
Monday, April 28, 2014

Exclusive: NY Judge in Largest Bankruptcy Case in History Receives IRS & SEC Whistleblower Filing

24 April 2014 Here’s something that I think needs no comment… read carefully:
Judge Martin Glenn. Photo credit Cornell University Law School
Creditor and Whistleblower evidence alleges securities fraud, income tax fraud and income tax evasion. Further investigation is necessary to protect millions of homeowners.
New York City, New York – U. S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York’s Judge Martin Glenn, presiding over the simultaneous Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings of 51 residential mortgage companies, received a whistleblower filing package today from one of the creditors in this case, a private American citizen, Greg Morse.
The Internal Revenue Service and Securities Exchange Commission received the same package today. Among its contents is Morse’s whistleblower submission of IRS Form 211—Application for Award for Original Information, and SEC Form TCR—SEC Tip, Complaint or Referral, accompanied by voluminous supporting documentation. These federal agencies are mandated to investigate allegations of corruption and fraud.
The 51 bankrupt residential mortgage companies are directly or indirectly owned by Residential Capital, also known as ResCap.
Morse, a commissioned officer was honorably discharged from the U. S. Air Force and the U. S. Navy as an F-4 Phantom fighter pilot. He was one of the initial people who uncovered and successfully prosecuted a federal fraud case regarding the savings and loan debacle in the late 1980’s.
Like millions of Americans, Morse, believed when he refinanced his home mortgage in 2008 that it was legitimate but found out otherwise when he discovered that his chain of title had been broken by Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS). His home in Texas was not and is not in foreclosure. He has never been late or missed a mortgage payment.
According to N.Y. bankruptcy court records, as of March, 2012, at stake are over 2.4 million mortgages and Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) representing over 6.2 million Americans, according to U. S. census statistics.
The value of this bankruptcy case, as of today, is well over $400 billion—making it the largest bankruptcy in history.
There has been virtually no press coverage of this bankruptcy that affects the entire U.S. economy, millions of homeowners and nations who purchased RMBS securities. It far exceeds, in dollar volume and social impact, the General Motors bankruptcy which garnered front page media coverage for months.
68 percent of these mortgages in this N.Y. bankruptcy are either owned, insured, or guaranteed by Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae. Purportedly, a significant number of the mortgages are owned by RMBS Trusts.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are in conservatorship (bankruptcy). Their conservator is the U. S. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA). $45 billion is guaranteed by Ginnie Mae.
It appears this single bankruptcy represents at least 3% of all active U.S. residential mortgages.
Morse’s whistleblower filing package that was received by Judge Glenn today includes his 279 page jurat affidavit in support of IRS Form 211 and SEC Form TCR. His jurat affidavit is supported by 11,000 pages of corroborated, publicly sourced and court admissible evidence related to the mortgage crisis, the 2008 economic crash, his 2011 Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) civil case addressing his fraudulent mortgage—and the alleged acts of securities fraud, income tax fraud and income tax evasion.
As a court designated creditor, Morse has had access to documents through the official court-ordered website for large bankruptcies. He and his team have scoured through court documents and, to the best of their knowledge, it appears that these issues have not been introduced or investigated by the bankruptcy court.

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