
Friday, June 6, 2014

The Simpsons Predicts 6-22-14 Nuclear Terror Attacks

An update on references to June 22nd terror attacks within “fiction”, plus a look at treason charges against President Obama as a $70 general solution (enter Ctrl F treason). Also discussed, are my thoughts about 6/22/12 and 6/22/13 (enter Ctrl F Before 2012).
The Simpsons Predicts 6-22-14 Nuclear Terror Attacks
I have found the date 6/22/14 hidden in recent episodes of nine TV series, including The Simpsons. The episodes involved terrorism and war. June 22nd is the date of false flag nuclear terror attacks in the London Telegraph’s “Operation Blackjack” series, and the date 6/22 is hidden in related “fiction”.
The Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, and 7/7, were all similarly foretold within so-called “fiction”. 9/11 was foretold in so many TV shows and movies, that new examples are still being found. Here are some famous cases, starting with The Simpsons Series 9 Episode 01 (S09E01, 9/21/1997), click on images to enlarge them:-
SIMPSONS NY 9-11 1997
In 2006, a lot of “fiction” and news stories about nuclear terrorism started to appear.

The Lone Gunmen Pilot 9 11 Predictive Programming

In January 2009 the London Telegraph published a series called Operation Blackjack
(Black Jack = Satan/Lucifer), which gave the date June 22nd (6/22) for nuclear attacks.
The bombs are planted on 6/21, Blackjack = 21. 9/11 to 6/21 inclusive is 9 months and
11 days. 6/21 is also the summer solstice, an important day to Freemasons who worship
the Egyptian sun and war god Horus (a.k.a. Lucifer) – symbolized by the All-Seeing Eye.
In Operation Blackjack, London, Paris, Washington D.C., Toronto, Mexico City, plus New York, Los Angeles and Portland and are all bombed on June 22nd, in an unspecified year.
The alleged perpetrators are “domestic extremists armed by Iran, Syria, and China”. The newly formed “Union of North America” attacks the patsy nations:-
BLACKJACK PT3SL8Operation Blackjack was found to contain several hidden messages including “This is not simply entertainment” and “Predictive Programming 2.0”. These messages confirmed what many immediately suspected when they found the series. Blackjack’s false flag Boston bomb plot, which became real in 2013:-
President Obama said on 3/25/14 at a “nuclear security summit”:-
“Russia is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors; I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon  going off in Manhattan.”
Was this more “predictive programming”, setting the stage for government false flag nuclear attacks?
The Operation Blackjack “slide show story” is still on the Telegraph’s website, and here is a more convenient video version (8m long):-
You can download this video (21mb), for smoother playback, here.
The TV series Jericho (2006-8) is the Blackjack story from the perspective of a small American town. Blackjack and Jericho both have a character called Valente, and there is a Jericho episode called “Black Jack”. This is the “6/22 bus”, which is shown in Jericho as the (23) bombs go off :-
Jericho combines many of the threats that we have been warned about in recent years – nuclear terrorism, EMP attacks, a (bio-weapon) plague, and U.S. civil war. “Conveniently”, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other U.S. domestic agencies, have been preparing for these scenarios – Jericho may represent the full plan to conquer America, as discussed here.
Before 2012, many Blackjack/Jericho related TV shows and movies also included hidden references to the year 2012. After 6/22/12 passed peacefully, the clues in “fiction” moved to 6/22/13. Warning calls to Coast To Coast AM may have prevented attacks on 6/22/12 and 6/22/13 – millions of listeners had been primed to blame the government for terror attacks on those two dates.
The date 6/22/13 was hidden many times in a 2013 episode of The Simpsons called The Saga Of Carl (S24E21, 5/19/13). The episode involves betrayal/treason leading to terrorism and war. Here is a hidden 6/22/13 from that episode:-
3192296 = 6922913 = 6/22/13 + 99. The number 9 is Satan/Black Jack’s number in Masonic/Illuminati numerology. Can anyone read the bar-code?
Given that the dates 9/11/01, 6/22/12, and 6/22/13, had all been hidden in Simpsons episodes from previous years, I decided to look for suitable episodes within the current season. “The Art Of War” (S25E15, 3/24/14) seemed like a promising title. This episode involves threats/terrorism against the Simpsons. Here is a still from 13 minutes in:-
Simpsons.S25E15.14 EYES TOO
Note the raised/questioning eyebrow from the CIA type character next to the (year) 13,
and only he has eyebrows. Also, the 13 is being thrust forward into the front row/current year, to join the 6 and the 22. And, 6+1+3+2+2 is a hidden 14, for a full 6/22/14.
Additionally, there are red Masonic pyramid earrings in the second row, perhaps indicating
that Blackjack was stopped in 2013. Marge’s green pyramid earrings and outfit in front row, seem to symbolize that Blackjack 6/22 is green-lighted in 2014:-
Simpsons.S25E15. RED = STOP GREEN = GO
An interesting 6/22/14 reference appeared in a recent episode of “Revolution” (2012) called “Declaration Of Independence“. Revolution was series about America in 2027, after global  EMP-like attacks, and it contained many Blackjack/Jericho themes. From the end of the final episode (S02E22, 5/14/14):-
I checked the town’s co-ordinates… Bradbury, Ohio, Latitude:-
39.0095226 = (3+9).(9+5) 22 6 = 12.14 22 6 = a reversed 6/22/14.21 (Blackjack).
Longitude: -82.0668088 = 8+2+6+6 = 22 and 8+8+8 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 = 22/6 = 6/22.
What is “Revolution” suggesting may occur on 6/22/14? A clue from a few frames earlier:-
A three ringed circus – “something spectacular, tumultuous, or entertaining”. A good description of Operation Blackjack – false flag attacks even more spectacular and tumultuous than 9/11. The circus theme may also be a reference to Jericho and Blackjack, because the Black Jack referred to in Jericho is a fairground.
I have found 6/22/14 hidden dozens more times in other series and episodes. Car number plates are a common if dull/predictable location, where the letters represent numbers (A = 1 N = 14 etc), and 9/11 plates sometimes appear on other cars nearby. You just look for 6, 22, 14, 9, and 11, and then add up the remaining numbers.
A = 1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 O15 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26
If Operation Blackjack became real on 6/22/14 what should we expect? I suggest “dirty bombs” in several major cities – plenty of terror and propaganda, but little real damage. A smooth transition to the next phase could then follow – martial law plus attacks against Syria and Iran. The worst case version from Operation Blackjack:-

