
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

U.S. black site and British government under fire after viral article names Diego Garcia as MH370′s final destination

U.S. black site and British government under fire after viral article names Diego Garcia as MH370′s final destination

In a shocking twist, Diego Garcia is becoming the center of attention as the MH370 cover-up falls apart

By Shepard Ambellas
INDIAN OCEAN (INTELLIHUB) — The U.S. military black site Diego Garcia, located in the Indian Ocean, has been all over the press recently following the release of the Mar. 31 Intellihub News article titled Freelance Journalist: Hijacked flight 370 passenger sent photo from hidden iPhone tracing back to secret U.S. military base which went ultra-viral on the Internet. In fact, the article even prompted a response from the White House as U.S. Press Secretary Jay Carney denied any involvement with the matter after a journalist attending a White House press meeting raised the question.
John Pike, a military analyst, once described Diego Garcia as “the most important facility the U.S. has”. Pike also stated that the military’s goal is to run the planet from the island by 2015.
Now, according to RT, a human rights group is pressing Britain to “come clean” about their involvement with the black site which houses a rendition facility, lending credibility to the missing flight 370 abduction theory believed by many, including Sara Bajc, girlfriend of passenger Phillip Wood an IBM executive who was aboard MH370.
RT reported:
“We need to know immediately whether ministers misled parliament over CIA torture on British soil,” Cori Crider, strategic director at Reprieve, a legal action charity group, said in a letter to UK Foreign Secretary William Hague.
“If the CIA operated a black site on Diego Garcia, then a string of official statements, from both this and the last government, were totally false,” Crider said.
The letter followed a report by the US Senate Intelligence Committee that Britain had allowed the US to run a “black site” prison on Diego Garcia to secretly hold suspects without accountability. The Diego Garcia prison held some “high-value” detainees and was operated with the “full cooperation” of the British government, US officials familiar with the Senate report said.
While the government may be playing dumb, Britain is well aware what went on at Diego Garcia and in fact, even aided in with the removal of the entire indigenous human and animal population from the island before turning it over to the U.S. Navy for a 20 million dollar discount on a pre-secured weapons deal.
Moreover, further tarnishing the British empire, in a 1966 official British memo it was written, “[...] there will be no indigenous population except the seagulls”. Shortly after the memo was issued, the U.S., pressed for time, pushed forward with the secret construction of the island base, even including an under ground and underwater facility.
All of this is fueling the fire that burns inside family members of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370 as we are now 41 days into the search and authorities appear to have been led on a wild goose chase.
In fact, Sara Bajc, girlfriend of passenger Phillip Wood, still believes the planes was “taken” and that the U.S. may have been involved. Bajc appeared on CNN Tuesday, grinding in the fact that search crews have been looking in the water when they should be looking on the land.
H/T Montagraph

Flight MH370 Is At Diego Garcia - Here's The Proof

(Photo: White House/Souza)
<a href="" ><img src="" border="0" alt=""></a>

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