
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Buried Evidence: The Strange Death Of Brittany Murphy Revisited – Part Two

SEE ALSO: Hollywood Babylon: The Strange Death Of Brittany Murphy Revisited

Shawn Helton

21st Century Wire

Brittany Murphy met an untimely end and her case has become one of the most enigmatic celebrity deaths in recent Hollywood history, revealing a cast of characters in a bizarre tale that has led many to believe that the death of the 32 year-old actress involved foul play.

This is Part Two of The Strange Death Of Brittany Murphy Revisited…

After looking back on Brittany’s rise to fame in Hollywood and her eventual untimely death at 32, we last left off discussing the forensic side of her case, examining some of the troubling details associated with her apparently incomplete autopsy, the questionable examination by The L.A. County coroner’s office and the private investigation of Brittany’s father Angelo Bertolotti into the death of his daughter.

We were told that Brittany had died of ‘natural causes’ following an autopsy performed on December 21st 2009, even though certain toxicology samples were not examined, most notably her hair, tissue and fingernails. In addition, a  Mees’ line examination was not conducted during the autopsy due to the polish that was apparently still present on Brittany’s fingernails.

Buried evidence

Mees’ lines, are prominent horizontal marks that can appear on a person’s fingernails when they’ve died due to - toxic heavy metal poisoning. It is often listed that renal failure (kidney failure) occurs when Mees’ lines are present, particularly when acute kidney failure takes place, giving them the appearance of shock kidney’s from the traumatic septic shock they have undergone. Even though Brittany is said to have suffered from diabetes and hypoglycemia, it is clearly listed in the apparent autopsy report, she had ‘shock kidney’s’ according to the coroner, suggesting the strong possibility that she could have been poisoned.

If Brittany did display some acute trauma to her kidney’s why wouldn’t the coroner perform a mees’ lines examination, as the sudden shock to her kidney’s could have suggested a different cause of death?

In February of 2010 the The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner once again concluded that  Brittany died of community acquired pneumonia, citing -pneumonia, iron deficiency anemia and multiple drug intoxication. It should be stated that No illegal drugs were found in her system, as the substances in her blood were consistent with medicine taken for cold and respiratory infections. Here is an excerpt from the autopsy report that confirms the types of over-the-counter medications in her system at the time of her death:

B.Murphy Autopsy 7If this autopsy excerpt is real, then what was behind the massive push to portray Brittany as a drug addict, claiming she was hooked to illegal substances, surely the coroner’s office could have set the media straight with these facts following her death?

It’s well-known the ‘dead circus’ that is Hollywood media likes to cook-up trashy headlines and bloated tabloid features but in the case of Brittany Murphy it appears as though there was a blatant disregard of facts contained within her autopsy.

IMAGE: Angelo Bertolotti 

Brittany’s father Angelo Bertolotti (AKA AJ) has had two independent tests conducted with Brittany’s DNA samples, revealing that it looked as though she was poisoned by “a third party perpetrator with likely criminal intent.” Both test have been funded solely by Bertolotti after filing a subsequent lawsuit against the LAPD and the L.A. County coroner (Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 12E09661) to obtain hair, blood and tissue samples for testing in 2012.

Bertolotti has been very outspoken in his quest to find out what happened to his daughter and has been unfairly attacked through many larger media outlets, some inaccurately reporting that he wasn’t Brittany’s real father, a claim that has undoubtedly been proven false. With all the recent gains in Brittany’s case, Bertolotti  was also seen on many talk shows and news segments explaining the new results that were released in November of 2013:

 “I expected to be attacked for embarrassing the LA Coroner. These tactics of planting red herrings in media hit pieces were predictable, but I’m still surprised at how low they are willing to go. I’m sure that intelligent people can see through it all. There is nothing natural in the way Brittany and Simon died. I don’t intend to stop searching for answers, until their deaths are properly and thoroughly investigated.”

After Bertolotti’s struggle to obtain forensic results, it was revealed that Brittany’s hair contained very high levels of heavy metals, most notably, the toxic metal Barium – a common ingredient in rat poison. There were also abnormally high levels of Uranium, Selenium, Manganese, Antimony, Aluminum, Copper, Silver, Tin and Platinum.

