
Monday, June 16, 2014


Well, predictably, the world’s elites gathered in Copenhagen for this year’s Bilderblither meeting, and amid the prattling and globaloney, a certain agenda emerged, according to RT which reported on a set of talking points gleaned by Bilderblitherer researcher Daniel Estulin. Mind you, I like Mr. Estulin’s research, so the blither isn’t coming from him, it’s coming from the self-appointed elites that get invited to these festivities:
Bilderberg Meeting Leaked Agenda
Now, as one commentator points out, the difficulty with any analysis of the Bilderblither meetings is precisely the fact that there is no documentation about what they’re blithering about. But I rather suspect that Mr. Estulin’s list of alleged talking points, and RT’s rather op-ed presentation of it, are accurate. For one thing, most readers here probably share the concerns of this author over rumored attempts to reign in internet freedom. The internet has been the chief means of an information revolution…
…and it has been the principal actor in the growing cyncism around the world, and particularly in the West, of people toward their non-responsive governments and their real corporate and banking masters. Similarly, the recent election results in various European countries, most notably in Europe largest thermonuclear power, France, against the European Union and increasing calls in various nations for a withdrawal from the oligarchical and technocratic dictates of Brussels is bound also to be of concern. The Bilderblitherers are bound to react to this, and to exercise every effort via their media organs to restore confidence in their Europrojekt.
But I strongly suspect that center stage at the meeting was the BRICSA bloc, and more particularly, Russia and China, for as the article avers, Russia and China form a powerful counterweight to that group’s attempt to encircle and dismember Russia. The article suggests something in relation to this question and the internet that is quite interesting, and that is contained in a statement that requires one read very carefully between the lines:
“The destructive potential of cyber attacks is growing rapidly as reliance on the internet in all aspects of life rises. But the threat of state-sponsored hacker attacks is what some governments may use as a pretext for clamping down on the internet, undermining its role as a medium for the sake of security.”
This is a carefully thought-out statement in my opinion, and it’s an indicator from Russia that if there is such a large-scale internet or cyber-attack in the West, it will not be the BRICSA nations, and in particular Russia, behind it. It will be, the article is suggesting, a false flag designed to clamp down on “internet security,” and deny the very freedom of ideas and expression that has, up till now, been a great propaganda boon to that country. Consider, for example, only the internet chatter surrounding Syria prior to Mr. Putin’s intervention in that hot spot.  That statement is also stating something else, and it is present only by implication: on the geopolitical plane, none of the BRICSA nations, and Russia in particular, have little vested geopolitical interest in staging cyber attacks.
So consider the speculative implications here: Brazil and Germany and France have all called for a more independent European internet, and Brazil and the rest of the BRICSA nations have begun steps to create a “USA-free internet.” And now, RT informs us of potential cyber attacks in a commentary on the Bilderblither meeting in Copenhagen. Perhaps, just perhaps, Russia is quietly letting the world know that it may have more than just surmises on the matter. Perhaps it has some intelligence? If so, then that would put its recent insistence that Visa and Mastercard construct a clearing and payments center in Russia in a very different perspective.

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