
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bundy Ranch standoff pictures the mainstream media doesn't ever want you to see 

Originally published April 15 2014

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) The Bundy Ranch standoff is the true story of American history that the mainstream media doesn't want you to see. If such an event had happened in Ukraine, or Russia, or China, it would have received front-page coverage across the entire U.S. press. But because it took place within U.S. borders, there was a nationwide media blackout on the story, complete with orders that news outlets broadcast no pictures, no videos and no live reports from the scene.
Ever wonder what's so important about Bundy Ranch that the institutions of media and government have gone to extraordinary lengths to censor, including declaring a "no fly zone" over the airspace?

The answer to that question is found in the photos below, republished with permission from Guerilla Media Network whose founder, Pete Santilli, was one of the key persons on the ground urging peace and non-violence as evidenced in this secret recording released by Natural News.

The federal government, on the other hand, brought hundreds of armed men, snipers, helicopters and even what the mainstream media would characterize as "assault rifles" to the scene -- all for what BLM claims was an effort to "save the desert tortoise!"

Permission was granted to Natural News to publish these photos, but I was instructed to relay the message that if any mainstream media sources which to use these photos, they must first contact GMN ( for permissions and usage rights.

Now, behold the chapter of American history you were never supposed to know took place:

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