
Thursday, April 10, 2014

“Flight 370 Was Remote-Hijacked”

Kevin Barrett
A high-level Malaysian source has confirmed that missing Flight MH370 must have been hijacked by remote control.
Matthias Chang, a barrister who served as Political Secretary to the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, explained why only a remote-hijacking “fly by wire” scenario can explain the plane’s disappearance.
Read Matthias Chang’s MH 370 – A Sinister Tragedy In the Fog of Coincidence?
“Flight 370 Was Remote-Hijacked”
In an exclusive interview with Truth Jihad Radio, Chang – who remains well-connected with the highest political levels in Malaysia – patiently explained why all of the evidence points to a remote hijacking by one of the handful of countries capable of such a technological feat. He expressed annoyance with Western media criticism of the Malaysian government, arguing that it is Western governments, not Malaysia’s, that are covering up what they know while the media fails to ask the hard questions.
[The audio interview will be posted for subscribers by this evening here.]
During our interview on the morning of Friday April 4th (Malaysia time) Matthias Chang told me: “I want to raise a point that has not been much discussed in either the mainstream or alternative media, which is that the technology of autopilot has been in existence for a long time. Since September 11th, more sophisticated systems have been placed in all planes to avoid any hijackings. If there is a hijacking in progress it kicks in and flies to an airport to land safely. The system can be triggered by the pilot himself from the cockpit, or it can be triggered by ground control. And by ‘ground control’ I mean it can be operated from land, an AWAC plane, or a ship, by an entity that has the capability and technology to fly the plane remotely. That technology is out there.”
Chang pointed out that only remote-hijacking can explain the plane’s flight path: “This plane is flying for six hours on its own. Who’s flying the plane? The entity flying the plane must be those with the technology that’s used now to pilot drones. We know drones have been flown in Afghanistan from Florida. We have seen video tapes and news broadcasts about how ‘pilots’ in Florida are flying planes and drones in Afghanistan as if they are playing computer games.”
Chang explained that the Western media’s pilot suicide hypothesis “doesn’t hold water. If you’re a pilot, why turn back, go north to Thailand where there are military exercises going on, and you will know from the radar that other planes are flying, then turn south and fly for six hours? That’s ridiculous. Also, most suicides leave notes explaining why. This is another huge question mark. Why this accusation of the pilot, when the facts are inconsistent with suicide?”
Suggesting that the Western countries have been leading the public on a wild goose chase, Chang explained:
“During the past four weeks, we have heard of various countries providing data. Australia said there were two floating objects west of Perth, but when ships were sent they were not found. France, also, said they discovered two objects. When the search planes went, these too couldn’t be found. The satellite of Thailand (a US client state) found two objects. It was sea rubbish. This was followed by (US occupied) Japan saying they found objects. But those objects were not MH370s. The British firm Inmarsat, using its calculations, said the plane would have crashed in the area where the objects were located. But subsequently Boeing, doing new calculations projecting faster flight at lower altitude, said the plane could have ended somewhere 1000 miles north of the previously projected location.”
Were all of these people ordered to look in all the wrong places – by a military high command that knows perfectly well where the plane is?
Chang continues:
“Given all this information, it’s crystal clear, clear as day, that the one country that has the most sophisticated surveillance technology has remained mute. They may have given sealed evidence – I don’t know. But no public announcement.
As VT Editor Gordon Duff says, a gnat has a hard time disappearing. So how can a 777 vanish?
As VT Editor Gordon Duff says, a gnat has a hard time disappearing. So how can a 777 vanish?
“America has the most advanced satellites in the world…it can detect an object the size of a coin, look at bunkers buried deep underground. NROL 39 (the US National Reconnaissance Office) uses the octopus emblem. It states clearly that enemies of America cannot hide because ‘nothing is beyond our reach.’ The octopus’s tentacles encompass the whole globe. I find it very odd that America has been reticent, conspicuously silent, about what their satellites have shown, if anything.”
What makes it especially odd that the US will not admit it tracked the plane is that the flight path involved some of America’s most sensitive military areas:
“As MH370 reached the airspace of Vietnam it went north toward Thailand where the US-run Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises were being held. Then, allegedly, the plane ended in the Indian Ocean. But there is no evidence or debris. Now what is conspicuous…is that when a plane goes past Southern Thailand into the Indian Ocean, it has to fly past a very important landmark: Diego Garcia, a secretive US military base. It was from this base that the US launched bombers to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam before that. Surely this base has some of the most sophisticated surveillance technology. Any unidentified plane that flew in the direction of Diego Garcia would certainly be located and identified.”
Chang, the former top political advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, noted that the bizarre disappearance of MH370 coincided with the US-run Cobra Gold and Cope Tiger military exercises – just as previous “disasters” have mirrored suspiciously-timed drills and exercises:
“On 9/11, when planes struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, there were military exercises taking place, and NORAD and others were confused about whether the planes were part of the exercise or not.”
Chang was referring to the notorious 46 drills of September 11th 2001, the biggest pre-designated National Security Special Event Day in US history. Those exercises practiced and then mimicked every aspect of the actual attacks, including a live-fly plane-into-building exercise that shut down the National Reconnaissance Office and prevented NRO personnel from seeing satellite images of whatever the alleged attack planes and their military control planes, including the “Flying Pentagon” E-4B Command Center aircraft, were really doing that day.
Chang noted that the 7/7/2005 London bombings – like 9/11– perfectly mirrored drills that were occurring at exactly the same times and places:
“On 7/7 in London, there was a bombing of underground stations, plus the bus in Tavistock Square. Surprise surprise, four Muslim youth were said to be responsible for the deaths and injuries. Yet on that very day, there were terrorist bombing exercises at precisely the same four locations.”

