
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Processed and Engineered Food, Industrial Pollution: Heavy Metals’ Toxicity in Blood and Tissues

Doctors should test the heavy metal levels in your blood at every checkup


by: S. D. Wells
Add it up and what have you got? Genetically engineered food, fluoridated water and pesticides are leading America off a health cliff. Then come the heavy metals, and not the naturally occurring amounts, but the massive chemical overload ingested by humans who do not pay attention to the foods they eat.
Have you had your blood (and tissues where heavy metals quickly settle) tested lately for high levels of arsenic and cadmium? What does your insurance cover regarding this, or do you have “organic food” coverage instead? In a normal world with lots of natural food everywhere, this wouldn’t be a problem, but now insurance should ALL be based on healthy food and doctors helping you monitor and minimize the “damage” from the processed and engineered food that makes you sick. Unfortunately, Western Medicine has it all turned around. Industrial pollution is now commonly found at high levels in conventional food, water and medicine. Here’s a thought:
Doctors should regularly test all patients, before doing anything else, for maximum (set) limits of copper, aluminum, nitrates, mercury and pesticides. Your doctors should test your blood and body tissues for lead and aluminum toxicity when you walk through the door. Children should be tested even more frequently than their parents due to development stages! Let’s get real with all of this right now. Currently, the CDC keeps shifting their position on lead poisoning, unable to pinpoint an amount that’s safe. That’s insane. That’s like trying to determine how much mercury is safe for human consumption, or injection, or whatever else the CDC is “considering” at certain levels. Not even certified organic food from China is safe. Testing for cadmium and aluminum blood toxicity would save millions of people every year from pain and misery, and would spare them from the “disorders” and “diseases” that seem to only plague the USA and the countries that we “help” develop (with GMO food and toxic vaccines).
Fluoridated water is a major source of lead. That’s a scientific fact. (
Thimerosal is a “methyl mercury compound that causes severe, permanent nervous system damage. Mercury is highly toxic to the brain. You should never touch, swallow or inject mercury at any dose. There is no safe dose of mercury! … Even the CDC readily admits vaccine still contain mercury (thimerosal).” [emphasis added]

Additives, preservatives and toxic heavy metals in your blood and tissues

Sodium nitrites and monosodium glutamate, or MSG, are both used as flavor enhancers or food preservatives, but each can be dangerous to your health in large quantities. Because of the high potential for toxicity, the federal government regulates how much sodium nitrite is allowed in your food, and the FDA requires that MSG be included in the ingredient list of any food that contains it. Did you know that it’s in your vaccines and flu shots? Yes, MSG. Do you know how much? You do understand that this is much more dangerous, even in lower doses, than food, because it bypasses digestion (and the lungs) and can cross your blood-brain barrier. If you do not understand this in parts per million, listen to the Health Ranger explain it:
Research more about aluminum, mercury and MSG coursing through your veins, your heart, your central nervous system and your brain: (http://www.naturalnews.coml).
Is your doctor examining these issues? Why NOT? If you knew your levels every day for a month, you would probably freak out. If you knew your levels right after getting a flu shot, drinking a gallon of tap water or eating some sushi from China (Fukushima-radiated and industry-polluted), you would understand how “far gone” Western Medicine really is. (

Big Food pushes heavy metals on America

Check out your heavy metal levels in breakfast cereals, and your kids’ too! (
Check out levels of dangerous, detrimental heavy metals in your drinks, from sports drinks to fruit juices. Be on the lookout! (
Oh, and what about your protein powders/shakes? Check your lead and cadmium: (
Heavy metals are being found in USDA-certified organic foods, superfoods, vitamins, herbs and dietary supplements, according to the Health Ranger’s tests in the Forensic Food Lab. Extremely toxic levels of mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and copper are being found. You have to know what NOT to buy first, and then you can perfect your choices of food and supplements!
It’s time to talk to a naturopath about all of this. Reverse the madness. Let food be thy medicine. (

Get your blood, hair, and urine tested

From the Health Ranger, Mike Adams: “Before you can treat metals toxicity, you need to determine what levels of metals you actually have contaminating your body’s tissues.
“As metals toxicity expert Roy Dittman explained in our recent interview, a blood test alone cannot accurately determine your level of metals toxicity. Many metals quickly pass from your blood to your tissues, where they may lodge and cause serious long-term health problems such as:
“• Iron lodged in your heart tissue can cause heart disease.
“• Aluminum lodged in your brain tissue can cause Alzheimer’s or clinical insanity.
“• Mercury lodged in your brain can cause autism spectrum disorders.
“• Lead lodged in your bones can interfere with red blood cell production and even white blood cell production.”
It’s not too late to change your ways for good. Don’t wait for your government or schools to save you from GMOs, heavy metal toxins and pesticides in food. You have to be your own scout. Now get busy!
Sources for this article include:

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