
Friday, March 14, 2014


Posted by George Freund on March 13, 2014

This is not good. At the drop of a hat serious fighting could ensue. The Russians provoked will fight. When the tanks roll across Europe he'll rescind the sanctions in Paris himself. I don't think our leaders have clue ONE about the depth of the mess we're in and how to resolve the crisis with the Russians. It could start with an apology and a promise to cease and desist the regime change policy. It could escalate to open confrontation. Be on your guard if the shooting starts especially if aircraft, ships or artillery are involved. Have an exit strategy if you're in a tough spot and USE IT!

Russia Massing Military Forces Near Border With Ukraine

Russia announces start of military exercises near Ukrainian border

Red Army masses on Ukraine border: 80,000 troops and missile launchers spark invasion fear

There is NO WAY in HELL the Russians are going to let the fascists that control the west dominion of the world. They'll NUKE us first. It is possible Snowden gave them the keys to the store. We won't know until after the nuclear winter. It has been my considered opinion our leaders have been planted for the sole purpose of getting Russia and the United States into a real shooting war as the ultimate revenge for the Nazis losing the war. It may not be long in coming.

Don't forget the programming in the map used in the film X Men.

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