Peter Power 7/7 Terror Rehearsal

Chang observed that Christopher Bollyn, whose book Solving 9/11 implicates Israel and its US agents in the worst terrorist attack in US history, has discovered indications that the disappearance of MH370 might be connected with another false-flag plot: “Bollyn exposed how, immediately after the hijacking (of MH370), the Times of Israel put out propaganda that the plane was hijacked by agents of Iran, then landed in Bangladesh to weaponize the plane to carry out a diabolical attack like September 11th.” (Bollyn also discovered a suspicious “evil twin” of MH370 hidden in an Israeli hangar – his article is linked here.)
Chang said that the media’s focus on the search for the MH370′s black box is a deception. “We’ve been diverted to look for the black box. Bullshit! There are plenty of signals.” Chang asserts that both Boeing, a leading US military contractor, and the Rolls-Royce company that makes the plane’s engines, know exactly what happened to MH370, because they are constantly fed signals giving them every significant detail about all of their planes including exactly location, altitude, airspeed, engine function, manual or autopilot, and so on.
Regarding Rolls-Royce, Chang said:
“As long as the engine is running, they monitor it. If anything goes wrong with the engine for any reason, they land the plane and abort the flight. There have been a couple of instances when Rolls-Royce detected malfunctions and told the pilot to land as soon as possible due to the malfunction.
“So for six hours or more, Rolls-Royce would have kept track of the pings. Rolls-Royce would know where the plane’s going. Now I’m told, rightly or wrongly, that in the protocol, Rolls-Royce may be prohibited from disclosing this information.”
Likewise, Malaysia has been prevented from disclosing the sealed evidence it has been provided by one or more unnamed countries – or even the name of that country or countries.
But despite the gag order, Chang thinks the evidence speaks for itself: “There is cyber war between these (larger) countries, and we small countries are caught in the middle. I think the passengers were collateral damage.”
Chang’s conclusion about Flight 370?
“Under the cover of the military exercises, something diabolical, something catastrophic, has happened.”

Pentagon Restricts ALL Leave to Diego Garcia… Are They Hiding Flight 370?

