
Friday, May 2, 2014


The past three days we’ve been exploring the “Renaissance Model” hypothesis that I believe may be informing a gradual strategy of disclosure and space matters. Mr. Richard Dolan, whose crucial and signally important volumes, UFOs and the National Security State, made the profound observation that UFOs constitute the significant key to understanding post-war history, and that the absence of consideration of this problem from most-war historiography constitutes a kind of material omission in that discipline. Additionally, former Assistant Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, I, and others, have made similar statements with respect to post-war financial arrangements; it is impossible to understand the vast amount of fraud in the system, and the huge amounts of money sloshing around in it, without understanding that this is related, ultimately, to the UFO problem that began to confront the post-war power elites. To fail to consider it is, again, in Fitts’ estimation, a material omission.
I have been proposing yet a third form of “material omission”, one in fact suggested first by, believe it or not, the late Philip Corso, namely, that the UFO constitutes also the significant hidden geopolitical factor. And it is in this context that I wish to consider recent events, and this story:
Egypt Signs Unprecedented Military Deal with Russia
Clearly, as the article indicates, the Russian-Egyptian arms deal recalls the significant influence that Russia exercised within the Egypt of Gamel Abdul Nasser and during the early period of Anwar Sadat, during the heyday of Cold War, Act One. It was Sadat, of course, who began the process of orienting Egypt in a more pro-Western direction. The fact that the Egyptian military is turning once more to its old Cold War arms supplier and erstwhile ally, Russia, is a measure of the degree to which American attempts to strong arm the region(and for that matter, most of the world), are backfiring with huge geopolitical repercussions.
The fiasco of Western “assistance” in the Ukraine has also backfired, in my opinion.
All of these types of considerations have fueled speculations on the internet and even in the mainstream lamestream media that the Cold War is reviving, with Russia, of course, playing the bad guy.
But while all this has been going on, we’ve been observing a quiet “war” in space: Russian GLONASS satellites go offline, meteors once again streak over that country, China’s president openly announces he wants his country to militarize space(at least he’s honest, no other power admits it, or, if they do, it’s all in the context of asteroid defense, and see? we’ve got meteors streaking over our country and exploding to prove the need! How convenient!) On top of all of this, we’ve seen the the rise of the BRICSA nations and their own calls for independent financial clearing.
The world, we are informed, is once again forming into two large economic-military blocs; the dream of a unipolar American-hegemonic New World Order is dying before our eyes.
But now filter in the UFO, and the geopolitical picture changes dramatically. True enough, the world is once again dividing into two major blocs, but this comes in the wake of the inability of the unipolar vision to manage things. Calls for independent financial clearing could equally be seen as a nice way of calling for “systems redundancy.” In the wake of the inability to introduce a truly global socio-political-financial order, then the next best thing to unipolarism is bi-polarism.
Add to this, the Chinese call for militarization of space, Medvedev’s call for a Russian Asteroid defense system (which, it will be recalled, he welcomed others to join, but insisted Russia go ahead on its own anyway)…and, securing a Russian influence in Egypt once again, favorite haunt of ancient astronaut theories and…
…well, you get the idea.
I’m far from suggesting here that there are not real, genuine, strictly terrestrial considerations driving geopolitics. There are. What I am proposing, however, is that once the “material omission” in geopolitics is factored into the picture, the basis of interpretation shifts dramatically, and suggests other more hidden motivations behind some events, motivations not contrary to terrestrial ones, but rather, evidencing very different long term goals.
Simple bi-polarism is a much tidier, easier picture to coordinate long term social engineering agendas, than is unipolarism + chaos… Either way, simple terrestrial geopolitics, or deeper agendas, Mr. Putin is willing to play the game, and he’s holding some high cards.

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