
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Leviathan Calling: Hailing Hydra’s Whisper

Leviathan Calling: Hailing Hydra's Whisper


Many conspiracy theorists and those who read books about the fringe know about a novelist and investigative journalist who set out to expose the truth about a fascist parasite that was taking over world governments and was gradually changing the ideologies of the United States.
Danny Casolaro planned to write a book exposing misuse of power in government. His book was about to connect the dots of what many “conspiracy theorists” claim to be a much larger beast.
Casolaro uncovered one conspiracy after another reaching out like deadly tentacles from the body of a slithering octopus. His opus was to be called “Behold a Pale Horse” however he changed it to “The Octopus.”
Casolaro paid the ultimate price as he was found dead in a bathtub, his wrists slashed dozens of times and most of his manuscripts missing.
However, Casolaro had confided in friends that what he was doing was detailing the inner threat and criminal element whose tentacles were attached to a repugnant leviathan of deep conspiracies.
Casolaro had remarked that the tentacled criminal element sprouted almost like an endless hydra that, once you were able cut off one, another criminal element would grow in its place.
As governments accrue more power to themselves, they seek out ways to expand and complete their controland fear and dread secure the ideal atmosphere in which to enforce this type of mindless conformity.
The main goal of the so-called elite or the Illuminati is to create a network of human resource and labor for the sole purpose of maintaining the opulent lifestyles of the few. The way to do this is create an imperial cult or empire that many have already associated with what is called a bestial, leviathan empire. In ancient writings, mainly the biblical apocalypse, this empire will signal the beginning of the apostasy and it will have a number and that number will be six hundred threescore and six.
Two books that were removed from the Bible, Enoch and Jasher, were backed up and translated from Qumran scrolls and state in great detail that prior to a great catastrophe on the planet earth there was an evolutionary change that happens in a cycle of several thousands of years.
In the case of the Book of Enoch, there were reports of “The Watchers” or the Grigori, an extra-terrestrial race that gave knowledge to primitive man and mated with the women in order to propagate a hybrid species. These beings were also known as the Nephilim.
There were other beings known as the Bin Elohim and many more who visited and gave knowledge to mankind. Man evolved into his next phase of existence with the help of these beings. They were given simple machines and tools in order to build and grow.
As Andrew Hastie writes on his Infinitum blog, these ‘Watchers’:further taught their human charges arts and technologies such as weaponry, cosmetics, mirrors, sorcery, and other techniques which were intended to be discovered gradually over time by humans, not foisted upon them all at once. The Greek mythology about Prometheus revealing fire-making to humans without Zeus’s permission is likely a variant of the same ancient legend, and it is possible also that ancient legends among many cultures about cannibalistic giants and pervasive implementation of magical powers (such as in the tale Jack and the Beanstalk) arise from the same ancient mythology that came to inspire the Books of Enoch.
Ancient writings from the Epic of Gilgamesh to the bible speak of devastation at this moment in time, from Noah’s flood to the “Curse of Akkad” where Middle Eastern civilizations disappeared.
From these times came the histories of submerged lands and the rise of the new empires from the destruction, from chaos comes the order. The symbol of this new order anciently was a leviathan. Leviathans had been depicted in many forms, in some cultures it was depicted as a gigantic sea serpent that was also connected to Neptune or Poseidon.
It also was depicted has a huge octopus and eventually was seen as a symbol of the demiurge. The demiurge was the subordinate or substitute of the divine. There was the kingdom of the supreme being, and then there was the subordinate kingdom that was raised from the depths and used as a substitute or perhaps even a counterfeit to the divine kingdom of God.
The kingdom of the demiurge or leviathan was based in the material and not the spiritual and therefore was seen as the kingdom of Satan. The symbol of the octopus has been linked to gnostic sorcery and the notion that a new world can be forged in the guise of a godly kingdom.
Currently, Disney’s Marvel Studios have released a new film called “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and while the film is a sequel to their first Captain America entry, the story rings all too familiar with those who are fully aware of history and how ideological views in the United States are changing. American ideologies are changing about what we once were and what we truly should be.