Is this another clue that Diego Garcia may hold the answers of missing Malaysian Flight 370?
The Pentagon has restricted all leave to the Diego Garcia Naval Base in the Indian Ocean. The below image was posted on April 4th to a Pentagon associated Facebook page:
diego garcia pentagon
The image was accompanied by the following message:
For additional information on AMC travel, please visit our website at
The Daily Sheeple reports:
RedFlagNews is reporting that as of April 4, leave travel TO Diego Garcia, the US military and intelligence base, is not authorized.
The notice was posted on the Diego Garcia Passenger Terminal Facebook page.
Located in the Indian Ocean, Diego Garcia is described by defense observers as the “best-kept secret in the navy”. The base is loaded with advanced observation and detection equipment which should have facilitated the search of the Malaysian airlines plane MH370.
Is MH370 – or evidence of what happened to the plane – being housed there?
This is getting to be an interesting possibility indeed.
Michel Chossudovsky reported last week that the resources of Diego Garcia should have been used extensively in the search for MH370:
Located in the Indian Ocean, the US Diego Garcia military and intelligence base –described by defense observers as the “best-kept secret in the navy”– has a gamut of advanced observation and detection equipment which should have facilitated the search of the Malaysian airlines plane.
But instead, the US military preferred to remain mum on the subject, as outlined by a carefully documented article by Matthias Chang.
According to Reuters (28th March, 2014, quoted by Matthias Chang):
Ultimately, the only country with the technical resources to recover the plane – or at least its black box recorder, which could lie in water several miles deep – may be the United States. Its deep-sea vehicles ultimately hauled up the wreckage of AirFrance 447 after its 2009 crash into a remote region of the South Atlantic.
The US has a state of the art spy satellite system, with very precise capabilities of monitoring the earth’s surface, including moving objects. These technologies are part of the United States Space Surveillance Network. The Diego Garcia base “is one of only a handful of locations equipped with a Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance system for tracking objects in deep space”.  Given the levels of sophistication of these observation technologies, it is highly unlikely that the MH370 flight could have travelled unnoticed over a large span of the Indian Ocean.
So the United States should have been more heavily involved in any search and/or rescue missions and, to our knowledge, they were not. Why is this important?
Well, last week we also ran into some interesting allegations that Philip Wood, an American passenger, allegedly transmitted a message and picture from Diego Garcia. Though the story seems far-fetched, it is entirely possible. The coordinates, taken from the “Image Exif data” clearly showed that the transmission came from Diego Garcia.
Can those coordinates be forged? Certainly but that does not mean that they were.
It also bears mentioning that even if the transmission was in fact sent from Diego Garcia, it does not mean that Philip Wood sent the picture and associated messages. How could his cell have held a charge for that long? If he was really incarcerated, as claimed, wouldn’t his captors make sure that internet access was impossible in the holding area?
Still it is possible and an interesting possibility that I felt was worthy of reporting.
Then, late last week, Philip Wood’s girlfriend, Sarah Bajc, appeared on CNN and dropped a bombshell. She said her sources were stating that MH370 had a military escort and that she believed the plane was intact. She believes that Philip Wood is still alive. She did NOT make any claims that the plane came to rest at Diego Garcia, but her story would seem to fit that possibility.
If that were the case, the obvious question would be why the Americans might be involved. As I reported on Friday, there were 20 employees from Freescale Semiconductor on board that plane. Some believe that they may have been privy to some very advanced military technology that might need protection. Dr. Jim Garrow has claimed that the technology has something to do with the ability to force light to pass through solid substances. That can not be verified but it is an interesting possibility.
None of these pieces of circumstantial evidence prove anything.
However, my contention since early on has been that, in 2014, it seems highly unlikely that this plane could just vanish without someone knowing where it crashed or landed. With today’s advanced surveillance technologies I simply have a hard time believing that.
So does our military cutting off Diego Garcia, as a travel destination, have anything to do with a missing Malysian Plane? I don’t know but it surely seems to be a possibility, no matter how remote.

Suspicious! Pentagon Blocks ALL Leave to Diego Garcia!

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