
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Walpurgis Armageddon Psychology

Walpurgis Armageddon Psychology


The other day an old friend mine said he wanted to stop by to help my fiancĂ© with her computer. He arrived late and told me that he had some things that he wanted me to see and he didn’t know if I would be interested in looking into what they were. He was very secretive about what he had and I wondered exactly why it was such a secret.
He arrived Sunday night with a milk crate full of papers and pamphlets and said that this is what he wanted me to see. When I glanced down at what was in the milk crate it looked like a bunch of trash.
He told me that he was doing an odd job of cleaning out a home and he found all of these pamphlets and articles that were stapled together. They were dated anywhere from 1963 to 1965.
These documents were more than 50 years old and as I looked them over I realized that what I was looking at were documents and initiate papers of the Rosicrucian order.
On the covers of the various master monographs were the words ‘Illuminati section’ with various degrees noted.
I was curious because I had never seen anything like them and they looked very much like books of lessons and rituals. In fact the pages of these various works had the open salutation, “Greetings to the members of the Esoteric Hierarchy.”
In the first few paragraphs, there was some information that was meant for eight “brethren” who were about to take a journey into Europe. The eight were told to meet with one other member of the brotherhood once they arrived and there they were to exchange information regarding the “future psychology” and the gradualist advent of human transmutation in the midst of crisis.
Most of what I was reading was very esoteric as much of what was written was actually written for someone who has been well-versed in what has been taught in the “mystery schools.” The journey that was to be made by the nine brethren throughout Europe was to discover the spot where a worldwide event is to take place within a generation and a half that will create such a clamor that it will cause both men and women to be drawn to it like a “moth to a flame.”
A flame of illumination so bright that those that wish to get near it will do so at their own peril.
It was not clear as to when this “fire event” was to take place and there were no maps or even locations given, only that it is to be a “fire event” that it will happen within a generation and that people will be compelled to get near it or to go to it like moths to flame.
This fire event will be seen as a bridge to other dimensions and will change the way we as humans see ourselves. This event will most definitely unite the world and the message it sends will send a shockwave through human consciousness. It’s influence will cover vast distances and the world will be aware of this event simultaneously.
There will be human argument over what the event signifies. It will be seen as both dangerous and divine and it will most certainly change the vibration field of human consciousness.
The danger that awaits us with this “fire event” is that mankind will realize its unreason and that man will realize that most of the material things that he has desired or has collected are only a part of his existence and that he has not yet fully adjusted to the artificial world he has created.
It states, “Man is a creature of Nature and he will ignore all of the danger signals in order to satisfy his infatuation and desire for the fire and light of human knowledge and curiosity.
As I was reading all of this, much of what I was reading seemed so “high brow” for its own good and since I am not well-versed in Masonic word salad I had to stop and ponder what this “fire event” could be.
Somewhere in my head I was thinking that the fire event could be a nuclear explosion, after all, the articles were written in the 1960’s and there was most certainly a preoccupation with fires of a nuclear conflagration.
However, would a nuclear explosion actually draw people to it like a moth to a flame?
Observing a moth about a candle flame, one is likely to say, what a stupid creature! A mere insect cannot recognize danger.” – Rosicrucian Digest 1965
There must be a reason why mankind would give some sort of silent consent to put itself in the harm’s way. The universal principle of freewill indicates that no entity can impose on will of any other without its consent. However there seems to be an agreement amongst many students of the paranormal that our free will can be breached through trauma based ritualism.
Which leads me to believe that whatever this event is supposed to be, it will be so traumatic that people will be drawn to it, even if it means that they run the risk of dying.
The prediction of this event was first made over 50 years ago and was reported to transpire within a generation and a half.
A generation today because of mortality is anywhere between 20-25 years, In the 1960’s it 35 to 40 years so we can estimate that the fire event that is to change our lives is supposed to happen in the second decade of the 21st century.
In my life, I have always felt that meaningful coincidences happen in my life and that I need to share them. All of what I have been reading in these 50 year old “Illuminati Monographs” is highly coincidental as we approach the times of Walpurgis and Beltane.
Beltane is known as the time of the pagan fire festival. Beltane occurs exactly six months after Halloween or Samhain. It is celebrated May 1st. In parts of Europe, Walpurgisnacht is celebrated each year around April 30th.
As writes, “In Norse traditions – and many others – this night is the time when the boundary between our world and that of the spirits is a bit shaky.” Walpurgisnacht is considered to be a time for sacrifice, bonfires and to communicate with the spirit world.
It is said that the devil rules during the fiery events of Walpurgis and Beltane. In antiquity the spring fertility ritualism was based in sex magic, blood sacrifice and the rituals that include the use of fire.
Bram Stoker, the author of ‘Dracula’, once said of Walpurgis: “It is the time of year when all evil things of earth and air and water hold revel.
However, the fire event spoken of in the “Illuminati Monograph” could be many things. Things that don’t have to associate with the high Satanic holiday of Walpurgis.
In the Book of Deuteronomy, it says, “For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.
In the Book of Hebrews, it states that God is a consuming fire, and in Thessalonians, that those who are evil will burn in the light of the fire produced by the Second Coming of the savior of the world.
The savior, in all instances, returns secretly to earth from the air. He declares that he is here to save his people and commands that fire devour those who wish to thwart his kingdom or his ideology.
This all sounds frightening and it should. It could very well be secret manipulation used to create a trigger that ignites a meme. The majority of the populace is wired to react to symbols and archetypes, and propagandists use this tool for subtle mind control.
The thought of a fire event, the moth to the flame and how we are drawn to the fire even at the risk of our death is very telling of how easily mankind can be manipulated and magically entranced in these times,
On the evening of May 1st, 2011, Barack Obama announced the death of Osama Bin laden he said that “justice was served” – even though Bin Laden had been reported dead years prior.
Coincidentally, it was the day that Adolph Hitler was declared dead after he allegedly committed suicide on April 30th, at 3:30 in the afternoon creating a 333 mystical power number recognized by occultists.
George W. Bush announced on the U.S.S Lincoln on May 1st 2003 that major combat operations in Iraq were over and that America and her allies prevailed. However, the whole “Mission accomplished” ritual was premature and no one really knew why he said what he said. Only that the timing seemed a bit suspect and odd since Saddam Hussein remained in power and the guerrilla warfare increased.
Later on 2005, he mentioned a fiery event that will be ignited in the minds of men.
By our efforts, we have lit a fire as well, a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world.George W. Bush, Inaugural Speech 2005

