
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Leaked Secret Agenda From Bilderberg 2014 Revealed

Kit Daniels
This is why it’s critical to follow the most powerful group in the world
Bilderberg, the annual gathering of the world’s most powerful politicians and business magnates, is clearly shaping global policies by positioning its favored politicians as world leaders, determining the timetables of military conflicts and influencing the economic policies of nearly every nation on the planet, impacting the lives of billions around the globe.
Leaked Secret Agenda From Bilderberg 2014 Revealed

Daniel Estulin, an author and expert on the Bilderberg Group, has learned from his internal sources several items on Bilderberg’s agenda for this year’s conference in Copenhagen, Denmark which began yesterday:
1) Nuclear diplomacy – how Russia, China and even Iran could work together to erode western hegemony.
2) The recent gas agreement between Russia and China – how this and other long-term projects between the two countries will likely reduce dependency on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.
3) The rise of nationalism within Europe that is challenging the power structure of the European Union – the recent victories of the populist United Kingdom Independence Party, which opposes the European Union, is particularly concerning to the Bilderberg Group because the EU, and its Euro currency, were formulated by the group at its second annual meeting in 1955.
4) The European Union’s Internet privacy regulations – what they mean for the United States.
5) The rise of cyber warfare – the government could deceptively use the threat of cyber attacks to strengthen censorship and other Internet regulations.
6) From Ukraine to Syria – Is Obama’s foreign policy doomed?
7) The “climate change” agenda – the deindustrialization of targeted nations as a result of “climate change” treaties and legislation.
And there’s likely more that will be discussed during this year’s three-day conference.
But to truly absorb the importance of these agenda items and the influence of the Bilderberg Group, it’s critical to look back at several of the world’s most significant events in the past several decades, which were not as random as they appear but were rather planned by design inside the eloquently-furnished meeting rooms of past Bilderberg conferences.
As previously mentioned, the 1955 Bilderberg meeting in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany focused on the creation of the European Union and a single European currency, both of which occurred in the early 1990s after decades of gradual implementation.
In 1991, the then governor of Arkansas, who was relatively unknown at the time, was invited to attend the Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany. Just over one year later the governor, William Jefferson Clinton, became the President of the United States.
The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, likewise came to power as the UK’s Leader of the Opposition one year after attending a Bilderberg meeting in 1993.
Now we see that the current Democratic mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed, was invited for this year’s Bilderberg conference in Copenhagen.
“He’s seen as one of the few legitimate Democratic candidates for higher office in Georgia,” a Republican strategist told Roll Call in 2012, adding that he will be a formidable adversary to the GOP.
It would appear that Bilderberg is grooming him for just that.
Besides modern-day king making, the Bilderberg Group also has tremendous influence in economics and geopolitical events.
In the early 2000s, late investigative journalist Jim Tucker correctly predicted that Operation Iraqi Freedom would commence in March 2003 and not in late 2002 as so many defense analysts were suggesting at the time.
But how did Tucker know? Because he wasn’t just guessing; sources inside Bilderberg told him.
Estulin also correctly predicted the 2007 collapse of the housing bubble a year before it happened after receiving information from his own sources inside the Bilderberg Group.
A few years later, in 2009, Tucker predicted that Bilderberg would use the resulting economic slowdown to erode America’s national sovereignty.
This is now coming to fruition through multiple ways, such as the Trans Pacific Partnership, which allows transnational mega-corporations to tighten their grip on individual countries such as the United States.
And representatives for many large companies are in attendance at this year’s Bilderberg meeting.
“You have 50 to 60 key CEOs of the world’s most powerful corporations from the western world [in attendance],” Estulin said.
Last year, Ed Balls, a British politician and a Bilderberg member, downplayed the influence of Bilderberg live on BBC, yet this year he was caught on camera holding a gigantic stack of papers before entering the conference.
The fact that Balls was carrying enough papers to fill a large phone book invalidates his prior denial of Bilderberg’s importance.
In reality, the Bilderberg Group is pushing ahead with its anti-free market, state-corporate takeover designed to destroy independent nations as well as the individual in order to make the population dependent on a system controlled by the tiny elite well-represented at the conference.

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