  Here, sweet Scarlett will catapult us ahead to the vaginal tech utopia.
Like The Fifth Element, where Milla Jovovich plays a feminine incarnation of the aether, or quintessence, Lucy becomes the feminine incarnation of reason and robotic rationality as she gradually ascends into the adoption of taking on what classical theology has called the incommunicable attributes of God: omniscience and omnipresence.  We never know if Lucy attains to omnibenevolence. The film continually references Darwinian process, highlighting the survival of the fittest, aeons of slow mutation, and Lucy, the laughable supposed first chimp, who was a female.  Sorry, my fellow men, as Besson would have us understand, men are not preeminent in reason, nor are men the real power that propels order and civilization, as that exalted role is reserved for the first Lucy, the imagined female chimp, and the last Lucy, Scarlett Johansson.
Lucy is thus a conglomeration of all the myths of secular thought and for this reason it is highly instructive.  While secularists, atheists, and materialists lambaste those of us with religious presuppositions, they are amazingly oblivious to their own religious assumptions.  Lucy is a great example, where all the myths of modern man are combined into a story line that demonstrates just how preposterous and divorced from reality secular mythology is.   Neo-Darwinian theory, a chaotic, purposeless universe, and an imminent, emergent deity of feminist exemplification through transhumanism all coalesce to give us the future goddess: Lucy.  It is worthwhile to note that Lucy also brings to mind Lucifer, lucid, and LSD, all of which relate to various mind control programs by the intelligence agencies.  Lucifer is the archetypal figure of transhumanist thought, representing the ascent of reason to displace the ancient and medieval superstitions embodied in the patriarchal God of the Bible.  However, I must point out the total contradiction that the hoped-for emergent god/goddess of the technocracy, the great supercomputer, also takes on the very attributes they think are irrational?  The transhumanists firmly believe their merging with hard drives will lead to omniscience.
It is worth mentioning that in La Femme Nikita, The Fifth Element and in Lucy, MKULTRA mind control is also an important theme.  In Lucy, Lucy undergoes a kidnapping, drugging and accidental overdose, leading to her higher mental capacities “activating” through an advanced nootropic, wherein she becomes a perfectly cold assassin.  While the focus of the film is chance evolution and technocracy, this element cannot be overlooked.  Besson is clearly conveying to us the real purpose of the supersoldier programming that is now so prevalent in television and film – the perfection of (wo)man through mind control.   The occult message of Lucy is that evolution shows us that whatever testing and experimenting are done on humans is for the greater good.  Human testing is only propelling our evolutionary ascent, as we are merely animals, and only highly rational geniuses are able to understand this.  Since most of humanity cannot grasp these esoteric truths, the continued covert manipulation and bio-engineering must continue unabated.   Lucifer is guiding us to godhood – have faith, dear brothers, er sisters.
H.R. Giger's "Lilith"
H.R. Giger’s “Lilith”
In the end, Lucy downloads herself into a supercomputer and puts all her full-booty goodness into a thumb drive.  Unfortunately, only Morgan Freeman ends up with the Lilith Lucy thumb drive, so sorry fellas, no USB Johansson hotness for you.  Like Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element, the quintessence only unites with a worthy male supplicant, and in Lucy, the only worthy supplicant is the gnostic black neuroscientist.  Lucy is a perfect representation of the combination of the humanist teleology and eschatology.  The film is premised on the crucial occult, alchemical and Marxist belief that “progress” only comes through the inversion of all order and hierarchy.  Women are the ultimate rational beings, chaos produces order, and finitude somehow inherently creates infinity.  While many movie goers scoff at the silly plot based on its reviews, isn’t it interesting that so many people actually believe this secular gnostic mythology in their daily life, yet attack religion? How about a multee-pass to another film?

best of multipass

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