
Sunday, May 11, 2014

How Convenient for the Military-Industrial Complex … The Boogieman Is Back!

Graphic and all text by Anthony Freda
Al Qaeda and Bin Laden came on the global stage to play the part of boogieman at the exact time the Soviet “Evil Empire” fell.
Now the Russian enemy has been resurrected right on the heels of
the death of Bin Laden.
The Military Industrial Complex gets a new/old enemy to justify their trillion dollar a year monstrosity.
How Conveeeeeeeenient.

The Americans’ Fear of Islamic Terrorists Has Worn Off, So the Government Pulls Out the EVIL RUSSIAN Card Again

New Ooga Booga No Longer Effective … So Government Switches Back to Tried-And-True Old-Timey Ooga-Booga

Preface: I’m not siding with Putin on the Ukrainian dispute. I don’t like Communism.  I was born in the U.S. and have lived here all of my life.  I hate Stalin with a passion – a man who killed countless protesters, and sent numerous others away to insane asylums – and have railed against the “useful idiots” who naively supported the Soviets. I also think that Putin is a corrupt kleptocrat.  I’m just pointing out that the U.S. Government is completely overreacting and fear-mongering. This is taking place on the other side of the world, and doesn’t effect America’s national security (although we may have heavily invested in the outcome).
Fear of terrorists made the American public afraid, gullible and easy to manipulate for more than a decade.
But now – despite the best efforts of the military-industrial complex to  intentionally whip up an exaggerated hysteria of Islamic terrorists -  Americans are starting to wake up from our fear-induced haze:
Indeed, Americans are realizing that we’re more likely to be killed by lightning, toddlers, brain-eating parasites or bad government policy than terrorism.
So how can the poor lads in the military industrial complex keep the gravy train going?
The evil Russians!  That worked last time … it’ll work again!
All they have to do is re-demonize the Russians.  How long can it take to scrub the images of the peaceful Olympics – and Putin’s prevention of war against Syria – out of people’s minds, and re-instill the fear of the old Red Menace?
After all, in the 1970s, Cheney and Rummy generated fake intelligence exaggerating the Soviet threat in order to undermine coexistence between the U.S. and Soviet Union, which conveniently justified huge amounts of cold war spending.  And see this. That worked like a charm!
Surely, a few misrepresentations about Putin’s intention to start the next world war and take over the world will scare the daylights out of the American people!
Ahhh, the sweet smell of success

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