
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Doubling Down Against Rothschild’s New World Order: Russia, China, Egypt, Iceland, Ireland, Hungary, Iran, & Crimea.

Putin Silver
Putin Silver 1 Kilo Coins Minted In Russia
A COMMEMORATIVE SILVER coin with the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin on it has been unveiled to mark the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
When I heard this piece of news on mainstream media I thought what’s this really about???? You can’t for one minute think Putin is just sitting around twiddling his thumbs thinking hey let’s mint a coin with my face on it……..for fun! ~ Bix Weir

Commemorating Crimea's Unification With Russia 2014.
Commemorating Crimea’s Unification With Russia 2014.
Just days before the Obama Administration announced new [impotent] sanctions on Russia, there is news coming out of Russia that there is a new “Limited Edition” 1kg SILVER COIN being released with images of Putin & Crimea.
Putin knows what GATA knows. I can’t stress enough how important that fact is. It gives Putin incredible power over any person or country that tries to stop WHATEVER Putin wants to do. It is a stronger weapon than all the standing armies of the world at the moment.
It is a Financial EMP that can be set off at the drop of a hat. The decades long rigging of the financial markets has weakened the USA to the point of being at the mercy of almost every other nation in the world with the ability to spend US Dollars on gold and silver…ESPECIALLY SILVER!!!”
Who knows…but anything is possible at this delicate stage of the battle for our freedom.
Keep an eye out for the escalation OF EVERYTHING very soon.
It is all happening RIGHT NOW my friends so be careful out there.
The Good Guys are winning, but the transition won’t be a smooth ride.
~ Bix weir
Dr. Ron Paul ~ The Silver Circle!
Dr. Ron Paul ~ The Silver Circle!
  1. Federal Reserve’s Fear Of The Silver Bullet
  2. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Calls Out The Banksters Fraudulent Money Circulation.
  3. Sales By US Mint Of Silver Outpaces Gold By +50 to 1: Silver WILL Bring The Banking Cartel To their Knees!
Duke Rusov Militia — Sviatoslav Brave kind of Rurik On this day 3 July 964 AD, now and forever, we — Russia, will celebrate the Day of Victory over the Jewish Khazars. Who are now better known as secular zionists. This victory made it possible for the very survival of the physical survival and the Russian people.
Duke Rusov Militia — Sviatoslav Brave kind of Rurik
On this day 3 July 964 AD, now and forever, we — Russia, will celebrate the Day of Victory over the Jewish Khazars. Who are now better known as secular zionists.
This victory made it possible for the very physical survival of the Russian people.
Russia: Putin Silver One Kilo Coins Launched
Silver coins with the face of Russian President Vladimir Putin are being minted in Russia. The coins weigh one kilogram (1kg – 2.2lb) and are being launched by the Art Grani foundry to mark Crimea’s reincorporation into Russia.
The private mint that produces the coins said it is planning to present some of them to the Russian leadership. The coins are commemorative in nature and are a limited edition of 500 silver coins initially. The factory states that some of the coins may be sold, but they won’t be used as currency.
Putin’s face is on one side of the coin while the other shows a map of the Crimean Peninsula, Moscow daily Komsomolskaya Pravda reports. Factory director Vladimir Vasyuhin explains that by bringing the Crimean peninsula “back home”, Putin had “demonstrated the qualities of a wise strategist and politician”.
“Crimea’s reunification with Russia was a historic event which we decided to embody in a souvenir collection of coins,” Vasyukhin told the Itar-Tass news agency.
The peninsula that has hosted Russia’s Black Sea fleet throughout its history was part of Russia for centuries before Ukrainian-born Soviet leader Nikita S. Khrushchev transferred it to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1954.
It made little difference to which republic the peninsula belonged when all 15 were united within the Soviet Union. But after the Soviet breakup in 1991, Russia was forced to lease back its military bases from Ukraine and lost governing authority over the predominantly ethnic Russian population of 2 million.
What ‘Phony’ Scandals is Obama Talking About?
The first issue of 25 of the commemorative coins, which are the size of a hockey puck and weigh 1 kilo each, will be given to Kremlin officials, Itar-Tass said.
Neither the foundry nor the Russian news sources that wrote about the special “Crimea 2014 Collection” said how much the coins will cost or when a broader quantity will be available to collectors and the general public.
Each coin has 120 millimeters in diameter and is 11 millimeters thick. The embossed images are 4 millimeters high. Each coin will have its own number and will be made of 925 grade silver or 92.5% purity.
Silver at less than $20/oz remains very undervalued. It remains undervalued versus stocks, bonds and indeed gold. An allocation to silver in a portfolio will help protect and grow wealth in the coming years.

