
Saturday, April 19, 2014

American Predator State

American Predator State


Michael C. Ruppert appeared on Ground Zero twice and he also hosted a seminar in Portland that was sponsored by a public access television network I worked with to produce a local public affairs show called Mad as Hell TV. I remember how Ruppert always spoke of the apex or the point in which we would know that America has reached its tipping point.
Ruppert illustrated the future war for resources and land use; he also spoke of the full collapse of society based on the transition from oil to other forms of energy.
From the time he testified as an LAPD officer that the CIA was part of a drug trafficking scheme to exploring the corruption of government, he connected the dots and showed us that the future would be a never ending cycle of big money bullies using bribery and intimidation to force agendas that would be devastating to the American way of life.
The idea was that the schemers love to play with people, divide them and play both sides in order to create a controlled demolition of the American way of life.
He continued to write and produce information that left him in a situation where he feared for his life. He had suffered financial hardships and emotional upheaval as revealing the truth can often lead to being shunned and abandoned.
He did it right up to the point where he took his own life last Sunday. I think he knew that the tipping point had arrived and that suicide was a surefire way to not find out how the plot ends.
The show goes on, and while he is gone a lot of what he predicted is now seemingly coming true. We are not only a nation of intimidation but we are now becoming, as author James K. Galbraith put it, a “predator state.”
Today as I was looking over my Facebook page, someone was posting that my position about what has been happening lately in the news is exactly the same position as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or even Glenn Beck.
As I was reading the post I realized that this was his attempt to put me into a category of a right wing extremist because below his post he placed the web address of a CNN opinion piece about how the right wing are similar to Islamic terrorists.
Of course, the proof that has been cited is the story about Frazier Glenn Cross – an extreme example of hate.
As that CNN op-ed titled ‘U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists’ says, Cross is the man that “shot and killed a 14-year-old boy and his grandfather at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and then drove to a nearby Jewish retirement community where he shot and killed a third person. Police arrested a suspect, Frazier Glenn Cross, who shouted “Heil Hitler” after he was taken into custody.
Cross, who also goes by Frazier Glenn Miller, is a well-known right wing extremist who founded the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Peter Bergen, the author of the article, is CNN’s National Security Analyst and makes the claim that Cross killed as many people as the Boston Marathon bombers and that his “Heil Hitler” shout could easily have been substituted with “Allahu Akbar” – implying that we are to be aware of the new terrorists and they are the right wing extremists that even the right wing don’t claim as their own.
But that won’t sell to a struggling left wing that wants to point fingers at the extremist views of people and completely avoid the stories of left wing whack jobs that have shot up schools and shopping malls leaving behind notes that there needs to be gun control.
If one wants to point out a conspiracy sometimes they sound political, but rest assured that the conspiracy that exists is not all right wing or left wing. It is a conspiracy that shows no loyalty to one party or neither can we blame one party for a conspiracy. However that does not stop people from doing so.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported:
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy “domestic terrorists” because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way.
“Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists … I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.”
The Nevada range war story is now spiraling into a war of words between political parties and the spin has now painted the militias and the so-called freedom fighters as extremists who are the equivalent of Frazier Glen Cross.
This is an amazing turn of events as the media has cleverly found a way to get people to figuratively eat each other and fight the idea that standing up for freedom is an extremist view that is right up there with Islamic terrorism, ideologies of the KKK or even Hitler.
There are more times than not that I am finding myself cringing at the emotional investment that many people put into political topics. Those who wish to point out the malfeasance in the entire political riff-raff are faced with derision and marginalization.
Emotional investments in anyone or any political ideology can sometimes lead to disenchantment. Nationalism has never been a substitute for common sense.
In a predatory state where intimidation is seems to be the way politicians do business in the apocalypse, the average American does not realize the mental traps that are intentionally set to get a reaction and to foment an age of turmoil and division.
There are still a few people out there that are so hopeful that things will change that we ignore that they really haven’t.
Somehow the people surrounding President Obama seem to be taking advantage of their power and those who were on the other side are becoming more embittered and polarized.
I want to refresh your memory about how propaganda works and how we forget how spin keeps us divided and how money can buy an illusion with regard to political conspiracy.
Not too long ago George W. Bush was considered a President with Nazi philosophies. Now, conservatives claim that Obama is the Nazi, or the socialist, or even the Marxist.
The problem is how we can’t identify the problem of government overreach because we blame it on a political party and how right and left wing extremists are the Nazis, the fascists, and the Marxists in our midst. Isn’t it obvious that the entire government is corrupt, and that Nazi / Marxist suspicion is really the ghost of good old fashioned fascism whispering in your ear that ‘something wicked this way comes‘?
Can we not determine that there is a plan afoot with all of the same trappings that were set prior to many extremist coup-d’etats that have been recorded in history?
Can we see this as a warning that someone or some organization with a truckload of non-traceable money is about to commit another crime of the century that is equivalent to either 9/11 or the Boston Bombings?
The war that we are waiting for is a war from within and it is being created by spin doctors that wish to see civil upheaval through collapse and implosion of the rule of law.
It is time that our nation, as a collective whole, toughens its emotional skin and stop pretending that whatever horrors are happening are going to change or go away soon. Otherwise, we will make harsh judgments on our fellow man based on programmed prejudices that have been fortified by pundits who wish to keep pushing the right and left paradigm.
