
Monday, May 26, 2014

Absolute Proof the Santa Barbara Convenience Store Shooting is a Hoax

Posted by George Freund on May 25, 2014

Absolute Proof the Santa Barbara Convenience Store Shooting is a Hoax
Created on 25 May 2014 Written by Nodisinfo

This entire claim of a wild, roaming shooter on the loose in Santa Barabara, who gunned down and killed 6 people, is mere dramatics. As grandiose as it is it would appear as if it was written for a Hollywood plot.

The claims regarding the IV Deli Mart are crucial, since it revolves around the key crisis actors clamoring for gun control, those claiming to be the loved ones of a person supposedly shot in the store, Christopher Martinez.

Here is what the typical Zionist story line is regarding the supposed shooting of a man, Christopher Martinez, in the I.V. Deli convenience store:

According to the sheriff, Rodger then returned to his black BMW and drove to IV Deli Mart in Golita. He entered the store and shot dead 20-year-old Christopher Martinez, an unsuspecting bystander.

Did anyone read that, “entered the store.” What did he do, fire two warning shots first, accounting for the holes in the windows? It is pathetic at best.

Now, that store has CCTV cameras. Those cameras were operational, fully so that night. They show, for instance, people supposedly ducking from bullets, not a desirable experience for an evening out on a Friday night. Surely, such people would be willing to give strong and emotional testimony about the shock of experiencing bullets “whizzing” by their heads. There is no such testimony. Yet, there is something far better.

It is the CCTV images of the duckers:

Even the DailyMail agrees, calling them “duck and run shoppers.” Notice how they blocked out the cashier and only show the duckers.

However, that’s not the end of it. According to the DailyMail there was a good Samaritan in the store. That good Samaritan braved the whizzing bullets in order to pull out his cell phone and dial 9-11. It was all an attempt to save Mr. Martinez’s life. Yet, once again, it is a fabrication. There are two holes in the windows. There weren’t bullets upon bullets whizzing about. Too, regarding the 911 call why didn’t the proprietor make it? It’s all an act, and the duckers are mere crisis actors.

So, the crisis actors are on the recording, but not a shooter “entering” the store.

Oh, those infernal details. Then, where are the even more telling images of Martinez being shot? There is no such CCTV images provided. Instead, the world gets the following:


Can anyone fathom it? The store-keepers get to clean up the evidence, the blood from Mr. Martinez. It’s no surprise, though. Why pay civil servants and a HAZMAT team to clean up mere tempura paint?

It’s a crate of glass, marked “GLASS” via the red sticker. Plus, there are other components on the top, all that is necessary to replace the damaged panes. Moreover, it is right there in the store even before they have a chance to clean up the red food coloring (Note: they could have made it at least a bit more believable by tearing open a couple of bags of chips at the level of the hammer strikes on the window, as if they were torn open by the bullets).

It figures. What else could be expected from chip-land, MSG, GMOs, rancid oil, and more. In fact, more would be expected of the immigrant population, especially those coming from trying backgrounds. Yet, the owner and his colleague surely don’t look “Ruffled,” no pun intended. Regardless, money talks, cash is king. Thus, there are always ready participants for the fraud of DHS-orchestrated hoaxes.

Too, at least they could have splattered some food dye upon on the lower level of chips. It would have made it more believable, and the DHS surely would have compensated them with America’s hard-earned tax dollars.

The fake blood clean up is a minor issue. Tempura paint is water soluble and will wash away with minimal effort into oblivion. ere are damages to the store, though exceedingly minimal. Who will pay for that?

No worries. It has already been arranged. A proper shop can’t continue to operate to the max with apparent bullet holes (could be hammer strikes for all anyone knows). It must be fixed.

Ah hah, it is already done, like magic. Did anyone recall seeing what was so evident in the previous picture? Let’s look at it, once again:

Just a bit of spray cleaner and an element of arm muscle, and, unlike sticky, real blood it’s all gone in a flash. No need, though, to even wear gloves. It’s non-toxic. And unlike real blood there’s no germs.

Here is another view of the crate. The glass is all ready to go. These images were taken on Saturday and Sunday. Surely, he couldn’t have received the panes to his specific measurements for those panes that quickly, even in this era of same day shipping.

Therefore, despite protests otherwise the Santa Barbara mass shooting is a hoax, specifically one aimed at gun control. Once again, no one died, and no one was injured. It is impossible to prove otherwise, because it was all fake.

Yet, wait a minute, the Masonic titans say it is real. Smug beyond belief, does anyone trust them?

Familiar face: Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown…
Despite the posturing, this is a fake like the rest of the Zionist-orchestrated DHS drills.

GOT YA! You got suckered by CNN!

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