Stock Footage President George W. Bush second Inaugural Address January 20, 2005.

It is also interesting to note that on May 1st, 1776 the Bavarian Illuminati was established. As Terry Melanson wrote in his article, ‘May Day and the Posthumous Influence of the Illuminati‘,: “Secret societies do nothing without multiple layers of esoteric meaning; symbolism is of vital importance.
That is why it is so coincidental that I was able to have in my possession the monographs of a Illuminati order that were published in the 1960’s that speak of the great “fire event.”
The Illuminati has declared that no one is in a position to defeat its invisible hold on the world. Their force may be invisible, but if you look hard enough you can see their actions manifest.
The question that we all should ask during the “nights of fore” just what will be the event that will draw us towards it—even at our own peril?
Slowly we have seen our consciousness disconnect from that which is sacred to our core. The majority of people have become warlike and cynical, neglecting the sacred and preferring that which is profane.
We once believed in the idea of transcendence and now we find ourselves believing in coarse dogma and militant enforcement of such dogmatic programs that have been planted into us in order for the Luciferian philosophies to take hold.
Many people are unaware that their new enlightenment is really a part of the conspiracy of programming all religions and political philosophies with Luciferian dogma. It gives many people that false assumption that in their righteousness they are somehow above everyone and everything and that those who do not share their enlightenment will burn in the fires of hell.
Mysticism while vilified by fundamentalist extremism is the way we may transcend and make contact with the ultimate reality through direct experience and insight. Much of what the new fundamentalism imparts is knowledge without experience and salvation without much effort.
It has been declared that there is no special key to knowledge, no special ritual to be performed and no real reason to rise above in frequency to avoid being manipulated and coerced into the cult dynamic.
And yet politics and religions thrive in this destructive dynamic and they are not immune to making profane sinners into saints and neglecting the meek.
The fire that consumes is a metaphor for the ages, a symbol that must be respected and held with careful hands. I believe that perhaps this so-called “fire event” is simply Promethean.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus is a titan whose name meant “forethought”, and indeed, he was said to have the ability to look into the future. It is said that Prometheus betrayed the other gods by giving the tool of fire to humans. It was also Prometheus that warned that a war was coming and that there would be no victors.
The world anciently saw the fire’s potential and in war it would consume all that played with it. Similar to what we see from the yellowed papers of an Illuminati lodge.
A generation and a half and here we are now with a scorched earth as a possible future.
The event of fire nearing the time of of Walpurgis.

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