
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Feds Issue No-Fly Zone Over Bundy Ranch

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to remove Bundy from his land in order to build solar panel power stations.           yup over ...ranging fees and an endangered turtle ! not chin~ese solar panels  ?  LMMFAO (laughing my motherfucking ass off)   :O

Feds Issue No-Fly Zone Over Bundy Ranch

Mikael Thalen
April 12th, 2014
Updated 04/12/2014
The Federal Aviation Administration issued a no-fly zone over a portion of Bunkerville, Nevada late Friday evening, the site of a growing dispute between supporters of cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management.
Image: No Fly Zone (
Image: No-Fly Zone (
Effective until May 11, the no-fly zone covers a three-mile radius and restricts flight below 3,000 feet. According to the FAA, only BLM-controlled aircraft are permitted to fly within the restricted area.
“Only relief aircraft operations under direction of BLM are authorized in the airspace,” a section of the FAA order reads.
Authorized under Title 14, section 91.137(a)(1) of the Code of Federal Regulations, the order seemingly aims to block any third-party from viewing the BLM’s growing militarized presence.
(a) The Administrator will issue a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) designating an area within which temporary flight restrictions apply and specifying the hazard or condition requiring their imposition, whenever he determines it is necessary in order to—
(1) Protect persons and property on the surface or in the air from a hazard associated with an incident on the surface;
In a statement Friday evening, the Bundys speculated that the order was in response to photographs captured by a family friend earlier in the day that revealed a massive BLM compound.
“The Government has now declared this area a new[sic] flight zone!” the statement read. “We believe it is a reaction towards our aerial view of inside the compound as well as flying around the compound! There could be many other reasons as to why this has happened but up to this point we speculate that is was due to being able to still see within the restricted areas!”
While the BLM ships in armed Rangers to enforce their growing operation, peaceful protesters continue to arrive as well. Despite the media’s attempt to demonize Bundy supporters, the BLM has exclusively engaged in violent acts towards protesters.
Last Wednesday, armed BLM agents assaulted a cancer victim, set an attack dog on a pregnant woman and tasered a Bundy family member. The following evening, two brothers walking near a federal holding pen were assaulted and arrested after being accused of trespassing.
Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval spoke out against the federal government’s handling of the delicate situation earlier this week, pointing to the BLM’s ludicrous “First Amendment Area.” The designated protest zone, which was surrounded by armed snipers, was quickly removed after protesters refused to comply.
Although the BLM has continued to stand by the claim that its confiscation of hundreds of Bundy’s cattle is over ranging fees and an endangered turtle, which was being euthanized in mass by the agency last year, recent revelations point to a financial motive.
Documents uncovered by Friday revealed a plan by Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to remove Bundy from his land in order to build solar panel power stations. The documents, which were quickly removed from the BLM website, specifically mentioned Bundy by name. Incredibly, Reid’s former senior adviser was named director of the BLM just this week. Reid’s son has also been confirmed as the chief representative for a major Chinese energy firm which plans to build a multi-billion dollar solar plant in Nevada.

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