
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

War Prophets Profits

War Prophets Profits


In the frigid political climate that exists in this country, there seems to be this silent conspiracy of plotting individuals that are more than happy to try and silence those who use the word ‘revolution’. Many of these individuals believe that anyone who uses the word ‘revolution’ obviously sees himself as a ‘revolutionary’ that has a bone to pick with the current administration. The accusations fly over whether or not the so-called “revolutionary” is a card-carrying Tea Party member or a militia sympathizer or – in the case of Cliven Bundy – a falsely-accused, undeserving racist.
However, the truth about so-called revolutionaries is that many of them aren’t really revolutionaries. They are just vocal people who are fed up with the way they are being treated and represented in this country. The majority of Americans feel emptiness or incoherence in their lives.
This is why many Americans think of themselves as inadequate and unable to change the way they are being governed. Our sense of self has been warped and shaped by the media and by political pundits who push their authoritarian and statist views that do nothing to indicate that a productive and beneficial future is on the horizon.
As many as 20 million unarmed American citizens are going to gather in Washington D.C. this spring. Their mission is to try to convince our current leadership to return to constitutional rule.
The gathering is not happening until May 16th, 2014 and already the propaganda machine that maligned the militia that gathered at the Bundy Ranch are already working overtime to report that these American citizens are radical right hate groups and extremist Christians. Once again reports from the Southern Poverty Law Center and other watchdog groups are claiming that white supremacy groups and the KKK will be in attendance and that many other extreme right patriot and hate groups will unite to oust President Obama and top congressional leaders.
It is now being reported that at least 1.8 million militia members have signed up to participate in what is being called ‘Operation: American Spring‘.
Good or bad the response is not just some right wing conspiracy but is a result of statistics that are now demonstrating that Americans are beginning to realize that no matter what political party has influence in Washington, politics as usual is not working and once again we are seeing that the center will just not hold. The American people are increasingly waking up to the fact that nothing ever seems to change in Washington D.C. no matter which political party is in power.
As Michael Snyder writes: “A national Rasmussen Reports survey has found that an all-time high 53 percent of all Americans believe that neither major political party “represents the American people”.
Recently, Ground Zero aired the “West Wing Dynasty” episode where we successfully demonstrated that confirmation bias and illusion frequency has convinced us to constantly vote for a “dynasty” where the same names but different faces are put into power and do absolutely nothing to improve our lives here in America.
In politics, confirmation bias affects our choice between the two main parties that are offered. It is in the political arena where confirmation bias can distort an active pursuit of facts, especially when political punditry whips up a ton of biased rhetoric. Pundits encourage confirmation bias.
They hope you watch and listen to them not for information but for validation. It does not matter how hateful, cynical, intolerant, or flippant they are, they really don’t have to research anything they say—all they have to do is know what people want to hear to confirm their suspicions and to mold a sense of comfort about their opinions.
It does not matter if the media or pundits in the media tell the truth anymore. The convenient confirmation bias, along with another phenomenon known as frequency illusion, and a bit of predictive programming, will mold and shape the consensus into falling for the same lies over and over, time and time again.
That is the nature of the beast and, no matter what I say, the people will find a reason or an excuse to continue their politics-as-usual even in the face of realizing that nothing seems to be working.
The mainstream narrative that supports the open conspiracy of tyranny has gained its power now because they have learned that in order to hang on to the information monopoly they must demonize those who ask questions.
They purposefully espouse the notion of silencing anyone who questions them and go to great measures to report that any truth movement or conspiracy theorist promotes an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically-based violence or to advance a political, religious view that could abruptly disrupt the social engineering that they create.
Michael Snyder, in a column he wrote for the Economic Collapse blog agrees and wrote in his latest column “12 Numbers Which Prove That Americans Are Sick And Tired Of Politics As Usual” that:
Over the past several decades, we have sent a Bush, a Clinton, another Bush and an Obama to the White House, but the policies coming out of Washington have remained pretty much the same the entire time.
The mainstream media would have us believe that the Republicans and the Democrats are constantly fighting like cats and dogs, but the truth is that the Republicans want to take us to the same place that the Democrats want to take us – just a little more slowly perhaps. And behind the scenes, Republicans and Democrats have a good time with one another and they are ultimately controlled by the same set of oligarchs. The Americans people are really starting to recognize what a sham our system has become, and the numbers show that they are quite fed up with it.
Americans are angry now, because they can see how things are not what they seem and those who don’t recognize the cognitive dissonance are those that believe that the dissatisfaction is aimed at their fearless leader Barack Obama.
However, those who are dissatisfied realize that it has taken us decades to be this angry and dissatisfied with our way of living and that promises of ‘hope and change’ ring hollow. The faith we once had in a man that appeared different has now dwindled as he continues to perpetuate the lies and the nightmares brought forth from previous administrations and career politicians in Congress that do not represent the people and turn a blind eye to the corruption that has existed long before Obama appeared on our radar.
