
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ancient Civilizations? Check Out These Mysterious Structures Found On The Bottom Of The Ocean Floor

do ya think we haven't been "told" the truth bout , Our real history ?

In cultures all over the world, there are ancient stories about beautiful, prosperous cities that became submerged in the ocean and were never seen again.  The most famous of these is the story of Atlantis, but there are many others.  So could it be possible that some of these cities actually exist?  In recent years, modern technology has allowed humanity to investigate the ocean floor like never before.  As we have done so, we have made some incredible discoveries.  You are about to see some amazing mysterious structures that have been found on the bottom of the ocean floor all over the world.  Could these mysterious structures actually be evidence of very advanced ancient civilizations?  As we learn about these ancient civilizations, will this knowledge turn the conventional version of human history that we all learned in school upside down?
We live at a time when mind blowing discoveries are being made at a pace never seen before.  Just last month, I wrote about the megalithic ruins that have just been discovered in Russia that contain the largest blocks of stone ever found (even bigger than Baalbek).
Nobody can explain where those stones came from, who lived there, or how ancient humans could cut and move such massive blocks.
Well, similar things could be said about many of these mysterious structures on the bottom of the ocean floor…
The Ancient Underwater City Of Yonaguni-Jima, Japan
For as long as anyone can remember, residents of Okinawa have passed on stories of a vast underwater city to their children.  Most considered those stories to simply be myths.  But after what happened in 1986, that all changed
In 1986, a diver near the island of Yonaguni Jima, off the southern tip of Japan (around Okinawa) came across some strange structures about 25 metres below sea level.
They appeared to be stepped structures with terraces and ramps.
One of the largest pyramid structures is 600 feet wide and 90 feet high –with five separate levels of stone blocks with what appears to be road surrounding the structure.
Tool marks and carvings have been discovered upon the stones (and documented) which indicate that they have were constructed rather than being natural stone structures.
Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist from Japan’s Ryukyus University, Japan has been studying and mapping the site for over 15 years and believes that the site is over five thousand years old – but was sunk during an earthquake two thousand years ago.
I have posted a YouTube video about these incredible ruins below.  As you can see, they truly are remarkable…

Was This Japan's Atlantis?

Dwarka - Krishna 's Home Discovered !!

Dwarka – Off The Coast Of India
An incredible underwater city can be found just off the coast of India as well.  It is known as “Dwarka”, and at the longest point it stretches for five miles.  Once again, this city provides evidence of a highly advanced civilization in the ancient world…
The Bay of Cambay was discovered by marine scientists in early 2002. The city is located 120 feet underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India. The city is five miles long and two miles wide, carbon dating estimates the site to be a whopping 9,500 years old, and, more amazingly, architectural and human remains are still intact. The discovery astounded scientists because it predates all other finds in the area by 5,000 years, suggesting a much longer history of the civilization than was first assumed. Marine scientists used sonar images and sum-bottom profiling to locate the lost ruins and it is believed the area was submerged when the ice caps melted in the last Ice Age. The Indian nationals have dubbed the find ‘Dwarka’ (The Golden City) in honor of ancient submerged city said to belong to Hindu god, Krishna.
In the YouTube video posted below, you can learn much more about Dwarka…
Cuban Underwater City
In 2001, the BBC reported on the discovery of a “lost city” in Cuban waters…
A team of explorers working off the western coast of Cuba say they have discovered what they think are the ruins of a submerged city built thousands of years ago.
Researchers from a Canadian company used sophisticated sonar equipment to find and film stone structures more than 2,000 feet (650 metres) below the sea’s surface.
Some have speculated that this could be the location of the mythical city of Atlantis, but since 2001 follow up work has been slow.  The following is what Wikipedia has to say about this “lost city”…
Cuban underwater city refers to a site thought by some to be a submerged granite complex structures off the coast of the Guanahacabibes peninsula in the Pinar del Río Province of Cuba.
Sonar images interpreted as being symmetrical and geometric stone structures resembling an urban complex were first recorded in early 2001 covering an area of 2 square kilometres (200 ha) at depths of between 600 metres (2,000 ft) and 750 metres (2,460 ft). The discovery was reported by Pauline Zalitzki, a marine engineer, and her husband Paul Weinzweig, owners of a Canadian company called Advanced Digital Communications, working on an exploration and survey mission in conjunction with the Cuban government. The team returned to the site a second time with an underwater video robot that filmed sonar images interpreted as various pyramids and circular structures made out of massive, smooth blocks of stone that resembled hewn granite. Zalitzki said “It’s a really wonderful structure which really looks like it could have been a large urban centre, However, it would be totally irresponsible to say what it was before we have evidence.”
Lake Huron
Did you know that there are ancient ruins under Lake Huron?
They have just been discovered.  According to USA Today, “an elaborate network of hunting blinds and animal-herding structures” has been found that is potentially thousands of years old…
Deep below the surface of Lake Huron, scuba-diving researchers have found an elaborate network of hunting blinds and animal-herding structures dating back roughly 9,000 years.
Lake levels of the day were some 250 feet lower, exposing a narrow bridge of land running from one side of Huron to the other. Prehistoric people evidently thought this isthmus was a perfect place to intercept caribou on their seasonal migrations. The hunting site they built, now inundated, opens a window onto prehistoric America and provides valuable evidence in a region where such artifacts are practically non-existent.
Underwater City Near Saipan
Thanks to Google Earth, ordinary people like you and I are able to examine our planet like never before.  For example, one gentleman named Scott Waring believes that he has been able to spot a massive underwater city near Saipan using Google Earth.  The following is what he had to say about what he discovered…
Hey guys, was looking over Google Earth and came across this remarkable looking underwater anomaly. The massive walls seem to go for about 50 miles, but long ways is about 250 miles. Sure these anomalies could be an ancient Asian civilization that sank under the ocean long ago, but it also could be an underwater alien base. Its size and location would insure millions could use it and since its in such a secluded area, few humans will ever see their UFOs leaving/entering the water.
Video of him discussing this discovery is posted below.  Check it out and come to your own conclusions…
I have a feeling that we are just scratching the surface of these underwater discoveries.  And since many of these sites have been totally undisturbed by human activity for thousands of years, we could potentially find some things that are absolutely mind blowing.
But the question is this – as more information about our ancient history comes to light, are you going to be able to handle it?

Underwater Alien Base Near Saipan, April 28, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

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