
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Groundbreaking Research: Scientist Terminated for Proving Dinosaurs and Humans Walked the Earth Together ~hehe how "much" other bullshit AREN'T we being "told"  huh   ...fuck~in taste like ..chicken Oops

Image Credit: Lost World Museum
Image Credit: Lost World Museum
Traditional history suggests that dinosaurs and humans never crossed paths because their existence on earth was separated by tens of millions of years.
But a new discovery by scientist Mark Armitage of California State University may well turn the history of human civilization upside down.
Armitage was recently on a dig in Montana when he came across the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed. Upon further examination of the unique specimen with a high-powered microscope Armitage discovered something that no scientist had ever seen on a dinosaur sample before – soft tissue.
When he published his findings his colleagues were stunned, because the existence of soft tissue, which should degrade and disappear over millions of years, suggests that dinosaurs didn’t go extinct 60 million years ago, but rather, were alive and well in North America just several thousand years ago.
One would think that such a notable discovery would lead to more research into the possibility that humans and dinosaurs may have co-existed at one point in time. But that’s far from what happened.
Armitrage’s funding was pulled, his research was silenced and his job at CSU was terminated.
Apparently, the researcher’s findings were so significant that the board of trustees at the university feared it would too closely mesh science with religion.
One university official even made it a point to let Armitrage know why he was let go. ”We are not going to tolerate your religion in this department,” he was quoted as saying.
The official’s statement stems from the notion that the history of the Christian Bible is roughly 6,000 to 10,000 years old, a point that some scientists often use to laugh off any possibility that there is truth to it. Scientists argue that since the bones of dinosaurs are over 60 million years old, the Bible couldn’t possibly hold a shred of truth because the creation story told in the first book of Genesis is, at most, just ten thousand years old.
But the new discovery may shed light on the mysterious creatures mentioned in the Bible’s Old Testament. The earlier books of the bible may not have mentioned Triceratops or other dinosaurs by name, but they do make reference to tanniyn and behemoth, interpreted by some scholars as a large serpent, reptile, dragon, or even sea-monster.
These creatures did, indeed, cross paths with humans accordingly to the historical record detailed in the Christian Bible.
Behold, Behemoth, which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox. Behold, his strength in his loins, and his power in the muscles of his belly. He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron.
Job 40:15-18
Yet, up until now, no hard scientific research confirmed that such large animals with reptile-like skin existed.
Armitrage’s discovery of soft tissue adds physical evidence to biblical record. And apparently, that threatened an upheaval in the scientific community, subsequently leading to Armitrage’s termination.
A press release from the Pacific Justice Institute argues that Armitrage was terminated on the basis of religion for sharing a controversial theory and providing evidence for such:
“Terminating an employee because of their religious views is completely inappropriate and illegal,” commented Brad Dacus, President of PJI. “But doing so in an attempt to silence scientific speech at a public university is even more alarming. This should be a wakeup call and warning to the entire world of academia,” he continued.
While at a dig at Hell Creek formation in Montana, the scientist, Mark Armitage, came upon the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed at the site. When examining the horn under a high-powered microscope back at CSUN, Armitage was fascinated to see the soft tissue. The discovery stunned members of the scientific community because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.
According to court documents, shortly after the original soft tissue discovery, a university official challenged the motives of Armitage, by shouting at him, “We are not going to tolerate your religion in this department!”
Armitage, a published scientist of over 30 years, was subsequently let go after CSUN abruptly claimed his appointment at the university of 38 months had been temporary, and claimed a lack of funding for his position. This was news to him, and contradicted prior statements and documents from the university.
Michael Peffer, staff attorney with PJI’s southern California office said, “It has become apparent that ‘diversity’ and ‘intellectual curiosity,’ so often touted as hallmarks of a university education, do not apply to those with a religious point of view. This suit was filed, in part, to vindicate those ideals.”
PJI Daily Paul via Steve Quayle
Scientists often claim that no evidence or data prove the stories in the bible ever actually happened. Now, a veteran researcher with over three decades of experience has confirmed that dinosaurs were likely alive during the age of humans. Yet, because it doesn’t follow the traditional narrative and threatens scores of other theories, the physical evidence is shunned, thrown aside, and dismissed as religious extremism.
Apparently, a scientist can no longer be a scientists if he subscribes to the stories shared in the bible or if he believes in God.
Video Update via Daily Paul: Scientist Explains His Soft Tissue Research Find
Mac Slavo is the Editor of

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