
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Shocking Discoveries Made: Studies Confirm The Reality Of Remote Viewing

???????????????????Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. It’s the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometres away (even more) from their physical location. Although the concept has been proven, it’s not clear to the mainstream scientific community how it’s achieved. It’s important to note that a lot of the research within these programs remains classified, and the majority of the information we do have today was previously classified(2) only to be approved for release years later. It makes you wonder, what information with regards to the remote viewing phenomenon remains classified?
Our world is full of information, the only problem is we don’t always know where to look. Scientific  discoveries that are relevant to the human race are not always emphasized. Many types of phenomena we still deem to be false have been proven to be a true reality long ago. These realities have far reaching implications, and shedding light on them further confirms new concepts of reality that are yet to receive the attention they deserve in our scientific community. What happens when we come across information that goes beyond matter and into the realm of reality we can’t sense with our eyes, can’t feel with our hands, can’t hear with our ears or can’t smell with our nose? Does it cease to become scientific? Absolutely not, quantum physics has confirmed the non-physical reality in years past, and the human race is beginning to acknowledge these realities in its continual examination of the make-up of our reality.
The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in a decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence – Nikola Tesla
Science has studied non-physical phenomena before, unfortunately a majority of it remains classified(2). Many  discoveries associated with non-physical phenomena is unknown in the eyes of the masses, but known in the classified world.  It’s called parapsychology, a term used to replace the previous term “psychical research.” Studies concerning paranormal phenomena have long been associated with controversy for no good reason. With multiple studies and research confirming the validity of paranormal phenomena, more people are becoming aware that these concepts have been demonstrated and proven in multiple laboratories in years past (0). The intelligence community is of no exception to this. Beginning in the 1970′s, the department of defence has co-operated with researchers from various universities(1)(2) by conducting multiple experiments and creating programs designed to investigate the application of  paranormal phenomena. One phenomenon that seems to receive the majority of their attention is remote viewing (1)(2).
Let’s examine some of the research available in the public domain. Some of these findings may shock you.


In 1995, the CIA declassified and approved the release of documents revealing its involvement in a remote viewing program conducted at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA (2).  The program was designed to determine if agencies like the CIA could use such phenomena for “intelligence collection (2).” The research conducted by Stanford University and the CIA lasted for decades and confirmed the fact that the intelligence community has a high interest and involvement in parapsychological phenomena. The study was compromised of department of defence personnel and an individual named Ingo Swann(2) -just to name one of the many. Research was conducted by Russel Targ and Harold E. Puthoff, the Doctors who founded the 23 year long study at Stanford University alongside Defence Intelligence Agencies and Army Intelligence(2).
Successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the (remote viewing) phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols. CIA personnel generated successful target descriptions of sufficiently high quality to permit blind matching of descriptions to targets by independent judges(2).
After confirming the reality using objects hidden in envelopes and identifying physical characteristics at locations a few hundred kilometres away, a participant in the study at Stanford by the name of Ingo Swann (2) suggested carrying out an experiment to remote view the planet Jupiter(2).
It just so happens that the NASA pioneer 10 was about to make a flyby of the planet. Before the flyby, Ingo was able to view a specific ring around Jupiter before NASA was able to take pictures of it. Mr. Swann was correct. As he had claimed, he successfully remote viewed the ring around Jupiter. This result was published by Stanford university in advance of the rings discovery(2). Many other anomalies of Jupiter were described before being given scientific substantiation.
The Jupiter experiment was not to be an official one. It was wrapped up in very stringent protocols. but the remote viewing raw data had to be recored somehow, so that it oculd be established that it existed prior to the NASA vehicles getting to the planet. The raw data were circulated far and wide, offered to and accepted by many respected scientists in the Silicon Valley area, including two at Jet Propulsion Laboratories(3) - Ingo Swann
The intelligence services are heavy players, they required an active picture of Psi potentials somewhat larger than standard parapsychology could provide. Because of these unusual circumstances, I got dragged into realms of often idiotic secrecy, into endless security checks conducive of paranoia, into all kinds of science fiction dreamworks, into intelligence intrigues whos various formats were sometimes like toilet drains, and into quite nervous military and political ramifications (3) - Ingo Swann
Ingo was taken to mysterious underground places, transported and blindfolded. He encountered some very shady intelligence officers and was subject to mistreatment and intimidation-like tactics. He was examined, tested and also used in an experiment to remote view the moon. After all of his work within the intelligence community, Ingo was dumbfounded. He successfully remote viewed objects, structures and bases on the dark side of the moon. Presumably, the intelligence community was already aware of this phenomenon. Ingo gave reference to the fact that the intelligence community did not need his input (3).
It’s one thing to read about UFOs and stuff in the papers or in books. It is another to hear rumours about the military or government having an interest in such matters, rumours which say they have captured extraterrestrials and downed alien space craft. But it’s quite another matter to find oneself in a situation which confirms everything. I found towers, machinery, lights buildings, humanoids busy at work on something I couldn’t figure out (3).
Stanford University and the Intelligence community are not the only entities to confirm the remote viewing reality. An evaluation of remote viewing and its research applications was prepared by the American Institute for Research. They outline how remote viewing could serve as a tremendous potential utility for the intelligence community (1). A panel was assembled of multiple professors from multiple universities. They examined approximately 80 separate publications and determined that they provided very strong evidence for the remote viewing phenomenon.
A study published by the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research department also confirmed the reality of remote viewing(0)
As the program expanded, in only a very few cases could the clients’ identi- ties and program tasking be revealed(1)
Remote viewing programs have been validated on numerous occasions, yet there is a tremendous amount of secrecy surrounding its findings. The department of defence loves to classify information. Fortunately, the intelligence gathered from the practice of remote viewing has the potential to lift the lid of secrecy that continues to plague planet Earth. I wanted to provide the necessary information and hopefully wake others up to the reality of this phenomenon.
What does remote viewing tell us? Is consciousness being projected to another area? Is it our “soul” travelling outside of the body to view another? Everything in this universe is connected. Both actually and scientifically we are all pieces of something larger. We are all connected. Accessing another point that seems to be physically in another place really isn’t in another place at all. These concepts have been demonstrated time and time again in our quantum world. It’s just another part of you, all in one place. Could this be one explanation of remote viewing?
What is the intelligence community trying to hide? Our world becomes more transparent day-by-day. Many are making connections and starting to realize there is much more to our reality than meets the eye, you just have to know where to look. For those interested and intrigued in this subject, I hope this article has provided a good framework for you to further investigate. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me with any questions you might have.

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