Operation Blackjack (Full Slide Show)

What can be done about all of the above? Firstly you can call George Noory (I have been trying), or your favorite show in the alternative media, and say something like:-
“The date 6/22/14 is being hidden in a lot of TV shows which involve terrorism and war. If there are terror attacks on June 22nd, the government will definitely be behind it”.
Previously, I suggested charging Obama, plus the heads of the DHS and FEMA, with conspiracy to commit genocide – the DHS has bought two billion hollow point bullets (etc!), and FEMA is preparing for unspecified “mass casualty events”, whilst hiring long-term concentration camp guards.
Recently I looked up the U.S. definition of treason:-
“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them…”, that is, building an army to attack the United States.
Barack Obama in July 2008:-
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
Obama has made remarkable progress towards this sinister goal, which appears to represent clear-cut treason – who could the militarized DHS, police, and other domestic departments/agencies, possibly fight apart from the American people? Obama has even authorized the U.S. military to combat “domestic unrest”.
U.S. training facilities for this war against the people have been found, see here and here, and the DHS is promoting “right-wing gun owners and veterans” as the next terrorist threat/enemy (i.e. the next target).
Treason charges against Obama would at least warn middle America about the threat, and the filing fee may be only $70.
If Obama’s forces attacking America seems unlikely, all that is required are major false
flag attacks, to be blamed on “home-grown extremists/traitors”, as described in Operation Blackjack and Jericho.

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