The possibility of foul play surrounding Brittany’s death was first brought to Bertolotti’s attention by an unlikely source, a woman formerly connected to the Depart of Homeland Security as a Customs and Border Protection Officer, by the name of Julia Davis.

Terror within

On the 4th of July, 2004 Davis had overseen the San Ysidro port known as one of the largest border crossing points in the world, she was told that this was a ‘date to watch’ by her superiors, as they claimed “Al Qaeda leaders were purportedly planning to penetrate porous U.S./Mexico land borders.” Julia had detected that 23 illegals from terror listed countries had entered the United States border without being properly processed over the course of a 24 hour period.

According to Davis, the Department of Homeland Security failed to take proper action after being alerted to her findings. Following their apparent inaction, she sent her information to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, going outside her agency subsequently revealing the country’s border gaps.

Davis was known as an exemplary employee with an outstanding record, regularly receiving certificates for her job performance. Following her border revelations, she was subjected to some 54  investigations by the very organization she worked for and for a brief time was labeled as – a domestic terrorist, before later proving her case in a court of law.

Davis’s home was subsequently raided by 27 DHS agents and a Blackhawk helicopter during her arrest, a raid apparently larger than that sent to the fabled Bin Laden compound. Footage obtained by a next door neighbor was used in her documentary Top Priority: Terror Within.

IMAGE: Julia Davis whistleblower and former Customs and Border Protection Officer at San Ysidro Port of Entry – the largest and busiest land border crossing in the U.S. and in the world.

During one of the 54 investigations into Davis, DHS, apparently installed a new supervisor named Susan Boutwell, who had previously only worked as a clerk before managing the more experienced Davis, after the former supervisor was forced from his position.

According to Davis, Boutwell’s daughter was trying to break into the film industry and it was ‘pure coincidence’ that Boutwell’s daughter crossed paths with Brittany Murphy during an audition.

Susan Boutwell used this information under oath and apparently fabricated a story that Julia Davis was working on a film during that period of time with her husband BJ Davis (film producer).  The date in question was on July 4th 2004, where Davis was apparently alerting her supervisors that 23 illegals were improperly processed as they entered into the United States at the port in which she worked.

Boutwell’s incredible tale, according to court records was a statement given by Brittany Murphy. This was later found to be a false claim, as Murphy denied the statement, leading  her to become a witness on behalf of Julia Davis during Davis’s whistleblower trial. Murphy was unable to testify due to her sudden death.

Was the Julia Davis case a motive in Brittany Murphy’s death?Certainly a large media frenzy would have followed if Murphy had testified on Davis’s behalf. Adding that to the strange forensic evidence that has been buried, it leads many to question the official story.

Watch Red Ice Radio’s interview with Julia Davis and her husband BJ below.

This is part two of the interview where she describes the Brittany Murphy connection…

Red Ice Radio - Julia & BJ Davis - Hour 2 - Top Priority: The Terror Within

IMAGE: Following Murphy and Simon Monjack’s passing their home was demolished apparently a year after Sharon Murphy was said to have sold the property to new owners. 

Molding the story

Sharon Murphy sold the Hollywood Hills property formerly owned by Brittany, narrowly avoiding foreclosure after claims of toxic mold being in the house. She subsequently filed suit against her attorney’s after not being aware of the possibility that Brittany and Simon could have died from mold. What’s odd here is that coroner Ed Winter, put the toxic mold queries to rest following Brittany’s autopsy, stating they specifically looked for evidence of mold in the death of both celebrities and did not find that it was a factor in their death.

Why was Sharon trying to sue for wrongful death, when there clearly seemed to be no case for it and why has she tried to put to rest theories about her daughter’s death, when there seems to be evidence of foul play?

Was this to distract from the attention she received in selling off many of Brittany’s belongings on an auction site following Brittany’s death?
IMAGE:  Simon Monjack and Sharon Murphy – a loving gesture with all the hallmarks of an Oedipal possession.
Hollywood love goes darkThe dynamic at the Hollywood Hills home that Brittany owned was odd to say the least, as there appeared to be something amiss among the trio that lived there. Brittany was the real ‘bread-winner’ as Simon and Sharon seemingly floated through their own prescription filled haze at the residence, with Simon occasionally working.