Silver is the Achilles Heel

Price of silver has been suppressed by the bank mafia filling the silver coffer at the COMEX with paper silver promissory notes surpassing physical silver above ground. This is the crime this is the denied justice to the American citizens. ~ Volubrjotr
Silver: Criminal History In The Making ~ With Silver Not Being Mined ~ Gold Is 5Xs More Abundant Above Ground Than Silver!
Capitalism Is Pro Middle Class And Anti Rothschild aka; Anti Federal Reserve aka; Anti Maoism aka; Anti Communism aka; Anti Socialism aka; Anti Islam aka; Anti Marxism aka; Anti Evil.
Capitalism Is Pro Middle Class And Anti Rothschild aka; Anti Federal Reserve aka; Anti Maoism aka; Anti Communism aka; Anti Socialism aka; Anti Islam aka; Anti Marxism aka; Anti Evil.
For the past year, we have been saying that the charts for gold and silver are likely bottoming in a normal manner, and it takes time for a this kind of formation to complete itself. It remains the case, to date.
What is likely to cause a sharp price reversal to the upside for gold and silver? If both were allowed to simply adjust to inflation, you would see a fairly substantial rally. Given that will not be the case, what will be a/the catalyst for a precious metal [PM] change in trend?
Where Precious Metals Are Prevented From Representing [Supply-Demand] Capitalism. Mafia Suppression of PM is done by infinitely selling promissory notes to the COMEX on paper [DERIVATIVE PAPER] promising delivery of physical Gold & Silver which never comes. This is to prop up the U.S. Keynesian Petrodollar as the mighty medium of exchange in the world. But alas The World has awakened and China/Russia are dumping the U.S. fiat banker’s Petrodollar ~ its worthless now. This is why by brute force our hijacked military has been all over the World over throwing countries TO FORCE THEM TO USE THE PETRODOLLAR. This scheme has failed miserably in Egypt & Syria! But Saddam Hussein (Iraq) And Moammar Khadafi (Libya) were murdered because they decoupled from the Petrodollar. The NWO gang are trying to get The Ukraine people, but that looks like a failure too for them. However, watch for Obama to attempt putting our U.S. military on the ground in Ukraine this summer.
Could it be enormous purchases of whatever-is-available physical gold by countries like China and India? No. That has been in the works and a known fact for a few years now, and gold continues to languish near recent lows.
How about prospects for a U S-prompted breakout of war? [No other country seems interested in starting one.] No. Libya failed to ignite anything, nor did the Arab Spring [Egypt] or the ongoing Syrian situation where the US sees chemicals everywhere, except in rebel hands.
What about Iran and its “nuclear proliferation” that needs to be stopped? No. Pakistan and North Korea have nuclear capabilities well beyond that of Iran, so a nuclear threat from a country that does not have nuclear capability is another US false flag. What Iran does have that neither Pakistan nor North Korea have is oil. Wait. Are not all contracts for trade in oil based on use of the petrodollar? The first “yes!” [But it is now evolving into petrodollar's death spiral]
Russia Iran
Russia Iran
How about the US-sponsored coup d’etat in Ukraine as an instigation for war? No. It has been well-checked by Putin, so far. Wait. Are not all contracts for natural gas trade based on use of the petrodollar? A second “yes.”
usd-currency-rothschild derivative keynesian
What about the loss of the petrodollar as a world reserve currency? Would that cause the prices for gold and silver to rise dramatically? A huge yes for that one.
Come to think of it, the reason for the US-led invasion of Iraq was due to Saddam’s cache of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Turns out, there were none, but Iraq did have oil, just like Iran, and both countries were selling their oil for gold, by-passing the use of the US fiat-issue petrodollar. The [Mafia] elites have consequences for when their rules are ignored.
Obama Captured
Obama Captured
Iraq was invaded, and partially ruined, and Iran has been economically sanctioned Syria is not known as an oil-producing nation. True. That is not the threat to the US.
What is a threat, is the strategic location of a Syrian port used as an integral part for sending Russian natural gas to Europe. A successful pipeline that is not run by the US is a huge concern, especially because the natural gas coming from Russia will not use the petrodollar. Without the petrodollar standard, the US cannot export its inflationary fiat to the rest of the world.
Countries that use the petrodollar hold large quantities of US treasury bonds to facilitate trade agreements. If countries, let us say like Iraq and Iran, stop basing oil trade on the petrodollar, other countries will follow suit. The [Rothschild Mafia] elites cannot allow this to happen. Both countries are relatively small compared to the BRICS alliance, of which China is fast-becoming the world’s biggest energy user.
China Executes Bankers
China Executes Bankers

Rothschild Bankers Are Pulled In Russia, Egypt, Iceland, Ireland, China, Iran, & Hungary!

Russian Ship Smetlivy
Russian Federation:

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