Captain America still remains true to old American values while those around him seem to be changing and S.H.I.E.L.D – the fictional equivalent of the C.I.A. in the Marvel universe – is showing signs that it is not protecting American freedom, but targeting American citizenry.
Captain America comments that what S.H.I.E.L.D is doing is using fear in order to create a leviathan military industrial complex that is targeting Americans for death, Americans that are being seen as potential threats.
The biggest question is who are these Americans a threat against? As the story unfolds, we begin to realize that the protective S.H.I.E.L.D has been compromised and that many of the members of shield have been lured into believing in the ideology of HYDRA.
HYDRA’s symbol is the octopus and in the story of Captain America HYDRA is the science and technological wing of the NAZI’s led by Scientist Johann Schmidt, who later is revealed to be “Red Skull,” a notorious mastermind that believed his brand of Nazism and fascism would become more powerful than that of Hitler’s.
The new film is most definitely a fitting piece of subversive predictive programming that speaks openly about “Project Paperclip” where American intelligence operations along with the CIA recruited Nazis in order to get information about Russia. It also reveals HYDRA’s plan for a new world order that will use fear in order to bring about freedom.
The entire movie is a polemic against the police state and the current events that are happening now as American interests in Europe are mixed with deals being made with Nazi groups in Ukraine and empire crazed governments like the European Union.
You should know that before you buy a ticket that the movie covers quite poetically many topics that we have discussed from time to time about American values, constitutional law, making deals with known enemies and resurrecting old ideologies like Nazism in order to create a powerful militarized social order. Like the comment on the Facebook page said: “Captain America = Ground Zero movie”.
Captain America is forced to confront the global police state and the truth that the America he fought for during World War II never really did vanquish the Nazi ideologies that were thought to have died with Hitler.
The film not only is chilling, but the TV show ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘ is also a disturbing look into how easy it is for a police state to be compromised and how innocent people wind up being targeted by the very system we are told that is here to protect us.
The hope is that the message is not lost on the American people and that someone will pay attention when we hear of innocent Americans being killed by drones, or innocent women being executed in public with their children in tow, or a cattle rancher who is being forced from his ranch by 400 agents with guns loaded ready to cut him down.
The sad thing about the entire story of S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA is that both are said in the film to be two sides of a coin that is useless currency. The fascist infection is too far gone now that the system cannot be saved.
The only way to gain freedom again is to eliminate the predatory cancer, accept that it has wounded our freedom, and realize that recovery will take time and that as long as we recommit to those American values that were outlined in our declaration of independence and bill of rights we can move on and do better no matter the cost.
Today in America we have conflicting visions of the future and conflicting ideas on how we are to save ourselves if America falls to some criminal or cancerous ideology. There are many people who are waiting for the starting gun to react to such a catastrophe. There are others that see that the cancerous ideology of tyranny already has reared its head like a hydra, and no matter what we do the leviathan beast system is destined to become a figure that moves throughout our unfinished history.
It is true that America’s moral center has been compromised and that there is nothing more to rally around because we have somehow lost our way. We are now adrift on very turbulent waters. The question is whether or not we are going to accept the surveillance state with its data mining and its disregard for civil liberties or are we going to have to fight to regain what we have lost?
The situation we are facing cannot be changed by voting, or impeachment or anything else that would give satisfaction to those who still believe in the left-versus-right paradigm.
The left wing and the right wing are most certainly two sides of the same coin that has been minted as worthless currency.
Both sides have found themselves hearing the call of the Leviathan and have given in to the hydra’s whispers. The symbol of the octopus is a powerful reminder of the fascist entanglements and loathsome misconduct that has become the norm in our government.
The conspiracy is so deep that the center cannot hold and soon we will be hearing of more casualties that have been pulled under the waters of the abyss.
The time is at hand for yet another revelatory false flag.

Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Trailer 2 (OFFICIAL)

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