Our mainstream thinking is that our home, our government, our system is too great to fail. We need to bring into perspective the reality those who place themselves above us, will soon see their end too.
The whole machine is showing signs of corruption. This spans the entire political spectrum, from Republican to Democrat. Ambition, while admirable, can also be detrimental if it has its foundation in lawlessness and uses the pain of others for unknown ends. This nation will eventually become undeveloped and we will no longer have the luxuries we once cherished.
The dangerously naïve in this country, comfortable in their manicured lawn suburban sprawl, complacent with American Idol, and Sports will discount the possibility that a there could be civil unrest, war, bio threat and even a coup that bring about a dictatorship in this country.
It is becoming evident that if anyone points out that sociopaths or psychopaths are creating and taking advantage of crisis they will be labeled a lunatic or worse. We need to be mindful of what was written in Section 5 of the Project for the New American Century.
It was proposed by neo-cons and war hawks, many of them involved now with the Ukrainian crisis, that change begins when there are trigger events to set off the chaos. We can easily perceive that a terror event or a “homeland” crisis is looming. We have been programmed for this since the days of the Bush administration.
We can also read over many documents and facts that point to the possibility that what the future holds is a mass uprising and possible mega-death scenario that will create chaos in a country that already has been ravaged by economic debt and victimized by a terrorist event and the paranoia of an unknown enemy ready to strike.
Each time there is a crisis on the horizon, or there is an attack no matter how minor or major, the dialogue in the media is open to socialist programs, growth in the national security state and how we can eliminate extremists. The definition of extremist is loosely defined.
There is also an immediate response from both political parties as to how failures within an administration are to blame and how the answer is with the alternative. The problem is we have been choosing one or the other because the system coerces you into thinking that only two parties are capable of protecting and providing a solid plan to combat the threats that exist.
All the while they are incapable of identifying the threat that is within the ranks of both political groups. During elections, some Americans are cocksure that the choice to remove one incompetent administration is guarantee that the new choice will not continue the same corrupt policies and ideologies.
Carroll Quigley, author of the book “Tragedy and Hope,” was very aware of how America was being intentionally transformed into socialist nation by wealthy individuals working together behind the scenes of government.
As Debbie O’Hara wrote in the article ‘America’s Two-Party System is a Hoax‘: “These individuals figured that if they could give the people two candidates with the same socialist goals but still call one a “Democrat” and one a “Republican”, they could give the people the illusion of choice while keeping the country headed in the same direction no matter who was elected to office.
Quigley himself stated: “The two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shift in policy.
We are now feeling a climate of intimidation and dissension. Ranks are splitting on what is truly going on and things are getting too real and too bizarre for some people.
It can only be speculated that there is a hidden hand in all of this, and that hidden hand is providing a means to provide enough misinformation and confusion to generate hatred between the citizens of the United States. The question is who is behind all of this and what their goals are.
There is an axiom that comes from the movie ‘All the President’s Men‘ that’s says if you want to know who is behind malfeasance just “follow the money“.
Money buys political influence and it is money that buys off people in the media who shift their positions abruptly in order to look as if they have nothing to do with pushing an agenda, when all along their souls have been bought off.
We all know that both conservative and liberal groups have rushed to create non-profit organizations that supposedly exist to work on “social welfare” causes. The truth is that they are fronts to raise what is called “dark money” in order to secretly spin the political views in the zeitgeist.
Most of the money they generate is sent by private donors and these organizations do not have to reveal who those donors are. “Dark money” pushes agendas and spins the political climate and this is why we see the tide turn against those who wish to stand up to the oligarchy.
By law, candidates and elected officials cannot coordinate with these so-called “shell groups,” “front organizations” or “fence groups” during an election or to shape policy.
It’s a crime to do so, but that hasn’t stopped the super rich banksters and gatekeepers like Charles and David Koch from helping politicians of both parties get elected – and then calling in political favors.
During one of their secret meetings an official donor list was left behind and on that list it has been proposed were the names of those who drop heavy money into pushing different agendas.
Now the scary part is the Koch brothers and others like George Soros are actually playing on the same side as both have enough funds to play both sides against each other creating a chaotic body politic.
Both claim to have right wing and left wing interests and yet both sides seem to be creating the same atmosphere of enabling what can be called a controlled demolition of the United States.
Another multibillion dollar agenda pusher is the head of the powerful DeVos family led by Amway tycoon Richard DeVos Jr. who pushes his authoritarian agendas that enable both left and right wing discord.
The conspiracy that is happening between the big money families can only be speculated about because the default is to say that it is all about the right wing when both sides are being played and many politicians and others are being bought off in order to spin a certain agenda.
It is a dark and sinister underworld where bribery and intimidation are used to get certain outcomes.
Now we are seeing turmoil and confusion in the United States.
Is it any wonder why these things are happening? Is it a vast right wing or left wing conspiracy or is it simply a conspiracy of enablers with enough money that is being generated by shell organizations that answer to multi-billion dollar controllers that have the power to put certain people intro positions of power and eliminate those who cross them?
There are many blanket crises that can be targeted and followed and eventually you can reveal who benefits monetarily from all of the pain and suffering.
Sham profiteering and megalomaniacal power players are now getting too much power in our new found predator state and are more than likely planning the next crisis to carry out.
It can either be a world war or a range war, it does not matter because the war is always against you and they benefit from some sick and twisted disaster capitalism blueprint, that is a valuable in influencing your vote and your decisions about how you plan your future.

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