
Friday, June 20, 2014


These articles were shared by regular readers here, including Ms. P.H. and Mr. P.T., and we need to spend some time with them, for there are still those who think that mind-control mind-manipulation technologies are the fantasies of wild-eyed conspiracy theorists and science fiction operas. But they are a reality.
The U.K.’s Daily Mail, for example, has reported on a new technology developed at the University of California (Berkeley) that can scan people’s brains while they are asleep and dreaming, and which can then reconstruct the faces of people the subject is dreaming about:
Machine that could scan the brain and read your dreams
As the article states, “Researchers believe the same technology could be used in the future to enable them to reconstruct images from people’s memories, imagination and dreams.” But there’s more, but to see what it is, one has to put this article into the perspective of yet another story on mind-manipulation technologies, courtesy of our friends at
Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head
Note that this article envisions the practicality of technologies designed not only to interfere or interrupt neural processes, but actually to inject, via remote electro-magnetic means, voices in one’s head, a technology that this author wrote about, in fact, in Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men.
Combining the implications of the two technologies together, one can conceive of the remote scanning of an individual by a kind of technologically assisted telepathy, literally, mind-reading, as well as to inject thoughts, emotions, or even alter memory.
There’s a catch however, and it’s something very suggestive in fact. The “catch” is suggested at the very end of the Daily Mail article:
“Mr Cowen and his fellow researchers, Brice Kuhl of New York University and Professor Marvin Chun of Yale, believe that extracting facial images is the first step towards eventually producing advanced mind-reading technology.
“Mr Kuhl said: ‘I study memory, and it’s hard not to be excited by the prospect of being able to reconstruct the images that we bring to mind when we remember something.
“‘We are certainly heading in the direction of reconstructing dreams too. Something that looks like a high-definition movie of your dreams is not going to happen in the immediate future, but we have already seen improvements in the sensitivity of these methods.’
“Mr Cowen assured the public that the technology did not enable them to forcibly extract information from subjects, however.
“He told Fox News: ‘This sort of technology can only read active parts of the brain. So you couldn’t read passive memories – you would have to get the person to imagine the memory to read it.
‘It’s a matter of time, and eventually – maybe 200 years from now – we’ll have some way of reading inactive parts of the brain.” (Emphasis added)
Note that inactive parts of the brain have to be “engaged,” i.e., the individual has to willfully “turn them on” in order for such scanning to be possible. And that, to my mind, suggests the opposite of what Mr. Cowen is suggesting, namely, that the brain-mind connection is not explicable in solely materialist ways, that the brain, in order to recover memories, must be turned on to tune those memories in; or to put it country simple: memory shows signs of being non-local, and the brain their transducer.
Now all this must have Bishop Berkeley chuckling in his grave, for while that might sound like good news to the anti-brain control advocate (and I would certainly number myself in that camp), suppose for a moment, however, that Mr. Cowen’s prediction of a technological capability to access the non-engaged part of the brain actually occurred within the context of findings implying the non-locality of memory. The implications of such a concurrence would be breathtaking, for it would mean nothing less than that such a technological capability was also an ability to engineer the information content of the field (to employ a favorite phrase of Soviet era scientists); such a technology would, in other words, conceivably be a technology not only of engineering and manipulation the brain, but the physical medium itself. Now if that sounds like a tall order, remember that within the strange world of quantum mechanics, events are not physical events until observed, and ultimately that requires the intelligent observer(at least, according to some). Mind manipulation would thus also be temporal cloaking and event cloaking. What would happen, for example, if this were employed on a planetary-population scale?
Now, whether all these very high octane speculations ever occur or not, one thing does emerge from the new ideas and capabilities, and that is the rapid convergence of the neuro-sciences and physics itself.

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