
Friday, April 18, 2014

‘X-Men’ Director Bryan Singer Accused of Abusing Teenage Boy, Part of “Sordid Hollywood Sex Ring”

Apr 18th, 2014

Movie director Bryan Singer is being accused of drugging, raping and using his power as a Hollywood mogul to exploit a teenage boy in a lawsuit filed on April 16th. According to court documents, Singer
“manipulated his power, wealth, and position in the entertainment industry to sexually abuse and exploit the underage Plaintiff through the use of drugs, alcohol, threats, and inducements which resulted in Plaintiff suffering catastrophic psychological and emotional injuries.”
The lawsuit then mentions a not-s0-well kept secret about Hollywood : There are powerful groups within the industry that uses power and influence to exploit minors.
“Defendant Singer did so as part of a group of adult males similarly positioned in the entertainment industry that maintained and exploited boys in a sordid sex ring. A Hollywood mogul must not use his position to sexually exploit underage actors.”
According to plaintiff Michael Egan, who was an aspiring actor and model, the abuse started in 1998 when he was lured to the  M & C Estate, a California mansion known for its “notorious” parties. In these sex-and-drugs parties, adult males preyed on young boys who were lured in with promises of making it in show-business. Singer reportedly told Egan at one such party that:
“the adults who resided in or frequented the M & C Estate controlled Hollywood and could decide whether Plaintiff’s career aspirations and hopes would be realized”.
Michael Egan at age 17, around the time the abuse happened.
Michael Egan at age 17, around the time of the alleged abuse.
In an interview with the Daily Beast, Egan recognizes Singer as part of a ring of eight to ten abusers, including other Hollywood power-players not named in this lawsuit—“whose names you will recognize”.
The M & C Estate was the house of Marc Collins-Rector, the founder of Digital Entertainment Network who is now a convicted sex offender. In 2004, he was convicted of “transportation of minors with intent to engage in sexual activities“. In another lawsuit, three young men who claimed that Collins-Rector abused and threatened them at the estate won a $4 million default judgement due to a lack of response from the defendant.
Egan describes what happened upon entering the M & C Estate:
“Immediately the brainwashing began. They would sit me in a room and tell you that you were gay, which I wasn’t, that I had to keep the group happy. They constantly pushed you. The threats began immediately. They said that if we didn’t keep them happy, harm would come to ourselves and our families. There were threats of weapons. We were told we would be eliminated, our career chances would be destroyed. It was a living hell.”
At the house, it was drugs put in drinks. Liquor poured down my throat. Rules in the house: No swimsuits, no clothes out by the pool area. I was raped numerous times in that house. Various types of sexual abuse. You were like a piece of meat to these people. They’d pass you around between them.… If I could define what that house was, it’s evil.”
The court documents go into graphic details:
Approximately 2-3 months after Collins-Rector began sexually abusing Plaintiff, Defendant Singer was socializing with Collins-Rector around the estate’s swimming pool and Plaintiff was in the pool. In compliance with the “rules” imposed by Collins-Rector that people in the pool area were not allowed to wear clothes, Plaintiff was nude as was Defendant Singer.
Collins-Rector ordered Plaintiff out of the pool, and Defendant Singer hugged Plaintiff and grabbed his bare buttocks. They then went to the jacuzzi where Collins-Rector had Plaintiff sit on his lap and fondled Plaintiff’s genitals. Collins-Rector then passed Plaintiff to Defendant Singer and Plaintiff was made to sit on Defendant Singer’s lap.
Defendant Singer provided an alcoholic beverage to Plaintiff and mentioned finding a role for him in an upcoming movie that he was directing. Defendant Singer told Plaintiff how “this group” controls Hollywood, and that he was sexy. Defendant Singer masturbated Plaintiff and then performed oral sex upon him. Defendant Singer solicited Plaintiff to perform oral sex upon him which Plaintiff resisted.
Defendant Singer flagrantly disregarded Plaintiff’s unwillingness to submit, and forced Plaintiff’s head underwater to make Plaintiff perform oral sex upon him. When Plaintiff pulled his head out of the water in order to breathe, Defendant Singer demanded that he continue which Plaintiff refused. Defendant Singer then forced Plaintiff to continue performing oral sex upon him outside of the pool, and subsequently forcibly sodomized Plaintiff.
Bryan Singer at a party. Interesting costume choice.
Singer’s camp deny the accusations and, of course, he is innocent until proven guilty. While some might question the delay before this lawsuit or its timing (shortly before the release of  one Singer’s biggest movies), there are a few facts that cannot be denied: Countless sources have gone on record to state that child abuse is rampant in Hollywood; Singer did attend parties at the M & C Estate which was owned by a convicted abuser. More importantly, it is not the first time that he is  accused of “inappropriate behavior” towards a minor boy.
In 1997, a 14 year-old movie extra named Devin St. Albin filed a lawsuit against Singer claiming that the filmmakers had ordered him and other minors to strip for a scene that was shot in the showers of a school locker room. Singer was never convicted but he did nevertheless attempt to film underage boys in the nude.
No matter what will be the outcome of this lawsuit, facts surrounding it provides us yet another glimpse into the dark, perverse and twisted side of Hollywood.

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