
Sunday, May 11, 2014

The ID Entity: To Seek Out New Life

The ID Entity: To Seek Out New Life


When Bill Clinton appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Show last month, he opened up about the possibility of extraterrestrials and the disclosure that we are not alone. You may recall that in the program, before a live audience, Kimmel announced he would be asking about UFOs after a break. While Clinton concluded he found no evidence they exist, he said, “if we were visited someday, I wouldn’t be surprised.
As he said it, he demonstrated a significant amount for apprehension and uncomfortable body language about the revelation. A month after his appearance on the show there is still a buzz on the internet about what he was trying to say, and whether or not he realized he was in over his head about announcements pertaining to the disclosure of extra-terrestrials.
From Area 51 to Roswell, Clinton claimed that he had an interest in the subject and that during his second term he demanded answers about the subject matter. He even claimed that the Area 51 personnel were required to wear special uniforms and take part in special procedures.
This had never been claimed by anyone before. Surely he has confused what was going on at Area 51 with some other secret project that was being carried out by one of the alphabet agencies.
There is some buzz going around the Internet that perhaps Clinton was not only aware of what was happening at Area 51 but he may have also been aware of a the secret Stargate Project that was used to create soldiers capable of communicating with possible extraterrestrial entities, and using their “remote viewing” tools to find missing soldiers and to also use mental power for remote assassinations.
There has always been a giggle factor amongst skeptics about mental powers, but your government used taxpayer money to carry out the same occult practices of out-of-body contact that was first carried out by the meeting of “The Founders.”
“The Founders” were actually the first group of oculists in the 1800’s that knew the power of the mind to open up dimensions for the sole purpose of astral projection, out of body experiences, clairvoyance, psychometry and communication with ascended masters – or what Dr. Larry Johns from The Western Way institute calls “mentor extra-terrestrials.” It was at that time that the Theosophical Society would meet in secret and later groups like the Thule Society and the Vril would meet in secret enclaves in Vienna and other European haunts.
At that time, séances were very popular. Entities would be contacted through these meet ups and most of the entities contacted were typically interpreted as being souls of the dead.
Later there were claims made that when certain tones are sung and certain images and hand signs are used human beings who had advanced to higher dimensions would appear and impart their wisdom.
It was later claimed that through causal engineering and intent of sheer will, beings from other planets would also appear and give their wisdom to “The Founders.”
This was the beginning of the first rudimentary contacts with “extra-terrestrials.” It was after World War II that former Nazi scientists and CIA psychologists experimented with the idea of mind expansion, telekinesis, ESP, remote viewing, and communication with “mentor extra-terrestrials.
It was Bill Clinton that declassified the Stargate Project and immediately the cloak of secrecy was pulled back in order to give people a glimpse of a program that for 25 years was training soldiers and civilian spies to be mind readers, psychics, remote viewers and alien contactees.
The object of “Stargate” was to use soldiers and civilian spies as conduits able to transcend the limitations of space and time.
“Stargate” was a CIA sponsored, military approved experiment utilizing psychic spies who, used their psychic and clairvoyant abilities (“remote viewing”), in order to track down Russian nuclear missile silos and missing American jets.
I once interviewed a Canadian man that said that he was also involved with a joint U.S./Canadian program similar to “Stargate” called the “Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.” This was a CIA front group that used mind expansion and mind control experiments to create environments where the mind is programmed while under the influence of psychotropic drugs.
Keep in mind that many of these clairvoyant groups had a hand in counseling authorities in how to handle communication with aliens and other entities as mankind was edging closer to conquering space.
In the times of Hitler, the Vrill and the Thule counseled the Nazi SS and the Luftwaffe in how to create flying machines that needed no runways. Some people believe that the flying saucer designs that we know today were actually handed down from the “mentor extraterrestrials” to the military from groups like the Vril, the Thule, and the group known as the “Council of Nine.”
At precisely 9:00 PM on New Year’s Eve 1952 in a house deep in the woods of Augusta, Maine, the séance began. Among the participants was Dr. D.G. Vinod, a Hindu scholar and sage who was well known for channeling all sorts of entities.
Others in attendance were Bell helicopter inventor Arthur Young who abandoned his aviation career to focus on the paranormal and his wife Ruth who had ties to the Forbes dynasty and was learning Russian from the wife of Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald had commented before the assassination of Kennedy that “new revelations” had impressed him about the aerospace industry and that he was planning on working at NASA.
Mary Bancroft of the Bancroft dynasty was also the mistress of Allen Dulles – the man whom JFK fired after the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Also in attendance was Marcella Du Pont of the Du Pont family and Alice Bouverie who was born into the Astor dynasty.
This was considered a séance that in occult history would change the direction of the United States forever, especially with matters dealing with space and extra-terrestrials.
The intuitive seekers made contact with entities known as the Council of Nine. The Nine claimed to be the creators of mankind, and had informed the intuitive that they would be returning to Earth soon.
It was odd that in 1952, after the meeting and the channeling of the Nine, there was a turning point in the American mythos of UFO’s and alien mythologies. It was the era of the infamous swarm of UFO’s over the United States Capital in Washington DC.
It is also interesting to note that JPL, the company commonly known as Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is secretly referred to as Jack Parsons Laboratory. Parsons, who also was involved with the occult and a well-known sex magic ritual known as “The Babylon Working”, was killed in a lab accident six months after the contact with the Nine.
Is it so odd to consider that perhaps there has been a secret society of intuitive and scholars of the secret meetings that have been setting the agenda of what is to be believed when it comes to things like the UFO enigma and the real facts concerning the invoking of such beings?
Is the alien phenomena more than just so-called beings that travel light years – or are they beings who have been summoned for the purpose of supplying knowledge about new technologies and other sciences?
Well, the truth is that these “psychic” programs were being financed by tax dollars because intelligence reports that are being declassified suggest that the “Soviet Union” was also very aware of “mentor extra-terrestrials” and that the space race was not limited to who had the most rockets and space platforms in space but who could use psychic solders to communicate with alien entities if the opportunity ever presented itself.
The Soviets at the time made a great scapegoat for this research; however, there was financial backing from unknown sources that would encourage the “mental” contact with higher intelligences in 1952.
Did this mean that the US government somehow received intelligence that extra-terrestrials existed? Was there any truth to the Maury Island incident, the Kenneth Arnold sightings and the Roswell crash of 1947?
Were there important reasons why Harold Dahl and Fred Crisman were forced by strange ‘men in black’ to recant their stories of UFO encounters in the Maury Island area? Did Kenneth Arnold escape death to tell the world about the flying discs he saw over Mount Ranier just two weeks before the Roswell crash in New Mexico?
Were there really dead alien bodies recovered at Roswell in 1947? Is this the reason why these “psychic” groups created by the CIA? To some these questions maybe strange but think of the incidents that happened prior to Roswell. Think of the ritualism that may have led to the sightings Washington state in 1947.
Think of the further summoning of the ethereal entities and how they arrived to give us the Betty and Barney Hill case which sparked abduction cases and stories that in medieval times would be described as witch rides with the devil, and angel rides in chariots of fire.
Now we hear about how all of this relates to quantum physics and how we are told that there are many more dimensions than we experience. Where does all of this new information come from? Could it be that many of the best and earliest quantum physicists were part of the small circle that made up the Council of Nine?
Is it all just a coincidence?
Is it also a coincidence that now Bill Clinton spills the beans on disclosure after the general accounting office has received numerous requests from the likes of Diane Feinstein, Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Steven Greer and others about the incidents leading up to the Roswell incident in New Mexico?
UFO REALITY IS BREAKING THROUGH by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D. states:
When he first took office, President Carter tried to learn what the government knew about UFOs. President Carter was denied access to UFO information which the CIA had, by then-CIA Director George Bush, who told the President that he did not have clearance for that information. In similar fashion, President Clinton is not satisfied with the briefings he has gotten from the CIA on UFOs, because the CIA information conflicts with the information which the President’s Science Advisor Jack Gibbons has independently acquired.
It was reported in 1995 that President Clinton made several pilot videos of proposed alternative public announcements about UFOs and the ET presence that he wanted to use if once again the opportunity presented itself.
In 1995, while in Belfast, Ireland, Clinton joked about aliens when a young boy named Ryan sent him a letter asking him if aliens crashed at Roswell in 1947.