Simon Monjack grew up in  Bourne End, Buckinghamshire with his parents Linda and William Monjack, he was said to have an above average IQ but often struggled to ‘finish projects’ with very little output in terms of a film career, most notably a screenwriting credit on Factory Girl, a 2005 film about Andy Warhol‘s drug-sex-kitten Edie Sedgwick. Monjack had apparently filed a suit to get listed on the film credits, claiming he had his script stolen.

He was raised by a hypnotherapist mother and a father who worked for the manufacturing company 3M, a business known for tape and post-it pads, that also has a hidden past in defense manufacturing in the 40′s after WW2. Monjack’s father passed away of a brain tumor in 1986. Recently in 2010 3M broke into the biometrics industry with a $943 Million dollar purchase of  Cogent Systems, Inc. a manufacturer of automated fingerprint identification.

Some say Brittany and Simon were friends when she was younger, however, others have suggested that the couple met at a party in 2006, as it has been stated that Simon talked his way into the New York and Los Angeles film cult, befriending Hollywood insiders when he could.  

Simon was said to have incurred a large debt borrowing funds from the  Royal Bank of Scotland Group owned Coutts, an institution linked to a large money-laundering scandal in 2012.

In 2007, Brittany and Simon tied the knot in a private ceremony at her home, prompting those around her to denounce the wedding, as some saw Simon as a gold-digger, who was in custody for overstaying his visa just one month before.

In the hours before Simon died he apparently phoned his mother Linda, leaving her a message to tell her how sick he was, Sharon was allegedly heard in the background saying that he should tell the doctor he had a temperature of 104 degrees. Linda stated she called up the Hollywood residence as she ”pleaded with Sharon over and over during those last hours to get medical help, to get him to a hospital, but she didn’t.”

Why wasn’t 911 called in time, as it apparently took hours for Simon to die?

When the coroner came to gather evidence after Simon’s passing, it was revealed that Sharon had apparently been sharing a bed with her son-in-law, as her belongings were observed in the same bedroom.

IMAGE: The scene at Brittany’s Hollywood Hills home following her death on December 20th 2009.

IMAGE: Lakshman Sathyavagiswaran

A catalog of errors

We may never know the answers to Brittany’s case unless forensic evidence is throughly looked at and a motive in her death is properly established.

The manner of her death was determined as ‘accidental’ By Dr. Lakshman Sathyavagiswaran, the chief medical examiner -coroner and well-known pathologist in the L.A. County office.

Lakshman had also overseen the Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman murder case and was called to testify in the O.J. Simpson trial.

What’s important to note here is that Lakshman’s team of coroner’s were seen on video footage disturbing the crime scene, walking all over the place and going up and down the bloody steps leading up to the Simpson residence.

There was also evidence of ‘passive dripping blood’ on the back of Nicole Simpson, suggesting it could have been blood from the killer. According to leading forensic scientist Henry Lee, they never even checked that blood sample.
In one piece of evidence against Simpson, a forensic blood coagulate known as EDTA  (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) was found. EDTA does not occur naturally, suggesting it was mixed with the DNA in a post treated crime scene, indicating evidence was tampered with.
So the question is, how has Laskhman and his associates at the L.A. County corner’s office remained employed, when you consider the that they have forensically botched cases before, according to experts in their field?

It appears as though Brittany’s case has also suffered at the hands of the L.A. County coroners office.

How many other Hollywood cases are like this?

BBC - OJ Simpson the Untold Story

all their evidence, isn’t evidence, its corrupted.” – Peter Harper a crime scene expert, discussing the gathering of evidence at Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman’s murder scene.
IMAGE: Was Brittany becoming more engaged as a political activist before her death?

21Wire has made some recent inquires into this case, contacting the L.A. County Coroner’s office, it seems at the moment there will be ‘no’ new investigation from authorities into the strange deaths of Brittany Murphy or her husband Simon Monjack.

Will we ever know what happened to this iconic star?

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