
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Why the Banksters Don’t Care About Your Gold

fuck the silver ! & fuck the gold "bugs" !! u wanna take "this" World back !!! start fucking INVESTING in EACH OTHER  ..nawwwww can't B that fucking simple  HUH 

bankstersI regularly hear how important it is to hold silver and gold and how dangerous the central banks and their banksters (a combination of bankers and gangsters) really are. I’m sympathetic, of course, since I don’t like central banks and I do like silver and gold.
But these folks have a problem: Their plans never seem to bear any fruit. Mostly, they are waiting for the banksters to lose control, for the financial system to fall down, and for their silver and gold to save them from an apocalypse.
But it has been a lot of years now, and the banksters seem to have no concern about precious metals in the hands of average folks. In short, they don’t fear your silver and gold at all, and I think it’s important to examine why.

The Obvious Reasons

There are several obvious reasons why the banksters don’t fear metals in private hands, and then there’s a much bigger reason. Let’s start with the easy ones:
  1. The banksters already hold most the world’s silver and gold and control its pricing. The ‘official’ price of gold is set every day by a group of bankers in London.
  2. They lease it to each other and their friends.
  3. The largest bankers more or less control the gold futures markets. At last count, the big commodities market had 102 times more gold under contract than they had physical gold. Since this “paper gold” passes for real gold, manipulations can abound.
  4. Governments are very good at stealing gold from a populace. The US government did precisely that in 1933, and there’s no reason to think they wouldn’t try again when they want. Taking money is what governments do.

The Big Reason

All the reasons above are significant, of course, but there remains a vast amount of gold and silver in private hands. And this could present a serious problem to the banking monopolies, except for one thing:
The people who hold these metals never use them.
I regularly hear people asking, “How do we destroy the banks?” And the answer is obvious: Stop using their products.
That, of course, is where the inquiry usually ends.
The “gold bug” crowd already has the tool of victory in their hands – but they don’t use it. There is more than enough gold, silver, and copper in free circulation to conduct a great deal of commerce. And if they were serious about ending the reign of central banks, that would be the way to do it. (Bitcoin would more than suffice for international transactions.)
But they almost never use their metals. Rather, they hold them in safes, in drawers, and on shelves, treating them like little idols. Every so often they pull out their stacks, dust them off, appreciate them for a moment, then put them back into storage. Then they wait for the apocalypse to come, when they’ll finally do something with them.
Again, I like silver and gold; I think they are honest money and a good store of wealth. But if you want to great rid of central banking tyranny, you’ll have to USE your silver and gold. That’s the choice: Treat it like an idol or treat it like money.
As long as your coins remain static, they remain powerless. If you use them like money, big things can happen.

The Bitcoin Kids Have It Right

A lot of silver and gold people hate Bitcoin. But regardless of Bitcoin’s features or flaws, the Bitcoin community is doing one thing very well: They are using their currency, rather than merely admiring it.
This is why the banksters and governments are freaked out about Bitcoin and not about silver and gold. By using their currency, the Bitcoin kids are chipping away at the banksters. If left unmolested, these young people would seriously weaken the banksters and eventually render them obsolete.
  • The banksters fear Bitcoin, because people are using it in daily commerce.
  • The banksters don’t fear precious metals, because they are not used in daily commerce.
Silver and gold will start chipping away at the banksters when people pull their metals off their shelves and use them… and not before.
Paul Rosenberg

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