
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Video: Psychologist Concerned About Mental Stability of President: Obama May Not Be “Sane”

how bout the kooks who "voted" fer the KOOK ! klaus3-519x640-1

As the U.S. government pushes for regular mental health screenings for American citizens to ensure we are not terrorists and that we are capable of owning firearms or raising children, perhaps we should start at the top of the hierarchy – with the President of the United States.
He is, after all, the “decision maker” for our nation and is the sole person responsible for determining if and when the “red button” needs to be pushed.
But what if such a health screening determined that the American people elected a mentally unstable individual to its highest office?
Here’s the scary version. According to psychologist Dr. Gina Loudon this may well be what has happened.
Speaking on Lou Dobbs Tonight, Dr. Loudon says that President Obama is displaying “erratic” and “irrational” behavior that may be indicative of someone who may not be “sane.”

(Video via Newsbusters
Lou Dobbs: The President hasn’t mentioned a word about Sgt. Tahmooressi held in a Mexican prison. Your thoughts on the distinction here between the two, in at least Obama’s mind?
Dr. Loudon: You know, I will say to you, Lou, I am very, very concerned about the mental stability of this President at this point. Some of his behavior seems irrational to me. It seems beyond that of just a typical narcissistic, arrogant, sort of, ‘I’m a leader of a big country and I feel tyrannical at the moment’ kind of attitude. It really seems to me like this President is demonstrating behavior that is not only anti-American, but irrational and erratic and perhaps not exactly what we might want to deem sane.
Mac Slavo is the Editor of

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