Bill Clinton in Talks About Roswell in Belfast 1995

Ryan, if you’re out in the crowd tonight, here’s the answer to your question. No, as far as I know, an alien spacecraft did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. And, Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, they didn’t tell me about it, either, and I want to know.
Now it is important to note that after Clinton got wise to all of the clandestine “psychic contact” with extra-terrestrials and the Roswell incident, as WorldNetDaily reported n their article ‘What Has Bill Clinton So Stressed About UFOs?‘, “a 1995 General Accounting Office report…stated all administrative and communication files between 1946 and 1949 from Roswell Army Air Field had been destroyed.
If anyone can remember during Clinton’s appearance with Kimmel, and after the grilling about Area 51 and Roswell—Clinton said an alien invasion would unite the planet. When Kimmel asks former president Clinton “Are you hinting to me that perhaps there are aliens?” Clinton does the most interesting thing: he nods to the affirmative — then says “no.”
When Ronald Reagan made the same statements he too was vague as to what the alien threat might be and when it will attack.
Perhaps it is time again to reinstate the mentalists that have had the opportunity to bring the consciousness to a level that the extra-terrestrials can appear.
If it worked then—perhaps it is time to reopen the old cases and use the old tools in order to seek out new life.
This may be one way to finding the truth about what has led up to the organized silence with regard to the alien question.

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