The truth is far more harsh now, and while conspiracies or conspiracy theories against the current administration are easy to find, there also needs to be a spotlight pointed at the previous administrations and their continued war profiteering and murderous operations that they continued to fuel even though new data is demonstrating that there was no need to keep the war effort going as long as it did.
A damning report has been released about Benghazi and several other wars that other administrations have been responsible for and it looks as if there were many attempts to abate long-term warfare but the United Stated continued to turn a blind eye to ways to stop the warfare and instead continued the growth of the leviathan military industrial complex. The Daily Mail reports:
The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented – if the U.S. hadn’t been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.
The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,’ Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.
She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked militants.
The intelligence community was part of that, the Department of State was part of that, and certainly that means that the top leadership of the United States, our national security leadership, and potentially Congress – if they were briefed on this – also knew about this.’
The weapons were intended for Gaddafi but allowed by the U.S. to flow to his Islamist opposition.
The Nobel Peace Prize on Barack Obama’s desk should be so tarnished by now the Secret Service would need a special cleaner to restore it.
Now, going beyond Benghazi, we can see that the war profiteers have been lying to us long before Benghazi and the rhetoric that was being used when our leaders were confronted about their lies.
During the conflict with Iraq, it was reported in the Guardian newspaper that back in 2003 that Saddam Hussein went to great lengths to stave off a war with the United States and the Bush Administration ignored the diplomatic resolutions that were proposed.
In the few weeks before its fall, Iraq’s Ba’athist regime made a series of increasingly desperate peace offers to Washington, promising to hold elections and even to allow US troops to search for banned weapons. But the advances were all rejected by the Bush administration, according to intermediaries involved in the talks.
As US and British troops massed in the Gulf, Iraqi intelligence sent out a range of compromise feelers through a number of channels in the apparent hope of forestalling the invasion or at least buying time.
They were ignored.
Moreover, Saddam allegedly offered to leave Iraq. Again from the Daily Mail … and the Washington Post. And the Associated Press:
Fearing defeat, Saddam was prepared to go peacefully in return for $1billion. The extraordinary offer was revealed [November 26,2007] in a transcript of talks in February 2003 between George Bush and the then Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar at the President’s Texas ranch. The White House refused to comment on the report… But, if verified, it is certain to raise questions in Washington and London over whether the costly four-year war could have been averted… Asked by the Spanish premier whether Saddam – who was executed in December last year – could really leave, the President replied: “Yes, that possibility exists. Or he might even be assassinated.” But he added that whatever happened: “We’ll be in Baghdad by the end of March.”
It is also interesting to note that the Bush administration also refused an offer from the Taliban, where officials were willing to deliver Osama Bin laden to a neutral country if the United States halted the bombing of Afghanistan and if the Taliban were given evidence of Bin Laden’s involvement in the September 11th, 2001 attacks.
The Guardian reported on October 14, 2001:
Returning to the White House after a weekend at Camp David, the president said the bombing would not stop, unless the ruling Taliban “turn [bin Laden] over, turn his cohorts over, turn any hostages they hold over.” He added, “There’s no need to discuss innocence or guilt. We know he’s guilty, Afghanistan’s deputy prime minister, Haji Abdul Kabir, told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US. If the Taliban is given evidence that Osama bin Laden is involved” and the bombing campaign stopped, “we would be ready to hand him over to a third country”, Mr Kabir added.
And then on October 17, 2001:
A senior Taliban minister has offered a last-minute deal to hand over Osama bin Laden during a secret visit to Islamabad, senior sources in Pakistan told the Guardian last night. For the first time, the Taliban offered to hand over Bin Laden for trial in a country other than the US without asking to see evidence first in return for a halt to the bombing, a source close to Pakistan’s military leadership said.
I am reporting this because every time anyone reports that Obama and his henchmen John Kerry and John McCain are fanning the flames for war and that they have been irresponsible with deals they have with Al Qaeda and neo-Nazi groups like Svoboda in Ukraine, people tend to think it is political bias that fuels the criticism.
It most certainly isn’t. It is important to point out that the policy of the United States is to ignore the surrenders, offers and compromises of other countries to avoid prolonged wars.
Can we now be honest with ourselves and admit that we are being led into yet another war with Russia and that those responsible are the bankers and the neo-Cons that wish to crush the bones of the revolutionary and drink the blood of the innocent? Isn’t it the policy of our praised leaders to stomp on the people with voices of protest with their jackboots and extrajudicial executions? Is there any conscience left in the American people to demand that our leaders put a stop to the killing off of the weak.
Can we all understand that these little wars are orchestrated by men and women in three-piece suits that only care about fattening their wallets and collecting the loose change that falls from the corpses they kick while they high-five each other?
No wonder we don’t feel good about our leaders. No wonder we feel that there is something wrong in America.
Something is wrong in America.
The leaders that we have elected are all involved with war profiteering and are benefiting from previous administrations and their biting and clutching power grab in the name of terrorism.
It is strategy that is bulletproof, crooked and callous.
American military strategists are already prepared to give it a go again. This time the blueprint is marked ‘World War III’, a quick and profitable murder by remote control.
The drones are ready, the bombers and silos are in launch mode and soon we will have to reacquaint ourselves with the term ‘mutually assured destruction‘.

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